The two people, such as glue-like paint, finally separated. Ye Hao leaned against the door and watched the ink-filled Zhan Zhan leave. She didn’t know why she couldn’t bear him more, as if... I was worried that I couldn’t live like this sweetly in the future. Is this a sign or is she insecure? He obviously likes her so much, how can she feel uneasy?

He is like her poison, knowing that he is addicted, but he can't quit.

This is not right...

She can't rely on Murong Zhan so much. After so many things, she has long ceased to be the Qin Wang who was under house arrest in Qin Wangfu, but the queen of Jinguo, she loves him, when she is most lonely and helpless. He is her belief. She can't always rely on him to protect. Although she doesn't like this palace very much, she must protect herself. I can't be bullied by others in my own home.

Ye Hao looked up at the sky, and in the depths of her heart, she was inexplicably flashed. She did not dare to explore where this is unwilling to come from. She quickly pressed it down and told Hongling, "Go and ask my wife to come over." ”

He has been waiting very much in the partial hall. She has already entered the palace. How can she not see her daughter? Isn't that something going to happen?

"Madam, the maiden please ask you to go." Hung Hom came over and saw that Yan was very nervous and smiled and appeased her. "There is the emperor in the house, so let you wait a little longer here."

"It turned out to be the emperor." He took a sigh of relief and felt funny when he had been thinking about himself. "How about the goddess?"

Hung Hom smiled and said, "The sissy has always been good. You will know when you see the maiden."

He thought that her daughter had been taken away by the Xiliang Wuwang. She was spoiled at home from a very young age. How could it be better to go to the Xiliang? It is good to be able to keep the child, she thought that she might have suffered a lot in Xiliang, and her heart was just baked.

"Mother, my wife is coming." Red Dragonfly asked me to go in.

Ye Hao stood up immediately. "Mom, you are here."

I want to say that when I saw a stomach, I saw Ye Hao running towards her belly. She seemed to see her daughter just learning how to walk. She was so happy to pounce on her, her tears suddenly Can't control it, "You, this kid, your child..."

She cried and hugged Ye Hao. God knows that she can sleep peacefully without a night. She closes her eyes as if she saw her daughter being killed. She saw her face ruddy and returned with her child. She only came back. Finally allowed herself to cry, she has been holding back during this time.

Ye Hao was very happy to see Yu's, she was crying like this, her eyes followed the hot flashes, "Mother, I am fine, good."

He wanted to hit her a few times before, and the hand just picked it up. When she saw Ye Hao’s stomach, she couldn’t feel so bad. She had to hold her daughter in her arms. “You scared me, scared me. ”

"I'm fine, do you think I'm not good?" Ye Hao cried and smiled. "Mother, don't cry, cry, I want to cry."

"Don't cry, don't cry." Yan wiped away tears and saw that her daughter was happy. She cried something. "I just saw you happy."

Ye Hao took the hand of Qi’s hand and sat down. “Mother, I let you enter the palace is to let you know, I am actually very good. When I was in the priest’s house, Qi Ruoshui didn’t dare to treat me. Six princes will save soon. I went out, and I have always been with the emperor, and I will be wronged."

We have looked at her up and down, and finally I am relieved. "If you are not wronged, you are a child with great blessings. After that, you will be safe and safe, and there will be nothing more."

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "I have always been blessed."

"Is this child noisy?" The gentleman looked at her belly lovingly, and the time flies so fast. In the blink of an eye, her little baby will have a baby, and she will be defamed.

"No trouble, I have always been very well-behaved since I was pregnant. I have a good sleep and I have no reaction at all." Ye Hao said with a smile, except that she was uncomfortable for two days, she felt comfortable all day. Going for an hour without breathing.

He smiled and nodded. "That's good. When I was pregnant with your older brother, I always vomited and fainted. I really can't wait for anything to eat. It just doesn't smell a little bit of oil. After a few months. better."

Ye Xiao smiled. "Big brother is too naughty."

"Who said, your brother was not able to get married after birth, you are naughty, such a small person, crying is really earth-shattering, then just took you to the border town, we are also unfamiliar, you are born In less than two months, we didn't find the milkmaid for a while. When you are hungry, you cry, or your older brother is holding you." Before I remembered, I felt a sense of guilt in my heart. I didn’t know it for ten years. Time passed. so fast.

"If you are not you, you will definitely not have today." Ye Hao whispered, she always felt embarrassed about her sister, if not Lu Shiming, her sister must have been gone, can not enjoy more than ten years Happiness, she...may not be born again to her sister.

Yan smiled at her and said, "You are our daughter, saying that this is too much to see."

"How is the errand of Big Brother?" Ye Hao knows that some grateful words are in my heart, and it is too rusty to say it.

"Their father and son will not tell me anything, I am afraid that I will worry, but I have not seen Ziheng in recent days..." He said, "Ziheng is the word of your big brother."

Ye Hao said, "It seems that the big brother is very busy, I still want to see him."

He smiled. "Go back and tell me, he definitely wants to see you."

"Hey? He is okay? I heard that he was taken into prison by the Queen Mother. Will it suffer?" Ye Hao asked with concern.

"Listen to you, the people in the dungeon have long been changed. They are all emperors. He is serving deliciously and deliciously inside. Even the Queen Mother and Qiu Yaozong do not know what he can suffer. These two days were so busy that I couldn’t even see the personal image. Both father and son were the same.” Yu complained.

Ye Hao masked his mouth and smiled. "I also listened to the emperor and asked the big brother and the little prince to lead a tricky errand. However, this is the emperor who wants to practice a big brother. After watching the emperor, you don't have to worry about it. "I have been busy recently. There are two fewer cabinets. Everything falls on him."

He smiled and said, "I just said, they don't need me to worry, I am worried about you."

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