Xue Lin received Xiaoran from Chengde Mountain Villa on the same day, just in time to catch up with Ye Hao for dinner.

The beef is halogenated, tender and fragrant. It is brought from the palace. The soup is slowly stewed with big bones. In addition, more than ten kinds of ingredients are prepared. A full table can be seen. Great move, I ate a large bowl of beef noodles.

"Odd girl, if it is not enough, the slave will go to the next bowl of noodles." Xiaoran saw Ye Hao eating so happy, her face also showed a bright smile.

Ye Hao smiled. "No, this is enough. If you eat it, you will die."

Xiaoran said, "The slaves prepared the sour plum soup for the maiden, the maiden could not eat the hawthorn, and the slaves changed the hawthorn."

"Good." Ye Hao nodded with a smile, looked up at Hongling.

Hong Ling took all the tableware on the table and left it in the house.

"Xiao Ran, what happened in the palace?" Ye Hao looked at Xiaoran, she did not bring Xiaoran to Chengde Villa, she wanted to let her be an eyeliner in the palace, she did not want anything to be Kneeling.

"Anniling..." Xiaoran knew that Xuelin came to pick her, she already knew what the Queen Empress wanted to know, but can she say that? Say that if the goddess is sad and what is the case, she is dying.

Ye Hao whispered, "Small, you are the eyes and ears of the palace in the palace. If you don't say anything, who can you ask in this palace?"

Xiaoran whispered, "The goddess, slaves are afraid to say that you will be angry."

"What is angry with this palace, it is already here, what else can make this palace angry?" Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Let's say, who is the emperor?"

"Slaves... The slaves have heard that the emperor has spent the night in the Xiuhe Palace for a few days." Xiaoran squatted down and looked at Ye Hao with anxiety. "Everyone is saying that Shu Shu is now the emperor's heart, all in the palace. Everyone can please her, and the emperor let her hold the harem. Everyone thinks that she is the main son of the harem... Niangni, don't be angry, how can you tell you more than you."

Overnight at the Show Palace? In this case, Murong Chong wants everyone to think that he is spoiling Hu Yueer?

Although I know that this is a fake, Ye Hao feels that my heart is still inexplicably depressed and angry.

"Now the palace is in the palace," Ye Hao said faintly.

Xiaoran listened to the calm tone of the Queen's Empress, and she was not sure whether she was angry or not. "Yes, I heard that it was the maiden's intention to let Shu Shu suspend it."

Ye stunned his eyebrows. "Well, this palace knows, go on."

It's no wonder that there is nothing in the mountain village. It is Murong Zhan who doesn't want her to know the things in the palace, lest she know that she will be jealous and angry.

Hu Yueer has become a new favorite. I believe that many people will not be as quiet as before. I don’t know what Murong Chan will do. Ye Hao’s heart is a bit uncomfortable.

"Hong Ling, Hung Hom, go out to walk with the palace." Ye Hao walked out of the inner house, the time in the house for a long time these days, the whole person seems dead.

"Mother, where do you want to go?" Hung Hom hurriedly asked.

It’s almost dark now, and it’s not suitable for where to go. Ye Hao said, “Go to the hot springs in the mountains.”

what? Both Hong Ling and Hung Hom are stunned. Is it going to go downhill at this time?

"There is no darkness, let's go." Ye Hao said that she had stopped at her feet and had already gone outside.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong outside the Dahua Garden saw her go out with her palace lady, and they all stopped. "Where are you going?"

"Don't follow!" Ye Hao screamed in silence.

Wu Chong hurriedly said, "The goddess, it is already dark, and it is inconvenient to leave Zhuangzi again. It is better to go out tomorrow."

Ye Hao looked at him with cold eyes. "Wu Chong, is this palace under house arrest? Is it because the palace wants to go where you still have to agree?"

"Don't dare!" Wu Chong's face changed, the scorpion can feel the mood of the niece is not good, he looked at Xue Lin, what is going on?

Xue Lin is even more confused. He saw the goddess earlier and smiled.

Ye Hao said to Hung Hom, "You stayed behind and watched them, and they were not allowed to follow."

"Yes, the goddess." Hung Hom has already seen that Ye Hao is in a very bad mood at this time. She does not want to provoke the maiden to be unhappy. Anyway, she is the Queen's mother's ring, just obey the maiden.

Wu Chong and Xue Lin said nervously, "Where are you going? Let your subordinates **** you."

Ye Haolian ignored them and had already gone with Hongling.

"Red Dragonfly, if there is anything wrong with the Niangniang, we can't afford it." Wu Chong whispered to Hung Hom.

"There are winters and they follow." Hung Ho said, this is the reason she is assured to stay, "not to mention the entire mountain is a man of the emperor."

Xue Lin lowered his voice. "What happened to the girl?"

Red glanced at him. "You brought Xiaoran from the palace. Don't you know that the girl will be upset because of something?"

“Xiao Ran?” Shouldn’t the goddess eat the beef noodles made by Xiaoran? Shouldn’t it be happy?

Wu Chong raised his hand and came up with Xue Lin’s head. “You’re not on the road, don’t you talk nonsense?”

Talking nonsense? Xue Lin Lingguang flashed, remembering the rumors in the palace, "I am going! I forgot."

Hung Hom didn't swear at him. "The niece is uncomfortable. When I go out, I should be back."

"I stay here, you go to protect the goddess." Wu Chong said.

"Red 缨 girl, what is wrong with the niece, we can't afford it." Xue Lin was afraid of the red scorpion to stop him, whispered.

Wu Chong directly pulled the red dragonfly to the side. "What are you going to, go."

Xue Lin ran away without saying anything.

Hung Hom did not take a good look at Wu Chong's hand, she is actually worried about the Queen's Empress, Xue Lin followed, always rest assured.

The hot spring Zhuangzi is just down the mountain. Ye Hao suddenly does not want to live in Chengde Mountain Villa. This place is like the iron cage that Murong Chan gave her. She was covered with eyes and ears, and she didn’t know anything outside, but the mouth said To protect her as a good guy, but to enjoy the beauty in the palace, the more I think the more unhappy, she just likes Chengde Mountain Villa, she does not want to live there.

"Mother, do we really want to go to Zhuangzi?" Hong Ling asked quietly.

Ye Hao responded faintly. "All of them have gone down. Why don't you go? Didn't people go to clean up the first two days?"

Originally, I planned to go to the hot springs to reminisce about the past, but now it is convenient for her to live for a few days.

Fortunately, when they went out, they were not completely dark, and the hot springs were not far away. The road down the mountain was ordered by Murong Cham, and soon they arrived at Zhuangzi.

The next person in Zhuangzi felt very scared about the Queen's maiden who suddenly came. Fortunately, there was always preparation, and she waited for Ye Hao to live down. She saw the Queen's maiden very satisfied and put her heart back.

At night, the rice flower garden appeared a tall and straight figure, and when he entered the room, it was not long before a roar came out from inside.

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