Xue Lin personally went down the mountain to pick up Zhao Ning and saw Song Hongyu on the rut. He raised his eyebrows slightly and guessed the identity of Song Hongyi in his heart. This person looks very temperamental. It is definitely not an ordinary scorpion and a guard. He used to never have been in Kyoto. I have seen that it should be this time along with the messengers of Qi, I don’t know what identity it is.

"Zhao girl, Queen Empress, please come to the mountain to meet." Xue Lin gave Zhao Ning a handful of gifts, would like to invite Zhao Ning to meet with Ye Hao in the villa.

“Imperial Queen is willing to see me?” Zhao Ning asked in surprise, not thinking about Xue Lin calling her Zhao girl or princess.

Xue Lin slightly decapitated, "Zhao girl, please."

Zhao Ning is happy in her heart. At this time, the Queen is willing to see her, which is enough to prove that she is not a dispensable person before the emperor. "Good."

"Is this?" Xue Lin looked at Song Hongwei with vigilance. "You look so good."

"Xue Daren, he is the messenger of Qi, is... is the town of Hou Shizi, Wang Shu let him send me to Chengde Villa." Zhao Ning said.

Song Hongwei! Xue Lin immediately knew who this person was. Although he had never met before, he had never been to Qi State. However, as a person in the dark guardian, he must have a good idea of ​​the people in other countries. This Song Hongyi is Qi Guo. The emperor's confidant is often taken with him.

"It turned out to be Song Shizi, and he has long been famous." Xue Lin took a ceremony against Song Hong.

Song Hongyu said with a smile, "Xue Daren is polite."

Xue Lin looked at Zhao Ning in a difficult way. "This... Zhao girl, Queen Empress only invites you to enter the villa."

The implication is that Song Hong will not be allowed to enter? Zhao Ning looked at Xue Lin from a different place and looked at Song Hongyu again.

"His Royal Highness, I am waiting for you here, but it is too late at this time. If you need to spend the night at the Villa, it would be fine." Song Hongyi said with a smile, knowing that it would be such a result, he was not surprised at all.

Zhao Ning thought that Song Hongyi had sent her here for a few hours. If he had to wait for her here, it would be bad. She whispered to Xue Lin, "Xue Big Brother, let Song Shizi wait here is not very good. Can you please ask the niece and let him find a place to rest in the villa?"

Xue Lin thought that it would be bad for Song Hongyi to stay here. In case he took the opportunity to do something, at least some people stared at him in the villa.

"That advanced mountain villa." Xue Lin said.

Song Hong’s face is clear and smiles. “Thanks to Xue Daren.”

Into the villa, the red dragon came out to pick Zhao Ning to the rice flower garden, Song Hongzhen was left by Xue Lin in the living room in front, not long after, Ye Hao let people come to pass the words, let Xue Lin entertain Song Shizi, you can walk around the villa If you want to go to the hot spring pool, you can.

Xue Lin should have come down. He knows that the Queen’s casual walk will definitely not include the two gardens behind.

In the rice flower garden, Ye Hao and Zhao Ning met in the pavilion in the garden.

"Queen Empress, how are you lately?" Zhao Ning thought that he would see the lack of spirit of Ye Hao, after all, was left cold here, I did not expect the Queen Empress still ruddy, looks like a good mood.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "Thank you for the concern of His Royal Highness Princess, this palace is quite good at the Villa."

Zhao Ning thinks that Ye Hao is in a strong smile, she looked around and said, "This is very good, even more beautiful than the palace, but ... you are always a queen, how can you live here, you should Live in the palace."

"There is the same everywhere." Ye Hao said with a smile, "This palace has not congratulated you, and finally restored the identity of the princess. After going to Qiguo, I have to take care of it. If there is anything I need to help, let people come. Just say it to the palace."

Since Zhao Ning has to go, Ye Hao does not want to be wary of her at this time. It is better to have one friend than one enemy.

Zhao Ning's pretty face is faintly embarrassed. "I was very much looking forward to restoring the princess's identity. Now everyone calls me a princess. I feel that I am not used to it. The four princesses also hate it very much. If I go to the Qiguo Palace in the future. I have to deal with such people every day, I feel tired."

"People always have to get along for a long time to become familiar. It is indeed different in life in the palace and outside. The princess is smart and believes that it will always solve the trouble." Ye Hao laughed.

"Mother, see you even sent to Chengde Villa, I was suddenly afraid of life in the palace, for the father, I am only his dispensable daughter, living in the palace in the future is probably good... He won't care." Zhao Ning whispered.

Ye Xie smiled in her heart, probably in the eyes of everyone, her queen is really pitiful.

"Over the years, you can live alone in Huajia Village. Are you afraid that you will not be able to live well in the palace? Although your father has many daughters, what about you? Can't you be the most? The daughter who valued it? People want to get the same thing, they all need to fight for themselves." Ye Hao said softly, she understood the fear of Zhao Ning's heart, probably the four princesses who followed this time gave her a horse. .

Zhao Ning thought about her persistence and hard work for so many years, and finally regained her confidence in her heart. "Mother, you are right, I have survived for so many years, are you afraid that you can't go on your own site?"

"You can think like this is good." Ye Hao whispered.

"Why didn't the goddess fight for it?" Zhao Ning blurted out. How did she feel that the Queen didn't care at all that the lady in the palace had crossed her?

Ye Hao slightly stunned, "What?"

"In the Huajia Village, I saved the emperor. I thought about whether this was a heavenly arrangement. Finally, someone came to take me away. The emperor was so handsome and young. Which woman did not feel tempted? I was also tempted at that time, otherwise it would not Let Hua Pozi try his best to save him, but he always remembers the name of the empress when he is in a coma. Even if he is going to die, he can't let go of the empress. Then you come, I... I don't want you to grow up. It’s so beautiful, but how can you like the emperor like you, when you get along with the emperor, it seems that there are no other people, you love the emperor so much, I went back to Kyoto on this way, I saw it, why... why do you finally Was it cold here?" Zhao Ning asked unwillingly.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "I am also very good here. The emperor wants me to raise my body here."

"I see the emperor is like a new and tired old, thinking of the way to open you, or else ... or you are here to raise a body, how can he still pamper the lady in the palace, today everyone is saying that Shu Shu is happy Zhao Ning screamed indecently.

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Niang said that men are thin, she thought she saw the exception...

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