Hu Yueer had a cramp in the lower abdomen for a night, and her body was sore and painful. She was sorely fainted, and woke up to continue taking medicine. After taking the medicine, she continued to endure the pain. Then she slept and went back and forth. The sky is bright.

She was sweating all over her body. It seemed to be fished out of the water. Miao Ling called the other two palace ladies, helped her to wash the clothes behind the screen, changed the clean clothes, and let her lay down again, even the sheets. Already changed, she felt better, and there was a feeling of finally surviving.

"Miao Ling sister, Shu Shu Niang is still sleeping?" A palace lady came in and whispered.

Hu Yueer is confused, only vaguely can hear the sound.

"Just taking medicine, this time I am asleep, is there any instructions from Fu Gonggong?" Miao Ling whispered.

"Fu Gong tolerance people to ask, should be the emperor care." Palace lady smiled and said, "The emperor is very concerned about the goddess, I hope the goddess can get a man in one fell swoop." Gongmei said with a smile.

The entire Xiuhe Palace, in addition to Miao Ling and another eunuch, no one knows the real situation of Shu Shu Niang in bed, I thought it was abortion.

Miao Ling said with a smile, "Yes, who doesn't want it, Ginkgo, you go to Fu Gonggong and say that the goddess is fine."

Ginkgo nodded hard, "I will go."

Looking at the figure of the majestic woman leaving the palace, Miao Ling looked back at the bed and saw that Hu Yueer was still asleep, she was relieved.

She has been working in the court. It was originally the woman of the criminal. She couldn’t wait for the nobles to serve. It was a very difficult life. It was Fu Gonggong who pulled her out of despair. The only wish in her life was to leave the palace. .

Fu Gonggong said that as long as she is doing things well in Xiuhegong and doing what she should do, after another one or two years, he will let her leave the palace and she can get the freedom she wants.

Out of the palace, this temptation is too big, even if the knife and the sea, she is willing to try.

At first she thought that Shu Shu Niang was really happy. When she came to Xiuhegong, she knew she was wrong.

The words that were circulated in the palace before the Shu Niangniang was favored were not true.

If it is true, the emperor will not be so indifferent to the Shudu poisoning.

Is it sad? Miao Ling looked at Hu Yueer in bed again, she sighed and shook her head in the heart, the woman in this palace is not pity, this is life.

She turned and walked out, sat down on the steps outside the sleeping hall, the sun just sunk on her feet, her hands screaming, waiting for the Royal Hospital to deliver the medicine, she then fed Shu Fu.

Hu Yueer slowly opened his eyes, and the words of the palace lady immediately made her wake up.

What is the hope that she will be a man? Do you really believe that she is happy? She is obviously poisoned...

It seems that the emperor wants everyone to think so... Why? Why is the emperor doing this? Someone poisoned her. Is that wanting to harm her? Does the emperor not find out who is the person who wants to harm her?

She asked herself to be cautious and never offend people in the palace. Who would want to harm her?

Because she is favored!

Hu Yueer was shocked, as if he was squatting, and finally understood why he had this robbery, not for anything else, because she has recently become the most favored nephew in the palace, and some people are yelling that she wants to harm her!

No, no, she has no favor at all. It is all fake. The emperor simply does not really love her. His favorite person is still the queen, Lu Hao.

However, others do not know, only she knows best, Lu Yan is not left out to Chengde Villa, but was protected by the emperor.

She is a poor pity who is poisoned by Lu Hao in the palace. The person who was poisoned yesterday was Lu Hao, not her.

Why... What did she do wrong? Why should she suffer such suffering, she never thought about competing with Lu Hao, is it because she is serving tea in the Imperial Garden, so should she live with it?

"Mother, are you awake?" Miao Ling came in and wanted to take a look at Hu Yueer, but found that she was shaking all over her body and whispered a question.

Hu Yueer slowly opened her eyes and looked at the still unfamiliar palace lady. She wanted to speak and couldn't tell for a long time. Her throat was dry and painful.

Miao Ling went down a glass of water and fed it into Hu Yueer's mouth a little bit. "Mother, your throat is hurt, you have to rest for a few days."

Drinking water, Hu Yueer felt that her throat was a lot more comfortable. She opened her mouth in a hoarse and hoarse voice. "Call the Xiangqiao, and the palace wants her to be around."

Miao Ling heard this and smiled warmly. "The niece, Xiangqiao, she has already left the palace."

what? Hu Yueer’s face changed slightly. “How come out of the palace?”

"This slave is not clear. I heard that it is not waiting for a good mother." Miao Ling said with a smile, "Mother, what do you need, even though you said it to the slave."

She wants to see the emperor, want to ask why?

In Hu Yueer’s mind, the face of Ink Murray’s innocence and indifference emerged. She showed a bitter smile. Even if she saw the emperor, could she ask for an exit?

"The palace wants to go over there." Hu Yueer pointed to the soft couch by the window, there was sunshine, she didn't want to lie in bed, feeling cold and fast to let her die.

Miao Ling whispered well, lifted her up and slowly walked to the soft couch to lie down.

"Odd girl, you are hungry, slaves to let people send some meals." Miao Ling said.

Hu Yueer gently nodded. Now she probably can't get anything she wants. The emperor wants her to raise a baby in the show. She must pretend to be pregnant, otherwise she will not live long.

Miao Ling walked out of the dormitory and whispered a few words to the **** outside, only to smile and let the little palace girl go to the Imperial Diet to take the meal.

The **** turned and walked in the direction of the Qing Palace.

Murong Zhan is negotiating things in the Yu Shufang and Xu Lao and Lu Shiming. It is about the old case of South Vietnam. Xu Lao and Lu Shiming have lived for a long time. They may have heard some things about Pan Jiafeng’s family.

"The emperor, Pan Jia and Feng Jia were actually the same in the same year, because they refused to pay tax and sold official salt. Because the emperor had just needed to stand up in the past, if the entire South Vietnam did not pay taxes, The influence is Jin Guo, so it will be resolutely ransacked." Xu Lao said, "The person who presided over this case was the Governor of South Vietnam, the emperor. Is there a problem with this case?"

Ink said that "if this case is ok, the Luge and Huang Library will not be found at all."

Lu Shiming remembered his son who had just arrived in South Vietnam. Did the emperor let him go to South Vietnam for this matter?

"Hey, people will re-examine the case of the year. This is not a matter of time. You can help each other in secret." Murong Zhan said faintly.

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