Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1145: Fish has problems

For Zhao Ning, Ye Hao still doesn't know how to get along. She can see that Zhao Ning wants to make good friends with her. From the road of Anhe City to Kyoto, Zhao Ning changed her temperament in Huajia Village and always thought. Ways to please her, knowing that she does not like her, when she saw that she was in danger, she was willing to tell Murong Zhan to save her. With this, Zhao Ning was a kind person, she Just know what you want, so try to fight, too want to get out of life at the time.

If Zhao Ning is fighting for life in Qi, it is different from what she saw in her dreams. She does not have to worry anymore. She can also become a friend with Zhao Ning. This is what Ye Hao hopes.

"Mother, do you really want to go back to the palace?" Zhao Ning accompanied Ye Hao to the medicine field and saw Ye Hao leisurely picking herbs in the medicine field. She really couldn't understand it. Is the Queen Empress planning? In Chengde Mountain Villa for a lifetime?

Ye Hao smiled and glanced at her. "Are you worried that this palace will not return to the palace?"

"I always want to see you and the emperor are good to be willing." Zhao Ning did not say with a good spirit, "I have seen that Shu Shu, pretending to be dignified, do not know what is the ability, actually ..." She saw the leaves Take a look at it, don't say it anymore.

"Shu is really gentle." Ye Hao nodded. "You see your sister, how do you get along?"

Referring to Zhao Xin, Zhao Ning’s face became ugly. “She followed Qi to not to see my sister, but to fall to me. The left fisherman, the right one, I really want to take two buns. Go to her mouth."

Ye Hao, Jun Jun, "Is it so bad to get along?"

"I don't want to get along with her. After all, it's a sister. When I get to the country where I am unfamiliar, I won't take the initiative to offend others, but that Zhao Xin..." Zhao Ning remembered that they met for the first time, and they didn't fight. One place, "The first time I met, I satirized how many fake princesses went to the emperor to be killed. What does she mean by this, is that I fake the princess? Hey, she just doesn't want me to be a princess. country."

"The princess who grew up in the palace is quite different." Ye Hao whispered, "When you come to Qi, you must know how to be patient, and you can't forbear the time, but you can get more in the future."

When Zhao Ning tasted the leafhopper, her bright eyes groaned. "Is it like a sissy girl?"

Ye Yiyi, then nodded with a smile, "almost."

"I will definitely remember." Zhao Ning said.

"It’s time for lunch. Today, people go to the front of the stream to catch a few fresh fish to eat and eat.” Ye Hao said with a smile.

Zhao Ning said, "I used to eat fish every day in Huajia Village. I was scared when I saw the fish. I lived in Kyoto for a few days, but I missed the taste of the fish, but I didn't have the taste of the past."

"Huajia Village is where you grow up. No matter where you go, every thing you eat there has a special taste. It is not available elsewhere." Ye Hao smiled.

"This is the case." Zhao Ning nodded.

When they returned to the rice garden together, Ye Hao ordered the ring to go to the kitchen to bring lunch.

Today, there are chestnut-burning pheasants, sweet-scented osmanthus fish sticks, roasted venison and stir-fried river fresh, and four freshly grilled squid, which are most popular in recent days.

“It looks like it’s delicious.” Zhao Ning smelled it and couldn’t wait to taste it.

Ye Hao was drinking soup and let Zhao Ning move chopsticks.

"These fish are caught in the creek in the mountains, very fresh." Ye Yan said with a smile.

Zhao Ning wiped the fried fried fish fresh, the fish is fresh and tender, and it is delicious.

Ye Hao saw that she had eaten with gusto. She didn't want to eat anything when she was not hungry. She picked up the chopsticks and tasted a few mouthfuls of fresh river. It was really delicious.

"It's no wonder that the maiden is not willing to go back to the palace. It is indeed more comfortable than in the palace." Zhao Ning sighed, and no longer cares about the number of rituals. He took a bite directly with the grilled fish. I don't know if the stream in the mountain is better. The fish are especially tender and tender, and the master of the grilled fish is also very good at the heat. The grilled fish is crispy and tender inside. She can't make such a delicious meal.

" Eat more." Ye Hao's chopsticks stretched out to the grilled fish.

Zhao Ning hurriedly grabbed her hand. "The goddess, this fish... seems to be not right."

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao asked puzzledly. The fish that could be sent to her must have been inspected. This villa was guarded by the ink-walled wall, and she did not believe anyone else could come in her. The inside of the thing is poisoned.

"The taste is wrong." Zhao Ning took another bite. "Is this fish and these caught from the same stream?"

Ye Hao looked at the red dragonfly, and the red dragonfly said, "It's all from a small stream. Is there any difference?"

Zhao Ning shook his head in confusion. "This fish... It should have been raised for a few days. These fish are somewhat different. When I was in Huajia Village, Huachazi sometimes raised some fish, although it only kept for a few days. But the feeling of eating is different."

Hung Hom and Hong Ling heard a big change in their faces. "Is there a problem with this fish?"

"The fish that have been fed with the houttuyniae are of course no problem, but the goddess can't eat it." Zhao Ning said.

Ye Hao’s face was heavy and he put down the chopsticks and raised his eyes to give a look at the winter.

Winter's face was pale. She was sent by the emperor to protect the queen. Now there are problems in the Queen's meal. They have nothing to check. Today, I found that the fish had problems. I don't know if the previous meal was...

"Anniling, you should not eat this fish. It should be that there are fish and grass near the stream that have been eaten by these fish." Zhao Ning did not find any strangeness, but also laughed and ate fish.

Ye Hao nodded with a smile. "Yeah, maybe it is."

Houttuynia itself is not poisonous. On the contrary, it can also clear away heat and detoxification. It is only that cold **** is not suitable for pregnant women. Occasionally, it is naturally not afraid to eat. If it is eaten regularly, it will definitely affect the body.

Is this someone wanting to start with her child?

"Odd girl, why don't you eat it?" Zhao Ning asked.

"The palace has just drank soup, and now I don't feel hungry." Ye Hao smiled.

This place has been calm and calm, but the outside of the room is just like changing the sky.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong have already ordered people to go to the kitchen to get people, including Xiao Xizi who went out to catch fish. He also grabbed it and waited for torture.

"This matter must tell the emperor." Xue Lin said to Wu Chong.

"First talk to the goddess, wait for the girl's instructions." Wu Chong said, if you tell the emperor in this way, they will be killed by the emperor, at least to find out who is starting.

Xue Lin gently nodded. "Is this fish brought in yesterday? How many things can I put in the fish in less than a day?"

"The fish in the creek?" Wu Chong remembered a possibility and looked at Xue Lin with amazement.

"Go!" Xue Lin said quietly.

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