Although the royal hunting grounds are not as good as the beasts in the deep forests near Chengde Mountain Villa, they are also very large. There are several hills connected together, and hunting here can also be enjoyed.

Murong Zhan took Tang Yan and Yan Tuo to wait in the hunting ground. After a while, he saw Zhao Wei and others riding on horses.

"This hunting ground is quite big." Zhao Wei rode on the horse and looked at the front of the ink-filled Zhan.

Today, Murong Chan wore a set of narrow-sleeved dark purple robes. A few clouds were embroidered on the cuffs and plackets. It was even more so high. His eyes were as cold and indifferent as ever. The whole body exudes a sultry tension. He rode a black horse. Just standing there, people have been afraid to look straight.

Zhao Wei could not help but admire a good figure in his heart. If Murong Zhan is not the emperor of the Jin State, he would rather marry his daughter to him. Such a person is worthy of the princess of Qi State.

"I have seen the emperor." Song Hongyi has already met with Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan smiled and looked at Zhao Wei. "Shen Wang, are you not the most favorite hunting? Please feel free today."

Zhao Wei pointed to Xiao Qi behind Murong Zhan. "Is the emperor caught a wolf so quickly?"

"This is the Queen's." Murong Chan smiled. "It has been in the palace for too long. Today it will be brought out."

Lu Hao actually raised a white wolf? Zhao Wei’s eyes fell on Xiao Qi’s body, and he was surprised to find that this white wolf was still a wolf king. “I don’t think that the queen of your country actually has such a skill.”

Murong Zhan didn't really want this Zhao Zhongshen to pay too much attention to him. He smiled and said, "Shen's archery should be good?"

Zhao Xiao smiled. "Where is there any archery in the king, I play a few rabbit pheasants in my own hunting ground on weekdays. I don’t know how the archery is. I like to watch others shoot."

"No problem, there are a lot of small prey in this hunting ground." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

“How is it compared to Chengde Villa?” Zhao said with a smile, reminding Murong Zhan that he promised to take them to Chengde Villa.

Inkor Chong did not feel embarrassed at all, smiled and said, "Almost, here is a little closer, I am afraid that the path of Shen Wang is far from adapting."

After all, people who are in the brothel every day, the physical exertion is too large, and it is not good to travel long distances.

Zhao Xiaohe smiled, "The emperor, please."

"Get the bow and arrow." Murong Zhan silently told.

Two soldiers joined forces to take advantage of the bows and arrows of the ink-filled imperial court. The big bow was black and bright, and it was made of tungsten iron. The weight was hundreds of pounds, and the ink was easily taken with one hand.

"Good bow!" Zhao Wei praised. "This king does not have the power of the emperor. This is enough."

Zhao Wei took the bow and arrow that Song Hongjun handed up, but it is very ordinary. It is not comparable to Song Hongyi’s own use. The rookie who is generally not good at bow and arrow will use this bow made of fir.

Mo Rongzhan is very clear that Zhao Wei is not a rookie. Whether he is holding his bow or the thickness of his palm, he can see that this person is not a princess who will only be immersed in wine.

However, it seems that Zhao Zhongshen has always wanted people to think that he is a rookie who is not good at bow and arrow. Then, look at him like this, just see what he wants to do.

"Shen Wang, please." Murong Zhan said with a smile.

Zhao Zhongshen put the bow and arrow behind him, and went to the woods with Mo Rongzhan.

Song Hongyi and Tang Yin followed up.



After Murong Chong returned to Kyoto, he remembered a lot about his previous memories. Except for everything related to Ye Hao, it seems that there is any barrier to block. He can’t remember how to work hard. He entered the hunting ground today, his mind. Lifei flashed a scene.

He saw a tiger rushing to the shackles, and he flew in front of her in spite of everything.

"Hey!" Murong Zhan's eyes suddenly sank, looking down at the mountain there, he seemed to have been hurt there.

Zhao Wei looked back at him. "I have only played a few rabbits in the emperor. Is this not interesting?"

"Hey just remembered that he had met the tigers here." Murong Zhan said faintly, turned over the horse. This hunting ground was specially prepared for the royal family. There was no beast in it. The tiger was so strange that it was later. A check is really someone deliberately introduced here, he wants to think more about the embarrassing thing, for a long time, he is the first time to think about the past.

But the picture flashed past, he could not think of more.

Zhao Wei raised an eyebrow and followed suit. "Is there a tiger?"

He looked back and saw that Song Hongyi and Tang Yu were not pleasing to each other. They got the consent of him and Murong Zhan to try archery. Now there are only a few guards here. If there is a beast, Murong Cham I am sure to be confident in my martial arts.

Ink Murray smiled faintly. "The tigers of that year were deliberately introduced. This is a royal hunting ground. There will be no beasts."

"It seems that your emperor is not easy." Zhao Yan said with an eyebrow.

"What about your emperor Qi?" Murong Zhan said with a smile. "Is it easy."

Zhao Wei picked up the bow and arrow and gave an arrow in the direction of Murong Cham. A rabbit struggled in the grass.

Murong Chan hooked his lips and smiled. "Good arrow method."

"I can't compare with the emperor." Zhao Yu looked at Murong Zhan meaningfully. If his arrow was just a little bit, then he shot in the ink, and Murong Chan could still stand there in the same way. The determination and self-confidence are not for everyone.

"Shen has been in Kyoto for a few days, how is it compared with the emperor?" Murong Zhan went deeper into the woods and asked with a smile.

Zhao Wei walked up and walked side by side with him. "People are lingering."

"Shen Wang likes it, and welcomes you in the future." Murong Zhan said that if the two countries can be alliances and checkpoints, Zhao Zhongshen thinks when it will come.

Nowadays, there is no alliance between the two countries. Each level is to refuse the other party's street sign, and even business is difficult to communicate with each other.

"Between Jinguo and Qiguo... It is not easy to come often." Zhao Wei sighed. "Can the emperor have plans to let the two countries come to each other?"

Murong Zhan smiled and looked at him. "What does Shen Wang’s so-called mutual access mean?"

"Jinguo has two trade ports, Tianjinkou and South Vietnam. If the emperor is willing, although Qi also has a port, it is always inferior to Jinkou City. If the emperor agrees, our Qi goods can be imported and exported to Jinkou City. It is good for both of us to have a cross-checking card," Zhao Zhongshen said with a smile.

The benefits of aligning the country are even greater! Mo Rongzhan smiled in his heart. Qi is good at everything. It is not as good as Jinguo in the port of import and export trade. For many years, no matter how hard Qi people tried, they could not surpass Jinkou City and Nanyue. Zhao Wei wanted to use Jinkou City. And South Vietnam raised the income of the Qi people.

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