Things in South Vietnam will have to go forward.

Murong Yu and Murong Yu went to South Vietnam to recover the debts of the year. The tycoons who owe the money have always cooperated and took the initiative to return the owed money. In a short while, they will recover 50 million. They have not come to South Vietnam yet. At that time, Murong thought that this trip would be more difficult than in Kyoto. Who knows that it will be so smooth, and they are all unbelievable.

Or Murong felt that there were problems in it. I went to the Governor’s Office to check the taxes over the years. Only then did the merchants in Nanyue owe more money than they thought. The most shocking thing is that there are still people in South Vietnam. Secretly secretly selling salt, the profit of official salt is absolutely beyond imagination, not to mention the port of South Vietnam to all parts of the country, do not know to what extent these salt companies do.

Murong Yu decided to stay and continue to find out the truth. Some people saw their intentions. Some people began to invite them to dinner and temptation. There were many bribes. Murong found only how big the bribes were, if he wanted, The amount of money he has received now is estimated to be more than tens of millions.

"Only seeing that Pan Jiahe and Feng Jia knew the extent of the business of Nanyue in the past, and now they are afraid of being even worse." Murong whispered, he looked at Lu Xiangzhi and Murong, "except for Looking at the truth of the year, the collusion between the heroes of South Vietnam and the court officials is also a problem. If these heroes in South Vietnam cannot be completely controlled by the court, this is the biggest trouble in the future."

Murong nodded heavily. "Six brothers, Li Jinglian refused to cooperate. We couldn't find out how many nobles were involved in the sale of private salt, let alone find out the taxation situation. He was totally sheltering those nobles. I still don't know how much benefit I have received."

"Then deal with Li Jinglian first." Murong said in a cold voice, "I will pass the evidence of Li Jinglian's acceptance of bribes to the court and replace the governor of South Vietnam. As a result, it is easy for us to check."

“Nan Yue’s biggest tycoon is Cao’s now?” Lu Xiang’s frown said. “Cao Xingyu’s grandfather used to be the governor of South Vietnam. The case of Pan Jiahe and Feng Jiayi was his trial. Six princes, Xiao Wangye, you think that now Nanyue is like this. Is there a relationship with Cao?"

Murong Yu and Murong Yu looked at each other and Murong whispered, "Nan Yue is so drowning... I am afraid that even some people in the ancestral hall are shackled inside."

"Six brothers, what should we do now?" Murong did not expect that there would be so much trouble under the calm of South Vietnam. If you did not come here personally, who knows that the flourishing South Vietnam has long been covered with locusts.

"Let me think about it." Murong closed his eyes. He sighed in his heart. He originally intended to help Murong beg for debts and return to Kyoto to resign with the emperor. Now it seems that he still has to be in South Vietnam for some time. It is.

Obviously, I didn’t want to intervene in the court. Why was it called by Murong Zhan to Nanyue to solve the crime? What made him even more unexpected was that the ancestors of South Vietnam had become the evils here. They couldn’t help but let them go to tax and sell private salt. Jin Guo said that they had fought with the North Ming State. They were first tired by these nobles. .

"Auntie, you should send 50 million yuan back to Kyoto first, and explain the situation here with the emperor. I and Lu Yuzhi stayed behind to find Li Jinglian's crimes. Those who are ignorant for the time being, don't care, let Li Jingzhen get away and say." Murong He said.

The great people here in South Vietnam have long been ingrained. Only by gaining their trust can they understand them. The aunt is too masculine. It is definitely impossible to go to Kyoto with the heroes, or let him return to Kyoto for the time being. The situation here must be inked. Rong Zhan knows.

"Six brothers, will you be in danger if you stay?" Murong Zhan whispered.

Murong faint smiled. "Don't the danger be done? You can leave it with confidence. I can still handle it here."

Lu Xiangzhi said, "Six princes, you said that the clan's people are related to South Vietnam. Will these people be in Kyoto...and have some action?"

"They have a good mood, they are afraid that they will do nothing." Murong sneered, "I don't want to move Cao's house for the time being, see you on the plane, no one can make an impulse."

Both Murong Yu and Lu Xiang’s voice should be quiet.

However, when Murong left the silver to leave South Vietnam, I do not know who revealed that in addition to the delivery of silver, and the evidence of the collusion between the local heroes and Li Jinglian, Murong began to encounter assassinations on the road, first encountering assassins on the river. When I landed on the land, I encountered an ambush. If Murong Yu sent a lot of people to protect him secretly, he must have lost his life.

There was a lot of risk along the way, and I was finally going back to Kyoto. I hadn’t had time to relax, and I encountered an ambush on the official road in Kyoto. The other party obviously had to kill him. The experts sent him to kill him. Fortunately, there was a dark guard. The person picks him up, otherwise he will not be able to return to Kyoto.

"Changgonggong, the emperor?" Murong Yu did not see Murong Zhan in the Qing Palace, and his heart was doubtful.

"Little prince, the emperor is in the hunting ground together with Qi Wang, Sun Jun has gone to obituary." Chang Gonggong whispered.

Inkor thought for a moment, "Since the emperor has not returned, then I will go to the empress."

"Little prince, Queen Empress is not in the palace, she is in Chengde Mountain Villa." Chang Gonggong quickly stopped him.

"How did the Queen's nephew go to Chengde Villa? In the palace... Is there something wrong?" Murong asked, how could the emperor send the emperor's nephew to another place.

Chang Gonggong bowed his head. "There is nothing in the palace, Xiao Wangye."

When Murong heard this, he felt that it was a nonsense. It must have been an accident.

But now he can't ask what he can ask, or wait until the palace to ask someone else to ask.



When Murong Chong heard the disappointing words, the twilight came to a cold, and he lowered his voice and asked, "How is the little prince injured?"

"Injury the shoulder, not heavy, has been sent back to the palace, waiting for you." Shen said.

"Let Xiao Wang Ye rest first, and then go see him later." Murong Zhan's voice is low, no life is dangerous, "Go and check, who dares to kill Xiao Wang in Kyoto."

The sorrow went away.

In the next head, Zhao Wei looked at the face of Murong Chong thoughtfully, guessing that something should have happened, but his identity made him difficult to ask for an exit.

The face of Murong Chong quickly recovered as usual, and Xiao Xiao and Zhao Wei were toasting.

"The emperor has a good amount of alcohol." Zhao Yu saw that Murong Chan had a few cups of no change. When he proposed a marriage, Murong Chan was very angry, but now he can still calmly drink with him.

Zhao Wei has more thoughts about marrying his daughter to him.

This ink-capac... can't make him full of wings, he must be suppressed when he is still not mature.

However, is there any way to suppress this young and ambitious emperor?

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