Zhao Wei had a night at the hunting ground and returned to the foreign guest room the next day. He knew that Murong Chan had returned to the city last night. What should have happened? Let Xu Jiang go to inquire. I only know that it is Jin Guoxiao. Wang Ye came back from Nanyue. I don’t know what it is.

"Ready, three days later, I will return to Qi." Zhao Wei told Song Hongjun.

Going back so soon? Is it to talk to Murong Cham? “Is the emperor today and Murong Zhan talking about the marriage?”

"Mo Rong Zhan refused to abolish it." Zhao Yan said with a frown. "Is it a love or a dead brain? Is it still a bad wife who can't be thrown away? Lu Yan is not her bad wife."

Song Hongxuan recalled the amazing time when he saw Lu Hao, and thought of other people's evaluation of her. He whispered, "As long as it is a man, he will not be willing to hurt her."

Zhao Wei suddenly looked at Song Hongyu. "Are you also fascinated by Lu Hao?"

"Chen is also a man, as a man sees the beauty is naturally amazing." Song Hong said with a blank expression.

"Is Liuqiao children coming?" Zhao Wei suddenly asked.

Song Hongyi resisted the urge to turn his eyes. "I have already redeemed for her. Now I live in the room in your west."

Zhao Wei nodded with satisfaction. "Today, don't go out here, go to Chengde Mountain Villa."

what? Song Hongzhen was shocked. "The emperor, Chengde Villa is very defensive, it is not easy to go in."

"It is not necessary for others to be rigorous. It is not necessarily for you." Zhao Wei revealed a domineering smile. "Don't let people know that when you leave Kyoto, Murong Chan will definitely send people to stare at it."

"If you let Murong Zhan know, I don't think we have to marry." The two countries fought directly.

Zhao Xiao smiled. "Let's go and see, who can make Murong Zhan choose beauty not to be a good person, even Song Shizi, who has never been close to a female color, has a broken sleeve, and she is so excited that she will not look at this peerless world. When you look at the beauty, you must definitely not go back."

Song Hongyu pulled out a stiff smile. "You must have a good sleep in the emperor."

Zhao Wei patted his shoulder. "Let's cover it."

"The emperor, the court advised you not to do this." Song Hongyi whispered reluctantly, "Lu Hao is really not the woman you have seen before, she looks very different."

"Hey, let's see her difference." Zhao Wei said it for granted.

Song Hongyi still wants to persuade him again. He knows his emperor too much. Although he is not a **** person, but he does not refuse to accept the attitude of the woman, can you see Lu Hao not be tempted? It doesn't matter if the wind is flowing, the most fear is that it is really tempting.

As an emperor, it is not a good thing to be tempted by women.

Zhao Wei did not give Song Hongzhen the opportunity to persuade him. He had already turned and left.

Song Hongyi looked at the emperor who disappeared on the roof, and sighed helplessly, and went to the room of Liuqiaoer, so that she would not come out in the house, only when Wang Ye had been waiting for her in the house.

Liu Qiaoer is a smart person. She has been in the brothel for so many years. It is not that no man wants to redeem her. But she never accepts it. She is also a waiter in the brothel. She is also taken to serve as a waiter. She is free in the brothel. Even the old lady must give her a few faces. Why should she go to see the face of the lady in the room, until she meets Zhao Zhongshen, she is a man who really loves such a heroic man, not to mention the man or the prince, if she waits Ok, it can be a side.

"Song Daren is relieved, knowing how to do it, must let people know that Wang Ye is here." Liu Qiaoer said charmingly, Wang Ye is in a high position, there must be a lot of things to do, she is happy to help.

Song Hongyi nodded faintly. "There is a Lauliu girl."

Liu Qiaoer did not ask where Zhao Wei went. When he closed the door, he heard the sound of enchanting.

"Yeah, don't worry, the slaves will be ready to serve."

"..." Song Hongyi looked stiff and hurried away from here.

After walking a few steps, I saw Zhao Ning, who was ugly in the face, looking at him in front.

"Ning Princess." Song Hongyi bowed his head and bowed.

Zhao Ning raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu Qiao's door. "Song Shizi is early."

Song Hongjun coughed a little, "The emperor drank too much, and sent the emperor back to rest."

"Resting in someone else's room?" Zhao Ning said with a smile, she saw Liuqiaoer yesterday, although she did not know the identity of the other party, but it is not difficult to guess the identity by watching the other party's speech and faction.

"Liu girl is the confidante of Wang Ye." Song Hong said with a blank expression.

Zhao Ning smiled. "It seems that Wang Shu’s confidante is really much."

In fact, she did not find Zhao Zhongshen brought a woman back, or heard Zhao Xin angering Liu Qiaoer yesterday, she realized that Wang Shu brought a confidante, according to Zhao Xin’s statement, Wang Shu is in Qi There are also many such confidantes.

Song Hong's ear power is better, and he can hear the sound of Liu Qiaoer. He can't let Zhao Ning hear it. "Ning Princess, let's talk to us."

Zhao Ning said, "I just wanted to come to Wang Shu. Since Wang Shu is not available, I will come back later."

"Wang Ye is not available today." Song Hongyu whispered.

"It’s really busy." Zhao Ning laughed. "Then I went out and walked."

Song Hongyu said, "Where is Ning Gong mainly going? It is better to send you down."

"No, Song Shizi is going to be busy, I just heard that the Huguo Temple in Kyoto is very effective and wants to ask for a blessing." Zhao Ning said.

"That's under the people to send you in the past." Song Hongyu said.

Zhao Ning smiled and nodded. "That would thank Song Shizi."

Song Hongjun gently beheaded, "I will arrange it."

Looking at Song Hongyu's distance, Zhao Ning looked back at Liuqiao's room and turned to go back. After walking a few steps, she saw an ugly Zhao Xin, who sighed in disgust, and she felt that Zhao Xin would Like a madman, whoever climbs will bite, as if no one in the world can make her look pleasing to the eye.

"Do you think that the opportunity to approach Song Hongyi, will the father of the future let her be your Hummer?" Zhao Xin stared coldly at Zhao Ning and asked sarcastically.

"...What is your brain thinking all day?" Zhao Ning looked at her like an idiot.

Zhao Xin’s heart belongs to Song Hongyi as his own Hummer, so he was extremely vigilant about Zhao Ning’s every move to Song Hongyi. He just saw that the two of them were talking and laughing together, and the fire in her heart immediately came up. “You think that when you are a princess Can you do whatever you want? Zhao Ning, when you get to Qi, you know what you are."

"What are you doing?" Zhao Ning asked.

"The emperor intends to make a princess to Anning Hou. The emperor is very heavy on his apparatus. Although he is older, he does not have a main room. The long princess and the second sister are all married. For example, the most suitable person in this year is only you. Maybe you will arrive at Qi State, I will say a congratulation to you." Zhao Xin said with sorrow.

She secretly listened to the big brother and the second sister said, the emperor should choose the most shallow marriage to An Ning Hou, Qi Guo is not married and the shallow princess, is not this Zhao Ning that runs out halfway?

A princess who does not even have a mother is best in her hands.

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