When Murong Zhangang came out from the Xiuhe Palace, he heard that Qi Hong’s messenger Song Hongyu entered the palace and asked for it.

What is Song Hongyu’s entry into the palace? Do you want to talk to him about what happened to the Princess Qi Qi? Murong Chong raised his eyebrows in disgust. If this is the case, he will not be able to kill Zhao Wei directly in Kyoto.

"Go to the Qing Palace." Murong Zhan said faintly, came to the Qing Palace to see Song Hongwei.

When Song Hongzhen saw Murong Zhan’s face indifference, he knew that he was very upset before Zhao’s post-disaster proposal. He did not say much about the guest’s words. He directly said that Qi Guo and Jin Guo wanted the alliance and needed both countries. Sincerely, they are willing to marry the princess to the kingdom of the country and become the nobles of the kingdom. This is a step forward for them to retreat. I only hope that the two countries can get the most benefit.

Royal? Murong Chong looked at Song Hongyu with a slight gaze. "Song Shizi, your prince's speed of changing his mind is very fast. Don't you have to ask the opinions of your emperor first?"

Song Hongyi did not know that Murong Zhan knew the identity of Zhao Wei early. "The emperor, the meaning of our prince is the meaning of the emperor."

Murong Zhan nodded with a smile. "I know, about the marriage between the two countries, I will consider it."

consider? Song Hongqi is very surprised, they have already given in, is it necessary to hesitate? You must know that Qi is now more powerful than Jin Guo in any aspect. The princess of Qi State is only a grievance when Wang Hao is a grievance. What else is dissatisfied with Murong Cham?

"The emperor, don't you want to marry Qi Qi?" Song Hongyu asked.

He certainly doesn't want to! No princess of Qi State, he does not want to be placed in the harem. The princess Qi is different from other elders. His identity is higher than that of the other. He cannot treat him like other beggars. Therefore, he does not want a princess to become a noble.

If you have to marry with Qi...

Murong Chan said helplessly, "Can the alliance between Qi and Jin Guo be only married?"

Although Song Hongyi felt that the marriage could not guarantee anything, it was something that Zhao Wei insisted on. He had no objection at all. "Yes, the emperor."

"The marriage between the two countries is not a trivial matter, and we need to consider it in order to give Qi a satisfactory answer." Murong Zhan said.

"The emperor thinks clearly, and then we come to Qiguo to kiss." Song Hongxuan whispered that their Qi Princess is not necessarily married to become a noble.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. "Song Shizi, you will meet."

"That's the first official to say goodbye." Song Hongyi bowed his hand and took a nap and went back to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei listened to Song Hongxuan’s words and couldn’t help but laugh. “Mu Rongzhan really took himself seriously. The more he didn’t want to marry the princess of Qi, he had to force him.”

"..." Song Hongzhen felt that this vindictiveness was a bit strange. "Why must the emperor marry the princess to Jinguo?"

"This way, the ink can be centrifuged." Zhao said faintly, "Xu Jiangfang sent a message, and Ye Yiqing resigned from Dongqingguo, already on the way back to the country."

Song Hong is different. "Is Li Wei actually let Ye Yiqing resign?"

To know that Dongqing is completely supported by Ye Yiqing. If there is no him, where is Li Wei today?

"Not long after Ye Yiqing left, Li Yu, the long princess of Dongqing State, died at home. Do you think these two things are related?" Zhao asked.

It’s not a secret that the long princess of Dongqing’s princess Li Yuzhen’s first face is not a secret. Maybe two things are really related. “I’m afraid that Li Yu is Ye Yiqing’s death.”

Zhao Wei nodded. Although he had never seen Ye Yiqing, he was very jealous of this person. "A Ye Yiqing who can stabilize the entire Dongqing country returned to Jinguo. As the biological father of the Queen of the Kingdom, the famous man of the country, Ye Home is a famous family, what do you think?"

After thinking about it, Song Hongyi took a deep breath and said, "Mo Rong is as strong as a tiger!"

"I heard that Ye Yiqing is a woman who loves her daughter. She will never allow her daughter to be wronged. If he knows that Lu Hao was left in Chengde in Kyoto, and Murong Chong loves others, you said that he will be willing to come back. ?? Zhao Wei asked with a smile.

"But, Murong Cham does not seem to be really cold," Song Hongyu whispered.

Zhao Yu sneered, "Ye Yiqing does not know that this is a fake, let Xu Jiang walk outside of Kyoto to fall out of favor, people will always be the first, and watching Ye Yiqing back will not be so easy to be used by Murong Chong ""

Song Hongyi was amazed in his heart. He only entered the palace. He did not expect that the emperor had already planned to arrange so many things outside. It was really... a veritable old-fashioned fox, and he was eager to provoke the relationship between Mo Rongzhan and Ye Yiqing. Let the ink Rongzhan and Lu Yan centrifuge...

He couldn't help but put some wax in his heart for the ink.

Yes, the young emperor of Jin Guo is very powerful, but unfortunately, his opponent is even more powerful Zhao Wei.

At this time, in the palace, Murong Zhan did not know that Zhao Wei had tried his best to weaken his strength. After Song Hongyi left, he summoned the cabinet minister into the palace. He did not want to marry Qi, then it might Become an opponent, he has to deal with it.

In addition to the cabinet minister, Tang Yan is also in the royal study.

"The emperor, the minister asked the emperor to promise Qi Qiu's request. Our Jin Guo is now very hard to deal with the North Ming State. If you add Qi State, it will be worse, I am afraid... I am afraid it will be a great disaster for the country. "Zhen Jinghua heard that the emperor said that he did not intend to marry, and immediately squatted down and asked the emperor to answer."

Lu Shiming stood frowning. He wanted to dismiss the words of Yan Jinghua, but he found that if he did not agree, the difficulties that Jin Guo had to face were unprecedented. If he could not go through this step, it would be possible to destroy the country.

Huang Zen whispered, "The emperor, just the position of the nobles, is not important. The benefits of the marriage between the two countries are better than the enemy. We also need to defeat the North Ming State together with Qi."

Murong Chong looked at everyone. "Do you think that you must marry Qi, and seal the Princess Qi as a noble?"

"The emperor, in the extraordinary period can only use the very law, at most ... in the future will not let the nobles have pregnancy, then the Qi is not used." Xu Lao Shen said.

Tang Zhen’s heart is in a hurry. If Princess Qi’s Princess enters the palace, it will definitely press the Queen’s head. When it is time to have pregnancy, it’s not the same. “The emperor, Chen felt that this thing still has to think twice.”

"Emperor! Is the child's private feeling more important than Jin Guo?" asked Qi Jinghua loudly.

Murong Zhan sighed and sighed. "You must step back, you have to think about it."

"Your Majesty..." Huang Chan’s words and stops, seeing the cold and heavy look of Murong Zhan, he had to shake his head, "Chen Chen retired."

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