The room was quiet and only heard the sound of breathing. Ye Hao lowered his head and did not speak. Murong Zhan did not know what to say. He stood in a three-step place and looked at her with helplessness. For her, he was in his heart. There is always an inexplicable sense of panic. The feeling of losing her always makes him feel that the whole person can't breathe. He obviously forgets about the past about her. Why is that feeling so clear?

Murong Chong suddenly did not know how to treat her? What is the best for her, how can she stay with her forever?

"Oh..." Murong Chong’s voice was low and dumb. He sat down in front of her again. "You tell me, what should you do if you are happy?"

Ye Hao looked up at him differently. She had never seen him so overwhelmed. He was really afraid of losing her. She really wanted to know, the little bird let him go back to the past. What happened, why did she lose her memory after she woke up, why he was so afraid of her accident, not that he didn’t care about what happened to her before, he was very nervous to her without amnesia, but it would not be like this... He believed that she could protect herself.

"When I have finished my child, let me go back to the palace. I didn't want to be in the palace before. Now I feel that no matter where I am, I can be safe at your side. It is safe in Chengde Villa, but I think about you every day. I don’t know if I will be poisoned in the palace. It feels so uncomfortable. I know that going back to the palace will definitely distract you, so I won’t ask to go back now, but when I have finished giving birth, if you still let I stayed at Chengde Villa, then you should stop seeing me. I am staying here, what is the difference with a living widow?" Ye Hao said with no anger.

Murong Zhan smiled, "You complain that even the shackles have gone in!"

Ye Hao looked up and gave him a look.

"朕 promise you." Murong Zhan said with a smile, he really can't take her, she is not by his side, is he better? This girl really didn't understand his intentions. "When you finish the month, you will go back to the palace. When you want to do anything, you will be with you, okay?"

"Good." Ye Hao nodded.

Murong Zhan looked down at her. "Let's laugh and give it a look."

Ye Hao glanced at him, "Not laughing!"

"You are such a small Jiaojiao." Murong Zhan smiled and shook his head, and people didn't know how to hold it in his hand.

"Do you dislike it?" Ye Hao looked at him with a sly look.

Murong Zhan kissed her lips. "Why do you dare to abandon you, what if you say that you are a living widow?"

Ye licked his shoulder. "I am just a metaphor, and I am not really jealous of you."

"Oh..." Murong Cham's lips stuck to her ears. "Who saw it in the woods?"

"He didn't say who he was, but I think he is the prince of Qi." Ye Hao whispered in his arms.

Murong Zhan was a cold, and as he guessed, "It really is him! What did he do to you?"

Ye Hao said, "He didn't do anything. The words he said were inexplicable. It seems that he just took a look. Why do you say he came here?"

She did not say that she already knew that Qi hoped to marry. She felt that if Murong Zhan would not want to marry, she would definitely tell her.

Murong Chan looked at her whole body and determined that she was cold and snorted. "This Zhao Zhongshen should be the emperor of Qi. He is too arrogant, and he should kill him."

"If he died in the Jin State, Qi would certainly not be willing to give up, Jin Guo can no longer have a war with Qi." Ye Hao said, "He didn't do anything to me, I hurt him."

"You hurt him?" Murong Chan looked at her in surprise.

Ye Hao groaned, "Do you forget my sleeve arrow? But it doesn't matter, he is not malicious, and no one finds his trace. If you ask him to ask questions, it is easy to be bitten."

After Murong Chong’s anger, he calmed down. With Zhao Zhongshen’s reputation in Kyoto today, if he knew that he had come to Chengde Mountain Villa, the reputation of Ye Hao would definitely have the greatest impact. Can he only swallow this breath?

"Don't worry about not being able to vent, I see Zhao Zhongshen's face is sick, but he did not even find himself." Ye Hao whispered, "You wait, in a few years, his body will be Short-selling, even if his martial arts are good, it doesn't work."

"He is sick?" Murong Chan was really shocked. How did he see that Zhao Zhongshen was not like a sick person.

Ye Hao nodded. She didn't say that she gave Zhao Zhongshen the pulse. If she said, Murong Zhan would definitely be jealous. "Well, is he... every day needs a woman?"

Ink Murray, "He has always been in the brothel."

"That is, his illness should be the sequelae left before, when the onset is upset, if there is no woman to give him... he may even go crazy, this is not a long-term solution, if he is looking for within three years If the doctor does not cure him, he must have lived for a long time." Ye Hao said.

"You can only see him with a glance?" Murong Chong asked with surprise.

Ye Xiao smiled. "Of course it is only doubt, so he tried a few words to make sure he was unconscious and he was sick."

Murong Zhan took Ye Zi’s shoulder and meditated thoughtfully.

If Zhao Wei really hasn't lived for a few years, then the alliance between Jin Guo and Qi Guo... that is definitely the advantage of Jin Guo.

“What are you thinking?” Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"I’m thinking about the alliance with the Qi State.” Murong’s mouth rose. “What else did he say?”

Ye Hao’s bright eyes sparkled and she shook her head. “No, what do you think he will say?”

Why didn't he mention marriage now? Is it afraid that she wants to hide, or is she afraid of her opposition?

Although she will definitely oppose it! A Hu Yueer is enough, she does not need to come to a Qi Princess.

"Come on!" Murong Chong suddenly shouted at the outside, "Go and see if Xiao Wang went back."

Ye Hao asked, "What are you looking for?"

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "I have something to tell him to do."

"Azhan..." Ye Hao frowned, and looked at him with a sigh of relief. "Do you have anything else to say?"

"Hey, I have something to do now, and I will wait for two days to come back to accompany you to eat." Murong Zhan said on the shoulder of Ye Hao, he has already thought of a way to marry Qi, but This needs to be considered from a long time.

Ye Hao grabbed his hand. "Azhan, you have to remember, you promised me, there will be no second Hu Yueer in the palace."

Murong Zhan kissed her forehead, "No, I promise."

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