Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1173: Will not treat you badly

The Qi State messenger left Kyoto today. The news was passed to Ye Hao’s ear in the afternoon. In addition to this news, there was also the marriage of King Qi in the hall and the emperor, and he also designated the emperor to personally go to raise relatives. Will marry the princess.

"I want to marry the Qi Princess....When is it expensive?" It turned out that Zhao Zhongshen had seen her side, and she changed her mind so quickly. She did not ask Murong Zhan to abolish it, but to marry their princess. what.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. It seems that her threat is not so good. Zhao Zhongshen still believes that his daughter can stir up in Jinguo.

"The goddess, the emperor did not agree." Hong Ling whispered.

Murong Zhan did not agree, but did not explicitly refuse, Ye Hao knows that he must be hesitant, hesitating between her and Jin Guo.

"Well, this is not a matter of the matter. Is this palace still angry because of this? There is still no shadow." Ye Hao said with a smile, if she is a minister of the DPRK, she will definitely persuade Murong Chong. Welcome to the Princess of Qi, because no matter how you look at it, this is good for Jin Guo. As for the future, it is not to let this princess give birth to a child. The reason why Murong Zhan refused to agree is that she does not want her to be sad. .

A few of Hongling’s eyes looked at Ye Hao and they didn’t seem angry, so they were relieved.

"This is what Zhao Ning sent to the maiden before leaving." Hung Hom pointed to a blind man next to him.

Ye Hao smiled and opened the scorpion. There were two pairs of tiger head shoes, and there were several aprons worn by children. It looked so delicate and lovely.

"This Princess Ning..." Hong Ling looked at these things and couldn't speak for a long time.

These things seem to be very interesting and cute, but who dares to wear it to the future little emperor, and the personal belongings are originally taboo in the palace, Zhao Ning does not seem to know the same.

Hung Hom couldn’t help but say, "Zhao Ning has always been out of the small fishing village. Even if they have purple eyes, they are not around."

Ye Hao asked Hong Ling to put away the things in the scorpion. "People always have to grow up slowly. How can they know how to go in the future if they have not experienced setbacks? Since Zhao Ning has chosen this path, she should learn How to protect yourself."

"In any case, she went to Qi State, and it will be difficult to meet in the future. Even if the Niangni wants to mention her a few words, it is difficult." Hong Ling said.

"Maybe she is the Princess of Qi who will become a noble in the future?" Ye Hao laughed. The things she used to dream about may become facts, but they are different. Murong Chong will not be like a dream. I will forget her the same.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom stunned and said to each other, "Zhao Ning is really so ungrateful..."

"It's not her ungratefulness, most of it is Zhao's idea." Ye Hao said softly.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom looked up at her.

Ye Hao laughed. "Okay, put it all together, go out with the palace and go."

Hong Ling was shocked. "Mother, do you still want to go outside the villa?"

"If you don't go, just take a walk in the Dahuayuan." Ye Hao said with a smile.



Qi’s desire to marry the country is also passed to the harem. The palace’s unbelievable sorrow is even more worrying. I don’t know when it’s my turn.

Xiuhegong is not as busy as other palaces. No one has told this to Hu Yueer. Now the whole show and palace are Miao Ling’s management. The little palace ladies don’t know the real situation of Hu Yueer. Sometimes they want to behave in front of Hu Yueer. Some times, they were all suppressed by Miao Ling.

"This year's autumn chrysanthemum seems to be doing well. Are these flowers taken from Bai Garden?" Hu Yueer has not been depressed since she saw Murong Chan last time. She thought about the emperor's father. Feng Jue, even if she has no affection, she does not have any feelings, otherwise she will not think about compensating her.

She doesn't want to accept her life like this! Maybe as long as she continues to wait, there will be a chance someday.

"Yeah, Niangniang, Bai Garden, this year's flowers are very good, the emperor knows that you like chrysanthemums, so people can pick the best look from the hundred gardens to send the show and palace." Miao Ling said with a smile.

Hu Yueer showed a sweet smile, even though she knew that the emperor might just want to do it for others, she still feels very happy.

Miao Ling saw Hu Yueer, who had a more obvious smile than in the past few days. My heart was also relieved. At least I don’t have to worry about this sissy, and do what I should not do.

"If you can go to Bai Garden, you have never been to a hundred gardens for so many years." Hu Yueer looked at the flowers and plants in the courtyard. Bai Garden is the most famous place in Kyoto, but she has never been to .

I heard that the nephew in the palace used to go to the Bai Garden.

Walking, a small palace lady came in to find Miao Ling, said that the doctor in front of the Royal Hospital came, let Miao Ling go to the Royal Hospital to take medicine.

Throughout the Xiuhe Palace, I know that Hu Yueer’s body is really one or two. The medicine that Hu Yueer ate was taken by Miao Ling personally to the Gong Yuan, and she never gave the hand of others. She heard that the doctor was personally coming. Then he whispered, "The goddess, the slaves are going to the Royal Hospital, you..."

"The palace does not want to go any more, first go back to the temple to rest." Hu Yueer said.

Miao Ling laughed, "Slaves help you back."

Hu Yueer returned to the dormitory and waited for Miao Ling to leave. She felt that the empty dormitory was really flustered. "Come."

After a few shouts, finally a little palace girl hurriedly walked in from outside. "Women, what are you telling?"

"When you go to the garden and fold a few flowers into the vase, this palace feels that the temple is less angry." Hu Yueer said, she recognized this little palace girl, who appeared twice before her, seems to want to please her.

When the little palace girl heard Hu Yueer’s instructions, she immediately said that she turned and went to the courtyard to fold a few flowers.

"What is your name?" Hu Yueer asked.

"Back to the maiden, the slave is called Sumei." Xiaogong said with a smile.

Hu Yueer nodded gently. "Have you been in the palace for a few years? Was it done in the Xiuhe Palace before?"

Sumei smiled shyly. "The goddess, the slave is only in the palace last year. It has been in the laundry warehouse, and it was only recently that she came to the show."

It turned out that it was not long before I entered the palace. It’s no wonder that it looks so naive and simple. "In the future, the show will be bad, and this palace will not treat you badly."

"The slaves will do their best to serve the goddess." Sumei cried happily.

Hu Yueer smiled and asked in a low voice. "Do you know what is going on in the palace recently?"

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