Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1184: Will not sit idly by

Xue Lin looked at Hong Ling with a face and asked, "Hung Ling girl, how is the goddess... How do you think about seeing Shu?"

"How do I know, is there something wrong in the palace recently?" Hong Ling frowned and asked, "I can tell you that the things that the maiden has to do are not impossible. If you don't invite Shu, the maidens personally. If you go back to the palace, who can you stop her?"

Who wants to go to the genius to stop her.

Xue Lin really didn't know what to do. He turned to look at Wu Chong. "What should I do?"

Wu Chong said with a blank expression, "Either please Shu Shu, or let the Niangniang go back to the palace. Which one do you think makes the emperor blame lighter?"

"..." Xue Lin thought for a moment. "That is still going back to please Shu."

They owe so many whip, they don’t know if they can survive in the future. The emperor is not in the palace now, and he is told not to let the empress of the queen know about it. If the goddess knows, they will definitely end. It will definitely be miserable.

How did the maiden suddenly see Hu Yueer? It will not be until now that I want to pack up the lady who is favored in the palace. The Queen's maiden should be clear, how can the emperor go to pamper others?

There is no way in Xue Lin’s heart to resent. He still has to go to Chengde Villa in Hu Yueer.

I only hope that Hu Yueer will not talk after he arrives at Chengde Mountain Villa.

In the rice flower garden, Yu is in a hurry with Ye Hao.

"What do you see with Shu Shu? She only aborted, you let her come here, let people know that you have to talk about your right and wrong, then, what is she visible, isn't it to show off? You listened to the mother..."裴 Today, I really want to smoke my mouth. She just shouldn’t mention it.

Ye Hao smiled. "Look at what she can show off."

Hu Yueer has something to show off in front of her. Some things are well known. Ye Hao is only curious. Whoever Hu Yueer passed, she revealed the news she wanted to go to Chengde Villa. In the eyes of many people, she and Hu Yueer Certainly, the fire is not tolerated, no one can accommodate it.

Oh, there may be people who think that Hu Yueer’s abortion should be related to her. Now Hu Yueer came to see her, is it to take revenge?

Ye Haoyue thinks more interesting, and wants to see Hu Yueer.

In her heart, she thought that if Hu Yueer came, she must stare at the side, but when she found out that she dared to talk nonsense, she would go up and squat, and let her spit out a sentence that would make her sad.

Xue Lin originally thought that Yan could be able to persuade the Queen Empress. Who knows that not only did not persuade, but the Niangniang wanted to see Hu Yueer, and he had to go to Kyoto to pass the news.

Don Juan knew that this thing almost didn't jump up. "How does the queen want to see Shu Shu? Who told the news to the goddess? Is it... Mrs. Lu?"

"I was afraid that Mrs. Lu also accidentally said it. Who would have thought that the Niangniang actually wanted to see Shu Shu?" Xue Lin said helplessly.

"The goddess knows the emperor..." Tang Yan said with concern.

Xue Lin said, "I should not know."

"What should be, must not let the goddess know." Tang Yan said sharply.

"Yes, Hou Ye." Xue Lin cried, and he couldn't hold Hu Yue's mouth again, in case Hu Yueer said it.

Tang Yan also knows that Xue Lin can't stop too much. He can only go to find Shu, first to say a few words to her.



Xiuhegong, Hu Yueer is squatting on the soft couch by the window. The news that she wants to see Lu Hao has been released for several days. So far, there is no news. She does not know whether she can pass to Chengde Villa, in case Was stopped being stopped.

If Lu Hao knows that she wants to go to An, should she meet her?

In Chengde Mountain Villa for so long, Lu Hao will certainly be upset, wondering if the Emperor really wants to pamper other nephews? If she changed her, even if she was deeply in love with the emperor, she would have doubts in her heart.

"Animal, Jing Ning Hou seeks to see." Miao Ling came in, looked at Hu Yueer with a faint look, she already knows what kind of news Hu Yuer let Sumei pass, she also felt that Hu Yueer was smart before.


Hu Yueer’s eyes are slightly brighter. “Jing Ninghou wants to see this palace?”

Miao Ling said faintly, "Yes, the goddess."

"Please Jingning Hou to the partial hall." Hu Yueer thought that the arrival of Jing Ninghou must be related to the Chengde Mountain Villa. Although there was no news in front of it, she knew that the emperor was definitely not in the palace at this time and had already gone to Princess Qi. Let's mention it.

"Anniling..." Miao Ling frowned and looked at Hu Yueer, thinking about whether or not to mention a few words. Some things have not come back.

Hu Yueer looked up and smiled at her, as if she had already said something about Miao Ling. "Is there something?"

Miao Ling shook her head gently. Forget it, Shu Shu can walk to the point of today in the palace, and she can prove that she is not a stupid person. She knows what she is doing.

"Then go to see Jingning Hou." Hu Yueer said with a smile, has stood up and went to the side hall next door.

Although everyone knows that she needs to raise her body for abortion, she knows that she does not have any miscarriage. She believes that Jing Ninghou knows the truth, otherwise he will not come to her at this time.

When I came to the eccentric hall, Hu Yueer saw the figure of her long-shoulder Ying Ting, and it turned out that this is the famous Jing Ning Hou, which is really a talent.

"Jing Ninghou, what are you looking for in this palace?" Hu Yueer walked in, with a gentle smile on his face.

Tang Yan slightly lifted his hand and bowed his hand. "I have seen Shusang Niangniang."

"Imperial." Hu Yueer said that he was planning to sing a few words and heard that Tang Hao had already opened his mouth coldly.

“I heard that the goddess wants to go to Chengde Villa?” Tang Yan asked softly.

Hu Yueer smiled. "This palace has never said this before. I don't know where Jing Ninghou heard it?"

Tang Yan looked up at her, "Shu Yu Niang, whether you want to see the Queen Empress, the minister just wants you to know that the emperor does not want someone to disturb the Queen's Empress, and some things hope that the Niangniang don't do anything wrong."

"Jing Ninghou, are you here to blame this palace?" Hu Yueer asked like a smile.

Tang Yan said, "Chen dare, just hope that the goddess should not be used by others, the goddess does not care for their own today, but also think about the Hu family."

Hu Yueer’s face sank, “Jing Ninghou, you are arrogant!”

"Queen Empress wants to see you, tomorrow morning minister will pick you up to Chengde Villa, what should be said should not say to the Queen Empress, I believe that Shu Shu has a heart." Tang Yan looked at Shu Shu coldly, " If the Queen is a bit bad, there is no need to wait for the emperor to come back, and the minister will not sit back and ignore it."

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