After the rain, Murong was taken out of the mountain by Zhao Ning. He said that Zhao Ning listened to the things in the palace. People's identity is not something they can choose. What life is like can be decided by themselves.

Zhao Ning listened silently, only to find that it was not easy to pass the original ink.

"What are you doing?" Suddenly, a cold voice came over.

Murong lifted his head with joy, "Emperor, you are here!"

Zhao Ning was shocked to see the ink-filled Zhan Zhan, standing next to the carriage. "Where is the emperor? How can the emperor be here?"

"Get on the bus." Murong Chan frowned at the two wet guys. He only found them after a few days. If the secret guards had been followed, he still didn't know where to look for them.

Inkor helped Zhao Ning to get on the carriage and looked back at Murong Zhan. "Emperor, Zhao Zhongshen, they are not in Jiangzhou."

"Hey know." Murong Chan looked nodding and nodded. "Go back."

Zhao Ning couldn't sit still in the carriage. She took Murong's hand. "That... isn't that the emperor? How is he here?"

Murong whispered, "I don't know what the emperor is doing. I only heard that Dongqingguo became a country of the North Ming Kingdom."

What Dongqing State is what North Ming State? Zhao Ning didn't understand what was going on at all. She only knew that it was unusual to see Murong Cham here.

"You are cold or not? First put the clothes on." Murong looked at Zhao Ning, took out a set of men's clothes from the carriage of the carriage, turned and turned to the outside. "I don't see, you change." ""

Zhao Ning originally wanted to say no, but it was really cold and sneezing. She had to turn around and let her change her clothes. It looks like a little boy, but the clothes are a bit too big.

"I am fine." Zhao Ning turned red and said with a low head.

Murong looked back at her and looked at her embarrassedly. "I have alcohol, do you want a drink?"

Zhao Ning shook her head and she looked outside. "You really don't know what the emperor is doing?"

"I don't know." Murong whispered, "probably related to the Qi National League."

With the Qi National League, isn't that a marriage?

Which one is going to marry a princess in Qi?

Just when Zhao Ning was in doubt, the carriage had stopped.

"Little prince, Princess Ning, please get off." There was a strange man's voice outside.

When Murong Yu and Zhao Ning got off the bus, they discovered that it was not a pavilion but a farmhouse in the suburbs.

"You have to change clothes first." Murong Zhan stood on the steps and said to Murong.

"Oh, emperor, are you not going to enter the city?" Murong whispered, and quickly took the clothes from the dark guard to change.

Murong Zhan looked at Zhao Ning faintly, seeing that she had changed her clothes, and her eyebrows picked it up slightly. "Ning Princess, I have something to discuss with you."

Zhao Ning didn't think that Murong Zhan actually came to her, she stopped, "I?"

"Please come in and talk." Murong Zhan entered the room inside, and there were several dark guards outside.

"Looking for me to discuss something..." Zhao Ning groaned and followed the clothes and went in, and he was really surprised.

Murong Zhan has been thinking about how to marry Qi Qi in a different way. Since the marriage is requested by Zhao Wei, he has to agree, but only one person can decide which marriage to marry. He originally planned to discuss with Zhao Ning. Let her marry Qi, then he will compensate her, let her live a rich and precious life outside the palace, but now he changed his mind, maybe there is a better way.

"Why do you need to marry Qi, do you want to marry in Jinguo?" He didn't circle, but cut into the subject directly. He didn't have time to stay in Jiangzhou for too long.

Zhao Ning is stupid directly, what? Is she married to Qi?

Murong, who had already changed clothes, heard the words outside the door and stopped.

Let Zhao Ning marry Jin Guo? Do you want Zhao Ning to become a nobleman? Inkyun thought about how to do it, and the Queen’s nephew knew how sad it was!

When he was about to step in and out of opposition, he heard that Murong Zhan continued. "If you are married, you will be wronged. If you marry in the palace, you will certainly be wronged. If you go to Qi, you will check it. If you go back, Qi Guo, will inevitably be involved in the battle between the two emperors, when you are only the victims they use, with your character, want to come and not want to be used by people, you saved the monks and queens, you don’t want to let you go to Jin The country is wronged, so, I just want to marry Qi, let Zhao Yi agree to marry you to Jinguo, then... will you marry an aunt?"

Zhao Ning blinked, she couldn't quite understand the meaning of ink-filled Zhan, "What do you say?"

Murong slammed the door and came in. "Imperial brother, what are you talking about?"

"What do you mean, I want to pretend to marry Jin Guo, and then marry ... he?" Zhao Ning pointed to Murong, inexplicably blushing.

"It's not pretending to marry the country. If you marry an aunt, isn't it a marriage with the country?" Murong Cham asked faintly. "Or are you more willing to be a **** in Qi?"

Zhao Ning frowned. Isn't she married to Jin Guo not being a pawn?

"If you don't want to, you can leave Jinguo and go anywhere you want to go," said Murong Cham.

"Emperor brother, you... why don't you ask me if I want to?" Murong said wrongly, he did not say to Zhao Ning.

Ink Murray glanced at him faintly. "You don't want to retreat to the princess, only in the carriage to make people change clothes?"

This time suddenly let both Murong and Zhao Ning both blush.

"However, how do you know that the father will let me and kiss the country?" Zhao Ning asked, compared to being used in Qi, and unfamiliar with life, there are big princesses and other princes, etc. Calculating her, she would rather marry Jin Guo.

But... she is not willing to marry Murong Cham.

Murong Cham said, "As long as you promise, other embarrassment has its own way."

Nowadays, the initiative is not all in Qi State. Zhao Wei is certainly not willing to see the North Ming State grow up. Dongqing State has become a country. If Xiliang is broken, the next strong country will no longer be Qi State.

Zhao Ning looked at Murong Yu, and thought about it for a while, measuring the difficulties on both sides.

She found that ... seems to be more difficult in Qi State, not to mention, if you go to the Qi Congress to marry a stranger of An Ning Hou, it is better to marry yourself.

"Wait a minute, my brother, I didn't say that I want to be a relative." Murong yelled.

Murong Zhan coldly shouted, "Shut up, I didn't ask you for advice."

Zhao Ning raised his head and nodded. "Okay, I promise you."

In her words in Jinguo, at least the Queen's Empress will take care of her.

"..." Murong rounded his eyes, is he still alive? Didn't anyone hear him talking?

"First send the princess back to the museum, I will arrange other things." Murong Zhan said faintly.

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