On the vast sea, a huge warship was driving in the wind and waves. Ye Yiqing stood on the front of the ship's board and looked at the sea connected by the sky. The corner of his mouth floated with a faint smile. Twenty years ago, when he first When I heard that the former emperor existed, he knew that he had passed through the fellow villagers. Later, he got the notes from Qi Huangling from the emperor. Although they were all written down in English, it was not difficult to pour him. He used to be Study abroad.

He translated Qi Qiling's notes into travel notes, and he has always been hiding in the hot springs. This warship was transformed from Qi Qiling's ship that went out to sea. He made it secretly fifteen years ago. There are countless money spent on it, otherwise he will not be so breezy for so many years, but now it is worth it.

Whether it is Zheng He or Columbus, or Qi Yuling, they used to be in this sea. He can now go to the sea as he wishes, and must explore the secrets of this world.

"Adult." Cao Yu and Ye Yudong walked up from behind. "We have been out for a long time, and no one can catch up with it."

Ye Yiqing nodded faintly. "Is everything ready?"

"According to the instructions of the two uncles, there are forty Buddhas in the Big Buddha, fifty in the bowl, five thousand fire bricks, six thousand fire ropes, three thousand iron arrows... one hundred lanterns, all other appliances are ready. Okay." Ye Yidong read a long preparation for the equipment. If Ye Hao heard it, it would be stunned. "In addition to these, even the silk tea porcelain has two boats, and several of them started in the first few days. It should be waiting for us in front."

“Very good.” Ye Yiqing beheaded with satisfaction. “How many people do we have?”

It is not easy to prepare these weapons. Some of them are designed by Ye Yiqing personally. They have not been discovered for so many years. He is not prepared to fight in the sea. It is only dangerous at sea. These things can be self-protected.

"With the boatman and the boatman, there are one hundred and fifty people on the boat." Ye Yidong said.

Ye Yiqing said, "Well, that's it. In the future, whenever we go there, we only say that we are businessmen."

"Okay, but our ship looks like a merchant ship. Who knows what is hidden on the ship?" Ye Xiaodong said with a smile.

"You have worked hard all these years." Ye Yiqing looked at him and said.

"Uncle, don't say this, if it weren't for you, I would have been killed. Even if I didn't die, I was killed when I ran a house. Now I can follow you to the sea, how many people can't ask for it. Ye Yidong smiled.

Ye Yiqing patted his shoulder. "Go to everyone, speed up, sail on the route, and you will soon be able to go to the island."

"Yes." Ye Yidong responded.

Cao Yu, who has been silently beside him, looked at Ye Yiqing. "Teacher, you have already prepared to go out to sea. No wonder you are so determined to leave Dongqing."

Ye Yiqing smiled faintly. "It was originally planned to leave after two years, but it was ahead of schedule. Cao Yu, you don't have to give up the future in Dongqing. You follow me, not necessarily a future."

Cao Yu said, "I can have a future in Dongqing. Now I feel free to be at sea and I can see the customs of the Western countries. This is the best future for me."

"I don't want to grieve you, you follow me to Dongqingguo, don't regret it in the future." Ye Yiqing said helplessly.

"Teacher, if I hesitate in my heart, I won't go on board, I will go back." Cao Yu smiled.

Ye Yiqing smiled slightly. "That's good."

"Master." Zhaoyang came out of the cabin of the cabin and saw Ye Yiqing screaming softly.

Cao Yu took a ritual and bowed his head down.

Zhaoyang came to Ye Yiqing's side and whispered, "I looked at my stomach and it was strange. It seems that I am going to be born, but she... she still has no breath, I am worried."

Ye Yiqing held Zhaoyang’s hand. “She has no breath, but her body temperature is still there. There is no maternity on the boat. If you really give birth to a child, you can only rely on you.”

"That Murong Chan... How can I be willing to treat it like this?" Zhaoyang thought of the cry of eating in Kyoto, and he was so sad. "You are with you, then she will be with us, don't Going to entangle with Murong Chan."

Zhaoyang’s words have just been said, and there are two screams from the ring, “The Bride...”

Ye Yiqing was shocked and looked at the sky.

The sky that was already clear in the sky did not know when the red glow like a flame appeared. Xiaguang surrounded them all around the ship. No matter how they looked, he felt that the flame of the flame was like a huge bird and beast.

"Oh, uh..." the cries of the baby came out of the cabin.

Zhaoyang looked white at Ye Yiqing, what the **** is going on, it’s too weird.

Ye Yiqing strode to the wing, the baby's crying came from the room of Ye Hao, and the two rings were already stupid. Ye Yiqing went in and saw Ye Hao's leg. I don’t know when I had two more children. The umbilical cord has not been cut yet, and it is crying.

"Scissors!" Ye Yiqing quietly ordered to wake up the red dragonfly and the red diamond.

At that time, he cut the umbilical cord for two children. Although many people opposed it at the time, he was really glad that he insisted on it.

Hong Ling shook hands and took the scissors that had been disinfected to Ye Yiqing.

"Go clean up for your girl." Ye Yiqing said.

"Yes, Master." Hong Ling nodded, mechanically went to fetch water to wipe the body, and saw the blood on the legs of the leaves, they have not figured out how the two children were born.

After Ye Yiqing handled the umbilical cords of the two children, they took them out in the shackles and let the two ankle rings replace the leaves with the leaves. He also had time to look at the two children.

He has never seen a child who is so beautiful when he was born. The powder is carved and jade, the facial features are exquisite and exquisite, and the eyes are sloppy, like talking. However, Ye Yiqing’s eyes fall on another child. The child's eyes... How does it shine in the black?

"This is the child of 夭夭?" Zhaoyang looked at Ye Yiqing in surprise, isn't he still awake? How were these two children born?

"You hold them, I go in and see." Ye Yiqing whispered that he is now more worried about the situation of Ye Hao.

Just right, Hong Ling walked out with a pale face. "Master, Niang Niang... It seems... I have to wake up..."

Ye Yiqing immediately pushed the door and went in.

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