The news of the ink-capped Zhan Hui Palace soon spread. The women in the palace were more active than ever, but whoever dared not show it, but showed grief, and the mountain that had been pressing in front of them finally died. It is.

Everyone who knows what happened in Chengde Mountain Villa in Kyoto is waiting for the news in the palace. When the emperor comes back, the Queen Empress will be officially mourned.

As long as the news of the death of the Queen's maiden is heard, many things can be prepared.

Even some people want who the next queen is.

"The emperor." Fu Gonggong walked behind the screen with his hands and looked at the figure that sank himself in the water. He felt a sorrow in his heart. He had already heard about Chengde Mountain Villa.

He knows better than anyone else that the empress of the empress is in the position of the emperor. He has been with the emperor since he was a child. He has experienced many things with the emperor. Before the emperor met the empress, he almost never saw the emperor really laughed.

Only in front of the Queen Empress, the Emperor is truly like an individual, a person with joys, sorrows and sorrows, and now there is no Queen, the Emperor... what it will become.

"Your Majesty..." Fu Gonggong opened his mouth in a difficult way.

After a while, Murong Zhan came out of the water. He wiped himself and took the clothes in Fugong’s hands. He did not say a word.

On the main hall of the Qing Palace, many ministers are waiting for him.

"See the emperor." Xu Lao looked at Murong Zhan, and bowed down.

Murong Zhan gently nodded, "all flat."

These cabinet ministers, including the six and the other members of the ancestors, all wanted to discuss the mourning of the empress of the empress, but nowadays... the palace has not seen anything, and even the emperor’s coffin did not seem to be shipped back to Kyoto. , this... what is going on?

"Yu has sent people to Qiguo to kiss relatives. After the marriage, the sergeant will bring the soldiers to Xishang." Murong Zhan said with a low voice, waiting for him to solve the North Ming Kingdom, will definitely destroy the Dongqing country.

This... isn’t it? Shouldn't the Queen's Mother's funeral be solved first?

"The emperor, the Queen Mother's funeral..." The ritual Shangshu couldn't help but speak.

The feeling of Mo Rongzhan was cold. He said in a word, "The queen is not dead. She just went to Ye Yiqing to go out to sea. From today, who dares to mention another sentence, no matter who it is, kill it."

His words are like the sinking clock in everyone's heart, knocking everyone out of the earthquake, the meaning of this words... Queen Empress is still not dead? However, the news from the previous Chengde Mountain Villa was not like this.

The emperor refused to admit that the Queen's Empress is dead... Does it mean that the Queen's Empress will come back?

Probably refused to admit that the Queen's Empress has been dying of the news. Everyone turned their eyes to Xu Lao and looked at other people. No one dared to come out and say a word. Everyone knows the feelings of Murong Cham on the Queen, even if Later, the new favorite Shu Shu, can not compare with the Queen's one point.

"Queen Empress with the Ye Daren to go out to the sea to promote China's Dulwich, will certainly return safely." Xu Lao joined hands, he has seen Lu Hao, since Ye Yiqing took his daughter, the passing of the past The news is mostly fake.

It is estimated that Ye Yiqing misunderstood the emperor, thinking that the emperor left the Queen Empress, so forcibly took her daughter away.

Others heard that Xu Lao said so, they had to squat down.

Murong Zhanqing’s thin face is still covered with a layer of ice. “Lushi?”

"The emperor, Lu Daren has been in the body and has not entered the palace for several days."

"I heard that Lu Daren had been to Chengde Mountain Villa before..." I don't know who whispered.

Ink coldly said coldly, "Retreat."

The people in the hall all bowed their heads, and Murong Zhan looked at Tang Yan. "You go to Lujia."

"Yes, the emperor." Tang Yu should.

Murong Zhan said, "Tell them, you are still alive."

Tang Yan’s eyes sorrowed and nodded.

Does everyone believe that you are still alive, so you can come back? Does the emperor think so?

There was only Murong Zhan on the main hall. He sat without moving. There were still many things to do, but he felt that his heart was empty. It seemed that there was no meaning in doing anything, and he did not know where he could go next.

"The emperor, it's not early, do you want to go to bed?" Fu Gonggong asked cautiously.

Half-sounding, he thought that the emperor wanted to sit here for one night, only to hear a quiet voice, "Go to Yongshou Palace."

Fugong’s heart hurts, "Yes, the emperor."




"Anniling, I heard... I heard that the emperor is back." Sumei brushed her hair for Hu Yueer and talked about the news she had heard outside today.

Hu Yueer’s whole body was shocked, did the emperor return to the palace so soon? Is that... her death is here.

"Sumei, you don't have to come to the palace to serve tomorrow, lest you not end well." Hu Yueer whispered, she knew that she would definitely die, the emperor would not spare her, she did not want to be tired of other people.

"Anniling, don't think about it, this matter has nothing to do with you. The emperor hurts you so much, you will understand." Sumei comforted her.

Hu Yueer smiled and shook her head. Sumei did not understand. She always thought that the emperor was really pampering herself, but it was not.

"The emperor... ordered the mourning for the Queen's Empress?" Hu Yueer whispered.

Sumei said, "It seems that there has been no intention to come, and the Empress of the Empress does not seem to return."

Hu Yueer’s heart is wondering, what happened in the end?

Being wondering, Miao Ling came in from the outside and took a gift to Hu Yueer. "The slave has seen the goddess."

Seeing Miao Ling, who had not seen for a few days, Hu Yueer’s face was happy. “Miao Ling, where have you been in these days?”

"Back to the goddess, slaves have been replaced by Fugong public transport for another few days." Miao Ling looked down.

Hu Yueer said, "Have you finished your errands? Are you going to come back to the show and palace?"

Miao Ling looked up and looked at Hu Yueer. "The goddess, the slave is coming to say goodbye to the goddess. The slaves have arrived, and they will be able to leave the palace tomorrow morning, so I will give the girl a head."

She is really lucky now, these days, Fu Gonggong called to other places, otherwise ... she is afraid that this life can not be separated from the show and palace.

When she learned that Hu Yueer was going to Chengde Mountain Villa, she knew that the big event was not good. Although everyone did not dare to say what happened in Chengde Mountain Villa, they were already aware of it. Hu Yueer had no hope in this life.

When I heard that Miao Ling was going out of the palace, Hu Yueer’s face changed. "You have to go..."

Miao Ling did not say too much to Hu Yueer, and she left after she bowed her head.

Sumei did not want to say her, but she heard Fu Gonggong ask for it.

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