In Ye Hao’s impression, although Baoxiang is not as good as the prosperity of Jinguo, because of geographical advantages, there are still many other places where merchants settle down. Today she is walking on the streets of this country, but she is inexplicably There is a strange feeling.

"Hey, how do you seem to have more people in the field, do people in Baoxiang do not like to go out and hide in the house?" Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing, the people coming and going on the road were not A lot, and it seems that it is just a merchant who crosses the road. Even most of the shops are closed.

Ye Yiqing said, "Maybe the treasure like the country is less."

"There should be a holiday today." Zhaoyang whispered, "Look, the women over there are dressed very strangely and look like they are very grand."

When Zhaoyang’s words were finished, they saw that the shops that had closed the gates were opened. They were very strangely dressed. They wore crowns on their heads and covered with cypress cloth. They looked like they wanted to Go to what grand ceremony.

"Hey, you didn't notice, the look on their faces didn't seem right." Ye Hao said, pressing down on Ye Yiqing, everyone's face seemed to be very sad, just like going to send funeral.

Ye Yiqing nodded gently. "Hey, you take the child back to the boat first, I will go see the situation."

"Okay." Ye Hao saw that something was wrong here. If she didn't bring her child, she wanted to see the fun, but the child was around, she thought it would be better not to take risks.

"A Dong, send your sister back to the boat." Ye Yiqing said to Ye Yudong.

Suddenly, the bright jade in the arms of Hung Hom burst into tears, oh oh yeah, the voice is louder than anyone else.

"What's wrong?" Ye Hao hurried past and smelled a sour smell. She laughed. "It seems that it is stinking."

The cry of the child suddenly attracted a lot of people's attention. Ye Hao even felt that those people's eyes were a little weird. She was suspicious and held Mingyu in her arms. "Let's go first."

I was planning to take my children back to the boat. They only walked a few steps, and they were stopped by several soldiers wearing bamboo armor. They said a bunch of words to them, and Ye Hao didn’t understand.

"What are they talking about, how have they been staring at Mingyu?" Zhaoyang stood by Ye Hao and watched the soldiers with vigilance.

Ye Yiqing saw that the situation here had come over immediately. When he heard the words of the soldiers, his face sank. Why did the soldiers take the children away? "This is our child, you can't take it away."

When the soldiers heard that Ye Yiqing would speak their language, they immediately said in a loud voice, "Since this child has entered our country, it is their destiny, the guiding principle of God. You must give this child to us."

"Hey, what are they talking about?" Ye Hao felt that their eyes had been on Mingyu's body, and he was shocked. Is it because he wants to grab her child?

Ye Yiqing patted Ye Hao’s hand and motioned her not to be afraid. He looked at the soldiers with a cold look. “I don’t care what you are, you can’t take my grandson away.”

"Then you can't leave here." The soldier who took the lead shouted, "Take the child to grab it. This must be sent to God to save our king."

The other five soldiers heard his words and immediately went to Ye Hao, and the spears in their hands were facing them.

Ye Yidong grabbed one of the people's spears and kicked him out.

"Protect your child." Ye Hao said to the other two subordinates.

"Do they want to grab the children?" Ye Hao was shocked, how is this treasure like a country, how can he grab someone else's children? She glanced around and found that those who were wearing strange faces stood next to each other and looked at them with sympathy, and their eyes were filled with grief.

Ye Hao’s heart paused. These people should not be robbed of the children?

The six soldiers were not Ye Yiqing’s opponents at all, and they couldn’t stand up in a short while.

"Let's go." Ye Yiqing simply didn't want to stay here, and wanted to leave with Ye Hao.

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded. "Hey, what do they want?"

Ye Yiqing said, "Listen to what they mean, they want to take the children away and say that they are the guide of God. It is just fart!"

"What do they want their children to do? The people we saw today, have their children been taken away?" Ye Hao asked in surprise. "Isn't that a soldier? How can I still grab the children of the people?"

"First go back to the boat and ask about the situation." Ye Yiqing said that he also felt that this treasure country was a bit strange. In Qi Qiling's notes, the people of Baoxiangguo seemed to be very hospitable. Even the kings were very close to the people. It seems that after a hundred years, Bao Xiangguo has changed after several generations of kings.

They had not returned to the ship and were stopped at the gate.

There were at least dozens of soldiers standing around the gate. The middle-aged man standing in front of him was wearing a black feather squat and wearing a Sanshan Jinhua Ling crown on his head. His face was dark and red, and the bags under his eyes were scary. Holding a long cane, the crutches turned out to be an animal face that I didn't know how to use the bones above. He stood at the front and looked at Ye Hao and the jade in her arms coldly.

"God finally heard our prayers and sent the children of God to our treasure country. This child was sent by God. The king's illness is still a child can be completely cured. As long as the king is cured, we treasure. The elephant country will be as good as before. The people, for our respected king, must send the child to the altar. When the king will wake up." The middle-aged man said loudly, his face was horrible.

Although Ye Hao couldn't understand what she was saying, she could guess what he meant. She turned her head and looked at Ye Yiqing. None of them could have imagined such a change in the Baoxiang Congress.

"Who dares to go forward?" Ye Yiqing asked coldly.

Probably because his eyes and momentum were too cold, the soldiers were stagnation.

"Your child can save thousands of children, for the king of our treasure country, for our innocent children, please take out your children." The middle-aged man spoke a blunt Chinese, he The eyes stared straight at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao understands his meaning now. This is to ask her children to serve as sacrifices for others. "Since it is your great king, your children, why don't you go to the sacrifice yourself? Take a child as a demon. How did you go to God without a thunder to die?"

The middle-aged man looks even more sullen. "This is your honor."

"Hey!" Ye Haodong said coldly, "This is a honour for us not to."

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