Qiguo, the palace.

Lu Shuanger was shocked when she saw Liu Guiren. She did not expect that the person brought back by Zhao Wei would be Liu Qiaoer. When Lu Jia had not yet sealed the prince, Liu Qiaoer was the little shackle of Lu’s family. Too talented, a young age is very conspicuous in Lujia, Lu Shuanger was originally to take her to serve, but went out several times, everyone's eyes only looked at Liu Qiaoer, did not notice that she is the master, Later, it was discovered that even Lu Yizhi seemed to pay special attention to Liu Qiaoer, and she would let Liuqiaoer sell to Yiyin Pavilion.

This matter does not even know the big brother! She knows that Liu Qiaoer likes her big brother. Otherwise, she will not always attract attention in front of her older brother at a young age. How can she think that Liu Qiaoer has become Liu Guiren after so many years in the past.

Liu Qiaoer slept for a day, and today the body was more comfortable. She went in and enchantedly, and after looking up, she looked up and looked at Zhao Wei, revealing a charming and gentle smile. She knew that the women in this palace are now jealous. She is, but what about it? She is willing to let others squat, from small to big, she is being grown up.

"Liu Guiren, I would like to thank the sisters in the palace for the future, so that everyone does not even know who you are." Zhao Wei looked at Liu Qiaoer and did not feel tempted about this kind of charming smile on her face. I like Lu Hao’s cold and proud smile.

Actually think of Lu Hao again! Zhao Yujun's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously. He felt that the wound that had healed his shoulders was itchy. Lu Yan was the first woman who could hurt him... Because of this, he was a little different from her.

Liu Qiaoer said with a smile, "Yes, the emperor." Then he bowed his knees and said, "My sister asked my sister to be safe."

She looked up and looked at Lu Guifei, who was sitting at the head of the crowd. She had heard that the highest position in the palace was the noble. For so many days, she had never seen Lu Guizhen’s appearance. I heard that it was very long. good-looking.

"Liu Guiren is really a beautiful person." Zhuang Huiyi covered his mouth and smiled, but his eyes were thick.

Lu Shuanger did not speak, but looked at Liuqiaoer with a blank expression.

Liu Qiaoer looked at her and suddenly stopped, Lu Shuanger?

Lu Guizhen is Lu Shuanger?

“Is Liu Guiren knowing Lu Guifei before?” Zhuang Huiyan asked with a smile. “How is this expression?”

"I don't know." Liu Qiaoer quickly replied, "I just didn't think that the noble lady is so beautiful, so my sister is really eclipsed."

Lu Shuanger’s face was stiff, and others couldn’t hear the meaning of Liuqiao’s words. She could understand it. She was selling her because Liuqiao’s looks better than her. Now she said this. Isn't it ironic to her?

"Liu Guiren is also a beautiful person." Lu Shuanger said with a blank expression, "Get into the seat, today is the banquet of Princess Ning, we must not grab the limelight."

Zhao Wei feels the infighting between these women, but he doesn't care. No matter how the woman in the harem fights, he is still under his control. In his opinion, the woman's use is to let him vent, no other. What use.

Everyone at this banquet was absent-minded. On the surface, although they were congratulating Zhao Ning, everyone was concerned about Zhao Wei. In particular, there were a few maidens who had not been petting for a long time. They were all trying to please Zhao. Hey, I want to get his pity tonight.

Zhao Ning is the most ignorant of food. She doesn't know if the person sitting on it is a cautious prince who is seen in Jinguo. If it is him... why is it, why don’t she recognize her when she is in Jinguo? What?

The banquet was not scattered at all times. Zhao Wei left with Liu Guiren, leaving a group of envious and hateful women whispering Liu Guiren fox Mei Zi, Zhao Ning only did not hear, bowed his head and left with Lu Guifei.

Zhao Wei followed up and looked at her with a smile. "Ann, what happened? Just felt at the banquet that you are absent-minded, is there something wrong?"

"Big sister, have you seen Shen Wangye?" Zhao Ning whispered.

"I have seen it." Zhao Ning knew that Zhao Ning wanted to ask anything. It must have been recognized that the father was too similar to the Shen Wang who went to Jinguo. I did not expect Zhao Ning’s eyesight to be more powerful than Zhao Xin. Zhao Xin The stupid girl didn't see the difference between the father and the cautious prince. It was probably that she had never seen the princess before, and the contact with the father was too little.

Zhao Ning looked at her. "Does Wang Shu grow up like a father?"

"Wang Shu and his father are brothers, at least seven points are similar." Zhao said with a smile, in fact, Zhao Zhongshen looks like a father, but the momentum and body are completely different, anyone can see it at a glance.

Shen Wangye is an indulgent prince, completely different from the father who practiced martial arts all the year round.

Zhao Ning's frowning brows loosened. Perhaps she was really careful when she saw it in Jinguo, but he looked too much like his father.... No, no! If she saw Shen Wang, what happened to Liu Guiren?

Is it impossible for Wang Shu’s woman in Jin Guo to give it to the father in the palace? Zhao Xin has never seen Liuqiaoer in Jinguo. She has seen it. Liuqiao is the woman who Shen Wang is hiding in the house.

"Aining, there are some things in this palace. You don't know better than you know. Sometimes even if you know it, you have to pretend that you don't know." Zhao Wei whispered softly. "Do you understand what I mean?"

Zhao Ning stunned. "I understand."

"Well, you are tired today, go back to rest early." Zhao said with a smile, talking to smart people can always save some strength.

"Big sister, then I will go back first." Zhao Ning smiled and nodded.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Ning's figure and walked into the house. Then he turned and looked back. "Not yet."

"Big sister." Zhao Xin came out from the corner, with a worried look on his face. "Big sister, I... I think I am going to die. The person who went to Jinguo is not the guardian prince, the father, the Liu Qiaoer... I feel so familiar, it seems to have been seen on the road before, she has been in Wang Shu’s carriage..."

It’s always obvious that it’s not stupid.

"The father told you that he went to Jinguo?" Zhao Wei whispered.

"No..." Zhao Xin shook his head.

"What are you nervous about? Are you rude to Wang Shu in Jin Guo?" Zhao Wei asked with an eyebrow and felt that it was very possible to make such a thing with Zhao Xin's character.

Zhao Xin tightened her lips. She seemed to look down on Shen Wangye, but who knows that he is the father?

"Since the father has not asked you what to say, you should not know anything." Zhao said.

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