Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1233: Treasure painting

Yan looked at Ye Yiqing. In the morning, he saw this man confronting the national teacher on the street. His martial arts were very powerful, and no matter how he looked, this man would not be an ordinary person.

"He is my father." Ye Hao left his hand from the wrist of King Delo. "How many medicinal herbs did you eat?"

"Last year, the national teacher began to give me food. I have to eat one every day." said the king of Dylo. "He said that the drug can last for hundreds of years."

Ye Hao turned his eyes. "If his medicinal herbs are so powerful, why not give the medicinal herbs to the Queen Mother?"

Yan said with a frown, "The Queen Mother also eats..."

That being said, the Queen Mother is so dead when she is so young.

"Infectious diseases are not so easy. It is necessary to drink a few more medicines, and then detoxify them thoroughly." Ye Hao said softly. "If the outside patient can control the fever tonight, That will gradually get better. However, how can you not even have a doctor in the country like Bao? It was only a minor illness, and it was a plague."

Yan Man said, "There was a doctor before... but everyone didn't believe these herbs, and would rather go to the temple to ask for blessing."

"..." Ye Hao was speechless for a while, and he did not know how to evaluate Baoxiangguo.

King Dai Luo looked at Ye Wei and asked, "Ye girl, are you a doctor?"

Ye Hao nodded without hesitation, "Yes."

"Can that... teach us how to cure the disease?" asked the king of Dylo.

"This is not a day or two." Ye Hao said helplessly, "I can only leave some seeds of medicinal herbs to you, telling you how to cure some common diseases."

As for the complicated illness, it is the experience of the years that can be the right medicine. It is not so easy to teach.

King Dai Luo laughed. "Thank you for the girl."

"In exchange, can the king give us this painting?" Ye Yiqing suddenly asked.

Ye Hao looked at the past and did not understand how his father suddenly made this request. His father did not seem to have a special interest in calligraphy and painting.

The king of Dylo is obviously very surprised. "Is there anything special about this calligraphy?"

"This painting... is left by the Queen of Jingguo. It has been in our palace for many years." Yan said quietly, he was somewhat unhappy with the request made by Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing smiled lightly. "Nothing special, just watching it."

King Dylo was silent for a while and did not immediately agree. "The people who left the calligraphy and paintings are of great significance to our treasure country, Ye girl, I need to think about it."

"Okay." Ye Hao smiled and nodded. I was going to wait and ask Ye Yiqing what was going on.

As he spoke, there was a rush of footsteps outside. The attendant who had just been sent out by the savage rushed in and gave a ritual to the king of Dylo. "The king, the national teacher sent people to the beach and said that they would burn the alien sorcerer." The big ship, but also... I have to bring people to surround the Temple of Heaven."

The king of Deluo sank, "What?"

"Hey!" Ye Hao's face changed slightly, turning her head to look at Ye Yiqing. She couldn't understand the words of the attendants, but she could still see the clues from the face of Dylo.

"The **** stick is going to burn the boat, I have to go back and have a look." Ye Yiqing said coldly.

Ye Hao said, "I will go with you."

"Ye girl, you can rest assured that we will not let the national teacher hurt you."

King Dylo nodded lightly and hurriedly ordered, "Oh, let the soldiers take the national division, no matter who they are, whoever joins the national division, they are treated with great crimes."

Ye Yiqing took Ye Hao and walked aside. "Our ship is not parked on the shore. It is not so easy for them to burn the ship. You stay here. It seems that your guess is correct. The national division is trying to make a treasure." Like the country, let the king of Dylo give you the calligraphy and painting left by Qi Yuling. You have cured their plague and have great grace for them. It is not a problem to have a calligraphy and painting."

"Hey, is there anything special about the calligraphy?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

"The meaning of the two lines of words is that she has left a treasure. Who can find it on her route, and finally she can find what she left behind." Ye Yiqing’s mind showed a ghostly woman, she stayed. The information of this treasure is definitely a fun attitude.

He is very curious, what will Qi Ling Ling leave on the island of the Atlantic? He is very interested, and he has a little more fun for this trip to the West.

Ye Hao rounded his eyes, "treasure?"

"The secret is in the calligraphy and painting." Ye Yiqing whispered, "I will go to the beach first."

Ye Yiqing took the person away, and Yan Man followed, and Dai Luo said to Ye Hao, "Ye girl, I have to go to the Temple of Heaven in person, you stay in the palace, the people of the national division are afraid to Here comes."

"I am going to the Temple of Heaven with you." Ye Hao said, she wants to know what the **** stick is going to do. "Your illness is not good. Now it is just a fever. If you want to go out, then first. Take medicine, lest it will aggravate the condition for a while."

"Good." King Dylo nodded.

The National Teacher has been in Baoxiang for some years and received many believers. These believers have long been brainwashed by him and trusted him as God. This time he is surrounded by dozens of believers. The temple believes that people who are ill today are punishable by God. Their diseases are not cured. They must be burned to death and sacrificed to God. Their treasure country can survive.

Afu stood in front of the Temple of Heaven and looked at the national teacher. "You can't hurt anyone. They are just sick. They will get better in a few days."

"They are all sinners! Only sinners will get sick!" said the National Teacher, "Why our treasures must burn them."

"burning sinners!"

"burning sinners!"

The people brought by the national teacher shouted loudly, and the torch in the hand was even more shocking. Afu was anxiously turning around. The patients inside all had no strength to stand up, if they really burned the Temple of Heaven. Then everyone will die.

"Stop!" When King Dallow arrived, he just saw this scene, and his chest was filled with anger.

"Great King..." The believers saw the king of Dylo and cried out in surprise. "The king woke up!"

Afu saw King Dylo, his face was bright, "Great King, you are here!"

The national teacher blinked at the king of Dailuo, his eyes fell on the leaf of his side, and the eyes of the haze revealed the cold light.

King Dylo was supported by two attendants, and his face looked a little white and looked at the national teacher. "The treasure country is not a sinner, the only sinner is you."

"Da Wang, are you confused by these alien demons?" Guoshi looked at the king of Dailuo and asked quietly.

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