Baoxiangguo, outside the Temple of Heaven.

The national teacher took dozens of believers in front of the gate. Everyone had a torch in their hands. They were brainwashed by the national teacher. They believed that the patients in the Temple of Heaven are sinners and should be punished. Only these people should be punished. They are all burned to death, and their treasure country will be better.

The national teacher looked at Ye Hao in a gloomy manner. If he knew that this woman could really cure the king of Dailuo, he would not stop them. Then he would save a lot of trouble.

"Dawang, do you want to believe the demon girl of unknown origin? The treasure country will soon be in trouble. If we don't burn the sinners, we will all be hurt. When the treasure country will not be born, is this what you want?" "The National Teacher turned his gaze to the king of Dylo. This unskilled boy is not worthy of being the king of the treasure country. Over the years, if he did not help his mother and child, how could the king of Dylo sit on the throne safely? .

King Dylo said coldly, "You said the demon girl, let me wake up, she can cure my illness, can cure the diseases of those people inside, can you? Killing is not a way to save."

The national teacher smiled sullenly. "Da Wang, what you see now is just a disorder. They are not sick, they are the punishment of God."

"Old gods, you said that they are the punishment of God, then if they are better, then it is not a punishment, right?" Ye Yu looked more and more and felt that this old **** stick was sick, and he was not very sick. God's punishment, he thought he was something.

"Are they getting better?" asked the national teacher.

Ye Xie smiled and looked at the believers behind him, asking Afu to come and translate for her. "You have been protected by the king of Dylo for generations. Now you have to burn the sick, do you want to burn your king?"

In the eyes of the national teacher, there was a slap in the face. He knew that the people of Baoxiangguo had deep-rooted loyalty to the king of Dailuo. He spent so many difficult things and could not let them fully believe him, if not the person who was sick this time. Too much, he still can't find an excuse to let these people completely believe in him.

"Only burning those sinners, our great king will be saved!" The believer shouted loudly.

“Is it?” Ye Xiao’s smile was more obvious. “You haven’t burned people yet. Your king woke up, know why?”

Those believers face each other, yeah, the king now looks... seems to be very good, not as fast as the national teacher said.

The national teacher wanted to swear by Ye Hao, but he heard Ye Haojiao asked, "Do you know where it is?"

"Tianzhu Temple." Someone replied.

Ye Hao looked suddenly serious and looked at them with stern eyes. "Yes, here is the Temple of Heaven, your every move, the gods of heaven are in the eyes, the treasure country is the place she guards, the generation Luo Wang is the guardian she sent to protect you. You are going to hurt her people now, to hurt her. Do you think that God of Heaven will ignore it? You will have today, not the punishment of God, it is the Scorpio. God's wrath! I am sent by God of Heaven to save the king of Daluo. God is merciful and willing to give you a chance. You are not even having this opportunity now?"

Afu looked with a bit of excitement and translated Ye Hao's words one word at a time for everyone to listen to.

The face of the national teacher is getting more and more ugly. He looks at Ye Hao’s eyes full of murderousness.

Those hearts were stunned by Ye Hao’s words. God of Heaven is the **** they once believed in. If... If they really angered God, they will not be punished.

"The **** of nature does not exist at all!" said the national teacher, "Don't listen to the demon's demon confession."

Ye Hao chuckled and said, "The **** of heaven does not exist. Doesn't your **** exist? When Baoxiangguo believed in the gods of heaven, how could there be nothing, when did the plague happen today? It’s all your fault, old **** stick!”

Afu laughed and translated Ye Hao’s words.

It seems like this... Baoxiangguo has not experienced so many people in many years.

The Chinese teacher saw that the believer who had been trained by him was said to have moved his mind and screamed at Ye Hao. "This demon girl is tempting everyone. We will burn her first... Only when this demon woman is burned, we will Can save the treasure like a country."

The confidants of several national teachers immediately yelled out loudly and took the torch and walked over to Ye Hao.

King Dylo immediately ordered, "Protect the leaf girl."

Yan Man took out the sabre at the waist, "Who dares to offend the gods!"

Ye Hao stood still in the same place and looked at the national teacher coldly. "Old **** stick, even if your conspiracy is successful, how long do you think you can live? You don't know if you are sick, you want it. Pull these innocent people to give you a back."

Afu knew that the national teacher could understand what Ye Hao said, but she still translated the words of Ye Hao loudly.

The crutches in the hands of the national teacher pointed to Ye Hao. "Today, I have to kill you this demon girl."

Ye Hao thought that he wanted a crutches to hammer her. Who knows that the national teacher pulled a sword from the end of the crutches and pointed it straight at Ye Hao.

蚩 立刻 立刻 保护 保护 保护 保护 保护 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁 蓁Self-help on the ground.

This is what the national teacher wants. He wants to win in the chaos.

"Protect your great king. If he is dead, the national teacher will achieve his goal." Ye Hao said to Yan.

"Ye girl, what do you do?" asked the king of Dailuo.

Ye Hao looked at the teacher coldly. "If I kill him, wouldn't you blame me?"

King Dylo said, "The **** of heaven is for the heavens."

"..." really took her to the day.

Ye Hao does not have martial arts, but she is good at shooting from a young age, and her body is flexible. There are soldiers next to her to protect her. She easily escapes the national division's offensive.

She took off the musket at the waist and remembered what she had said to her. The blaster's head and archery are somewhat different, but the principle is the same.

This old **** stick is not just about trying to find a throne. He wants to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of people to get what he wants.

"Old **** stick, today I will teach you for God of Heaven." Ye Hao looked at the national teacher and said coldly, the gun shot at the national division's legs.

Uncertainly hitting his leg, the national teacher stunned and the sword in his hand supported the body.

Afu yelled, "Look, the national teacher is in front of the **** of heaven, and the **** of heaven is showing up..."

Some of the patients in the Temple of Heaven have woke up, and when they heard the movement outside, they just heard the sound of Afu. They saw Ye Hao holding a still-fired musket in his hand and remembered that they were sick. When you are stupid, it seems that this beautiful woman is giving medicine to them.

"Scorpio God, God of Heaven..."

"Scorpio God!"

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