"Big sister, what should I do? The father has already prepared Zhao Ning's marriage. He will not change his mind. Everything we have done before will be in vain. The father may actually marry Laner. Anning Hou.” Zhao Xin screamed and shouted at Zhao’s side. She liked Murong. After returning, she always wanted Zhao Wei to help her to marry Jin Guo in the future. Now Zhao Ning and her dear to Jin Guogui, she will not May be married to Murong.

She has been scratching her lungs for a few nights. When she thought she couldn't marry someone she liked, she became more and more annoyed by Zhao Ning. It was Zhao Ning who broke her good deeds.

"You shut up, don't turn around in front of me." Zhao Wei was in a bad mood. When Zhao Xin walked in front of her, she was even more annoyed. The father was impossible to Zhao Xin. Married to Anning Hou, the last possibility is Zhao Lan.

If Zhao Lan marries Anning Hou, isn’t that adding power to the Second Emperor?

No, she will not allow Zhao Lan to marry Anning Hou.

"I want to go out of the palace." Zhao Wei stood up and said, she knows what kind of person the father is. If the father decides to marry Laner to Anning Hou, then no matter how much she does behind her, he Will not change your mind.

What she is most worried about now is that the father may have found out that she has helped in Zhao Ning's case. The father will not like her to intervene in these things.

Anning Hou is her jealousy... It should have been for her, but he seems to have never been her niece. When she met, she was always indifferent to her, as if they had no relationship at all.

She knows that the only loyalty in Anning Hou’s heart is the emperor. Even if Zhao Lan marries him, he will not change his heart. However, there will still be influence. In the future, in the dispute between the two emperors and the great emperor, he will definitely help. Close party.

Should it make Zhao Lan sick again?

"Big sister, I am going out with you," Zhao Xin said immediately.

"No, I will go on my own." Zhao said faintly, "Aning has come to Qi for so long, and he has never gone out. You go to the father and ask for help, take Aning out and go, I will finish the matter. Go find you."

Zhao Xin squats, "Big sister, she has not used value, how are you still so good to her."

"What is the use of value, isn't Anin not my sister?" Zhao Yan frowned, she actually liked Zhao Ning, it was a smart woman, she married to Jin Guo, if she was favored in the future, gave birth to the emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom That is, her position in Jinguo is different. It is always good to have a good relationship with Zhao Ning.

"I don't like her." Zhao Xin said with a grin.

Zhao Wei glanced at her faintly. "You can't see others better than you. Aning will leave Qi. There is almost no chance to meet you in the future. You don't like her any more. I have treated her as a sister these days."

"Is the messenger of Jinguo coming to meet?" Zhao Xin asked.

"Yeah." Zhao Wei nodded faintly, and Jin Guo not only sent messengers to welcome the relatives, but also prepared to send troops to Xishuang. I heard that the father was to send An Ning Hou to Xiliang and Jin Guo to join forces against Beiming.

Before Anning Hou went out, she wanted to see him.

Anning Hou Cheng is the younger brother of Qi Guoxian Empress, the only single seedling of Cheng Jia. He is 26 years old this year. He still has no relatives. He has set two relatives before, but his fiancée is dead. Others say that it is because Cheng Hao’s life is too Hard, when he was born, his biological parents were killed by him. The family of five died in the middle of the river. Only he escaped and was rescued by the next man. Today, Cheng Guojun is actually him. The uncle, just arrived at Cheng Jia, Mrs. Cheng is seriously ill, for many years, Cheng Hao is a person who talks about the color change.

Probably because too many people are regarded as ominous people, Cheng Hao’s character has become somewhat deep and restrained. Especially after taking the troops out, the body’s suffocation is even heavier. There is hardly any girl in the emperor who dares to marry him.

Zhao Wei has not really remembered what Cheng Hao looked like. She remembered that she had seen it when she was a child. She didn’t like this embarrassment after her mother, probably because of her grandmother’s death, and because Cheng Hao was not born, but no matter what, in terms of identity, Cheng Wei It is her embarrassment, because the grandfather recorded him on the genealogy and is the eldest son of Cheng.

"The big princess, the old man is not at home, if you are looking for the old man, you can only go to the Heguanlou." Cheng Jia Hall, the butler said respectfully to Zhao Wei, thinking that she is coming to find the old man.

"The grandfather is not there, then... is it at home?" Zhao Wei whispered.

"The general is in the practice room." The housekeeper replied.

Zhao Wei said, "I know where the practice room is, I am going to find it."

The housekeeper stunned and didn't speak. He saw that the big princess had left the hall.

The practice room is a little far from the hall, but also through the study of the study, in a yard behind the study, where is the practice room of Cheng Hao.

Cheng Hao likes to be quiet, does not like others to look at him, so the practice room looks very quiet, even the personal shadow can not see.

Zhao Wei is a bit embarrassed. She has heard that many people are afraid of Cheng Hao. I don’t know what I am afraid of. Does it mean that Cheng Hao will really kill the people around him? She doesn't believe it at all.

Strange, how can I not have one?

Zhao Wei walked in. The empty square didn't even see the personal shadow. Zhao Yan frowned and went to the middle of the training room. She had been here before, but she did not go in.

Isn't it here?

She knocked on the door of the hall, there was no sound inside, she wanted to find someone to ask, standing outside the door, Zhao Xiaomei's heart wrinkled more and more tight.

If you don’t find out what you are saying today, there may be no chance... He will soon leave the emperor to go to the west.

Zhao Wei thought that Cheng Hao would marry Zhao Lan. She opened the door. "Hey, are you there?"

What about people?

Zhao Wei walked in and found that the exercise room was very large. The ground was paved with wooden planks. There were a lot of weapons next to it. She didn’t see a person. She was disappointed in her heart. It seems that she is not here.

I can only let the next person ask for her.

Zhao Wei turned and left. When she was about to leave the door, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of her. She looked up suddenly and suddenly screamed.

Is this person a ghost or a person?

"Who are you?" The man who spoke was tall and burly, handsome and handsome, but this was not the reason why Zhao Wei was scared, but the man had a terrible scar on his face, and the scar was extended from the forehead on the left to the chin. ... looks like a ghost.

"You...who are you?" Zhao Wei looked at the ground and found that this person had a shadow. She was relieved that it was not a ghost.

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