When Ye Hao heard Zhao Tianqi’s words, she flashed a thought in her heart. It really should let this guy die, she has nothing to do with it!

I was thinking, the sound of knocking on the door outside the door was the management of the door to ask them. "Two, we, the two sailors, asked the two to talk about the Zhao Tianyi."

"Oh, he has nothing to do with us. What do you like about it." Ye Hao waved her hand, and she didn't want to gossip about it, so that she would not be accidentally given to Zhao Tianyu. Who knows if he will sell her.

That thing probably didn’t expect them to refuse, he snorted. "Girl, it’s the water master."

"Whether it is the water master or the mountain lord, we just pass by this place, just to meet a person we have known before. Now we feel that we have mistaken people, so we will leave." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Girl..." I didn't think that Ye Hao could say so confidently that this ghost didn't believe it. "The Zhao Tianyi said that you are his loved one."

Kiss him uncle! The smile on Ye Hao’s face is even brighter. “How can I not remember that I have such a loved one?”

When Zhao Tianqi didn't know when he was taken to the second floor, he just heard Ye Hao's words. He shouted, "You... don't forget that you lived in Zhaojiadao today, the emperor... Lu Hao, we are related."

Ye Hao heard the meaning of Zhao Tian's words. If she didn't save him, he planned to tell her identity.

"Are you stealing people's things or doing something bad, how did you become like this?" Thinking of Huangfu, Ye Hao could not ignore Zhao Tianyi's current situation. She was curious about what he had done in the days of anger and anger. Who... The lord wants to sell him as a slave.

Zhao Tianyi looked at the manager and tried to open the person who was holding him. He whispered to Ye Hao. "Water asked me to marry his sister. I don't want to, I was arrested when I wanted to sneak away." Come back, who knows that his sister suddenly fell ill, no doctor knows the reason, he is now angry with me, my boat was deducted by him, and the people who followed me were killed by him, I can’t walk, you can’t go, you Healed his sister, he might have let me go."

Ye Hao didn't think it would be the reason. "Are you still not married? How is it bad for a younger sister?"

"It’s too fat...” Zhao Tianqi almost didn’t cry out. “I’m so jade, I can’t lick one...”

He didn't dare to say it later. If he heard the water, he might be slaughtered.

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yiqing, "Hey, what do you think?"

"There is a lingering death." Ye Yiqing said faintly.

"Anniling!" Zhao Tianqi almost bite his teeth. He has no one here to save him from leaving. Only Lu Hao can save him. He can’t even think about why the Queen of Jinguo will appear here. He just wants to leave this. Ghost place.

Ye took a look at him and said to the manager, "I want to say a few words to him first."

When he looked at Zhao Tianqi, he expected that they could not leave the auction house. He smiled lightly. "A quarter of an hour."

Zhao Tianyi followed Ye Hao into the wing, and he immediately said, "Gang Niang, no matter how much money you give him, you must take me out of here."

"Who is that water? You refused to marry his sister, he will detain you? Is there no official office here?" Ye Hao frowned and looked at Zhao Tianyu.

"He is the biggest merchant in Nanzhou. Even the governors here are looking at his face. I even want to go to any official government. It is different from our country. The status of the Chinese business is the highest." Muffled, "I don't know where to look at me, I want to go and still let me go, Niangni, you must help me."

Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, "Are you abandoning that the girl does not look good or what?"

"She looks very good." Zhao Tianyu whispered, "But I don't like being forced to do things."

"How come you came here?" Ye Hao knew the reason, only felt more difficult, although he had never seen the water, but he only felt bad when he heard his voice.

Zhao Tianqi said, "I have been through business here, and I came here for the first time. It is still important for the water to see his sister as a life. As long as you can just water the seedlings, he will definitely agree."

"What kind of person is that water?" Ye Hao asked with an eyebrow.

"I only know that he is the biggest merchant in Southzhou. At least half of the merchant ships in the port are his. Others call him Haiwang. Because he often goes out to sea, and every time he returns home, he has only one sister. I don't know the other. "Zhao Tianyu said.

Ye Hao still wants to ask more clearly, and there has been a knock on the door.

Zhao Tianqi looked at Ye Wei erectly. "You can cure me, you can cure the seedlings, please save her."

"It seems that you are very concerned about her." Ye Hao smiled lightly.

"I will die if she dies." Zhao Tianyi said with no anger.

"Hey, then go see the waterlor." Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yiqing.

Ye Yiqing gently decapitated and did not object.

The outside management had waited a little impatient. When they saw Ye Hao, they immediately said, "Girl, the water master is already waiting for you."

Ye Hao is quite interested in this water. A merchant can have such a big power in Nanzhou. It will certainly not be so simple. I think that no one in Jinguo can have such a skill.

They took them through the long corridor, and the columns on the corridor were engraved with complicated and delicate patterns. It can be seen that the auction house was built by the owner with more heart. What kind of person is the water?

After a long corridor, I finally came to the room facing the auction floor, and the door was pushed by the door. Ye Hao saw the furnishings in the room.

This room is really different, not only is it more spacious, but even the layout is full of strong and cold, a man wearing a dark blue robes is facing them, his back is generous and tall, he has not seen him yet. Looks like, can feel the gloomy smell of his body.

Ye Yiqing stood behind Ye Hao and silently protected her daughter.

"Yes, they are coming." The management went to the man's side and whispered.

Zhao Tianqi stood beside Ye Hao and looked at the man with his lips.

The man turned his head slowly. He had sharp, cold eyes and his eyes were blue. The facial features looked handsome and younger than Ye Hao’s imagination.

"Have you been to the treasure country?" Water smacked with a handful of vanilla, and looked coldly at Ye Hao.

"Through." Ye Hao nodded, and the cold and cold man she had seen, she naturally would not be afraid of this water.

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