Ye Hao promised to give a sister to the water to cure the disease. When the water was taken, they asked the family to live in the water house, so it was convenient to take care of them. This made Ye Hao want to refuse and she did not want to let the two children Living in the water home, even she does not want to cure the disease, go to a trip every day.

A glimpse of water is obviously very dissatisfied with Ye Hao’s answer. He does not want to threaten them. After knowing that Ye Hao is an apprentice of Huangfu, he has some confidence in her medical skills, but his sister’s illness is unusual, and It is not cured in a day or two. He naturally hopes that they can stay in the water home and treat their sister easily.

"Ye girl, do you think that you will speak in the next and have no faith?" Water asked, looking at Ye Hao.

"Yeah, so be careful." Ye Hao did not hide the jealousy of the water.

The water showed a smile, "If I really want to retaliate, do you think you can still leave in South China?"

Ye Hao heard the words stagnation, and had to admit that the water was right. Nanzhou was his site. Even if she let Zhaoyang live on the boat, as long as the water refused to let them go, they were estimated. It is not easy to leave.

"There is Laoshui's entertainment." Ye Yiqing said faintly, the water is right, Nanzhou is his place, no matter where he lives, maybe they are at the port of the ship at this time. It is.

“Hey?” Ye Hao didn’t think that Ye Yiqing would simply agree to it.

Ye Yiqing whispered, "Immediately get better early and leave."

A glimpse of water did not care about this man. He thought that it was just an ordinary follower. If he had not mentioned the arrogance of his family, he did not see that the father and the daughter were Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Yeah, hey, you still listen to what you said." Zhao Tianyi said to Ye Hao in a whisper, he also hopes to cure the disease of the seedlings earlier so that he can leave the place earlier.

Ye took a look at him. Would it be because of him that she would be threatened by water?

Zhao Tianqi knows what he is doing, and he dare not say anything in front of Ye Hao.

"Hey, I went to the water house with Zhao Tianyi first, and you went to the inn to pick them up in Zhaoyang." Ye Hao turned to Ye Yiqing.

"Good." Ye Yiqing did not look at other people, but even ignored Zhao Tianyu's gratitude to him. This kid is best worth the value that they deserve, otherwise he will not let him go.

When the water heard the words of their father and daughter, they secretly sighed and did not need too strong means to ask them to live in the water house. He was more willing.

Ye Hao looked at the thousand vanilla in his hand and said softly, "Give it back to us first."

Before, she didn't know that Qian Van Pei was worth so much money. Even if she had to go to the water house to cure the water seedlings, she would have to take her own things back.

The water is a little dull, and the thousand vanilla in the hand is returned to Ye Hao. "Ye girl, please."

Ye Hao was too lazy to say more, and then went to the water home with the water.

There are some differences between the mansion here and Kyoto. Their big mansion is tall and decorated with surprises. Most of them are brick and wood structures. The gate is composed of three doors: foot, squat and wooden door. One entry is the grand official hall. Wood and stone brick carvings, mural stone scenes are exquisite and elegant, completely do not see this merchant's home, but everywhere reveals a noble atmosphere.

If this is not a water home, Ye Hao really wants to relax and enjoy it everywhere, but now there is no such feeling.

"Ye girl, please come here." Water can't wait to take Ye Hao to find his sister, it is best to heal his sister's illness.

Ye Hao understood his meaning, so he did not deliberately delay.

After a glimpse of the water, he walked a few steps to the backyard. Suddenly he looked back and looked at Zhao Tianqi deeply. "Take him first to look after it."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Tianqi shouted. "Do you still want to put me under house?"

"Miao Miao met with you if it hurts her condition, I will not let you go." Water said, he just did not want Zhao Tianyi to appear in front of his sister.

Ye Hao glanced at Zhao Tianyi sympathetically. "Then go on, if I can cure his sister, I can naturally let you out."

" must cure the seedlings." Zhao Tianqi was blocked from going to the road, and he was only able to look at Ye Hao.

If she can be cured, she will naturally be cured. If it is not cured, then there is no way.

A glimpse of the water with Ye Hao went to the backyard, neither of them spoke, only their footsteps along the way, the backyard is very large, in Ye Hao's view, this house is comparable to the Qin Wangfu she once lived. .

I didn’t know how long it took, and I stopped at a place that looked exquisite and elegant. The face of the water was heavy, as if I was hesitating, I took a deep breath and turned and said to Ye Hao, "Ye girl, please ""

Ye Hao thinks he is a little weird. Is it so scared to see a sick sister?

"What did the former doctors say?" When Ye Hao saw him like this, he remembered that he had not asked about the condition of the water seedlings. He was unconscious, what was growing on his body?

"They didn't diagnose it." The water whispered, "I can't see the seedlings are sick."

Ye stunned. "Can't you see a disease?"

The water flashed his face and hesitated. He couldn’t say that the doctors said that his sister was not sick. If he was not sick, how could his sister be so strange and obviously sick.

"Ye girl knows after a while." Water said, and lifted his foot into the yard.

"What do you mean by this?" Ye Hao was confused, frowning with the water.

I haven't walked to the house yet. In the courtyard, she has heard the voice of the woman talking. "Give me something to eat, I am going to starve, I am going to starve."

Listening to this voice is obviously a girl, shouldn't it be a sister of water? Is he hungry for his sister and not giving her something to eat?

"Girl, the uncle said... I can't let you eat any more." The eager voice of the ring came out.

Ye Hao turned his head and looked at the water next to him. "Are you hungry for your sister?"

The look on the face of the water was bitter and distressed. "That is because she is ill."

"Hungry stomach can cure the disease?" Ye Hao asked an eyebrow, what disease needs to be hungry, she has not heard of it.

"Yeah girl will know when she sees it for a while." The water whispered, indicating that Ye Hao walked into the room with him.

Ye Xie was puzzled, until there were two curtains hitting the curtains at the door. She saw a huge monster lying on the bed, surrounded by all kinds of chicken bones and duck bones, and the ring was being cleaned up. It is not shocked to describe it.

Zhao Tianqi said that the water seedlings are too fat, it is simply too polite to speak.

If the behemoth lying on the bed is a seedling... It’s terrible.

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