The disease of water seedlings can not be treated with acupuncture. It can only be used to force out the evil in her body. However, it may take longer to get rid of it. Whether it can be cured or another thing, the most important thing is to let her first. Lose weight, less meat on the body, she can also acupuncture.

Ye Yiqing, they came to the water house, and brought the medicine box of Ye Hao. Ye Hao first opened the medicine to give water to the seedlings to drink. The next step was how to treat it. She had to think about a charter.

A glimpse of the water, Ye Hao knows that Ye Hao is not a vain name, and his heart is gratified, letting people serve Ye Yiqing with their specifications.

Only Zhao Yang’s face is gloomy.

"What's wrong? Is anyone hurting you?" Ye Yiqing personally went to the port with the full time, they explained some things, they went to the inn to pick them up in Zhaoyang, but Zhaoyang didn't talk to him all the way, he thought about things. I care, I found out that something is wrong now.

Zhaoyang said with a blank expression, "After the event is over, you will send the donkey and the child back to Jinguo."

Ye Yiqing stunned, "Why?"

"Ming Xi and Ming Yu are the emperors and princesses of Jin Guo. They are the empresses of the kingdom of Jin. If they have a flash at sea, how can you explain to Murong Zhan in the future? We have met this month for a few months. How many risks, in case the next two children..." Zhaoyang thought that someone would come to the inn to grab the children today, she was so scared that she was white. "If you don't send them back, then let me go back, I don't want to Going out with you."

Ye Yiqing was shocked to see Zhaoyang, his mouth moved, but he did not know what to say, "Zhaoyang..."

"I know that you want to punish Murong and you are hurting. But, is it sad to see you? If you didn't marry her, she would go out with you with two children who have not yet had a full moon? The children are still so small, they should have lived in the palace, they should stay with their father, instead of following this adventure, they don’t understand anything. If they suffer a little bit of harm, I have been in this life. Unable to be at ease." At the end of the day, Zhaoyang’s voice choked.

"Do you think... is it bad to go out to sea?" Ye Yiqing's tone was also heavy.

Zhaoyang looked up at his clear and honest face. "If Murong Zhan is really hurt, if you don't want to go back to him forever, I don't think it's bad to go out, but in my heart, There is Murong Zhan, she wants to go back to him, there are two children... It is unfair to them."

Ye Yiqing never thought about the mood of Mo Rongzhan. In his opinion, the kid hurt his daughter's heart. He was going to suffer the pain of cramping and peeling. "I didn't let you go back..."

"But you didn't let Murong Zhan know that you are still alive." Zhao Yang said, "Today, those people who went to the inn to take the children, I am scared to death, I ... I am afraid that they will have an accident."

Upon hearing this, Ye Yiqing fully understood that Zhaoyang was because of her own small birth, so she had special feelings for the children. She was afraid to see the two grandchildren being hurt.

"I took the sea out, not all to punish Murong Cham." Ye Yiqing sat down on Zhaoyang's shoulder and gently put her in her arms. "Hey, I watched growing up, she didn't Suitable for living in the palace, she suppresses her own nature for Murong Zhan. If I don't take her away, she will one day hate Murong Zhan, taking her out to sea is her dream, to do what she wants to do. Things, when do I want to go back to Jin Guo, when I want to go back to Murong Cham, I will not stop her."

When Zhaoyang heard it, she felt awkward. She squatted at Ye Yiqing’s waist. "You won’t stop her, but you seduce her. Don’t think I don’t know. You still gave her no. Traveling in the sea, do you have a father like this? You don’t feel bad about your grandson, Mingxi and Mingyu are so small. Afterwards, Dalian’s own father didn’t know what to expect. Do you feel nothing at all?”

Ye Yiqing certainly loves his two grandsons, but he doesn't think there is any problem with bringing them around. As for the sorrow of the ink-filled Zhan, hehe, there is no point at all, but he can't say it in front of Zhaoyang. Lest, let her let him hit the floor tonight. "Then I ask, if she wants to go back, the matter is over, I will let her go back."

"Don't ask you, I will ask." If Ye Yiqing went to say something, he would certainly not be convinced.

Ye Yiqing nodded helplessly. "I will take the medicine box first and give it a break."

Zhaoyang grabbed his sleeve. "What is this water home?" Is this being under house arrest?"

"No, I will take you outside for a walk tomorrow, don't worry." Ye Yiqing comforted her softly.

"Good." Zhaoyang had no choice but he had already promised her anyway.

Ye Yiqing walked out of the house, he was going to find Ye Hao, and she was not worried that she was alone in the water. The building of the water house is very similar to the southern mansion he had visited before. Perhaps the person who built it here should be a southerner.

Out of the door, Ye Yiqing asked the next person to take him to find Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is in the house to persuade the water seedlings.

"You don't go out and walk, how to exercise, look at the meat on your body, do you want to be like this forever?" Ye Hao gasped, seeing the water seedlings sticking out the meat and wanting to get on the table. The lotus sugar, she is speechless. "Are you planning to see no one in your life?"

"Don't you say that I am dead?" asked Miao Miao, "I would rather eat and die."

Ye Hao looked at her coldly. She was very interested in the disease of the water seedlings. This is a disease she has never encountered. If it is cured, she can write it in the medical case in the future. "So you would rather be someone else." Is it a pig?"

The water seedlings screamed at Ye Hao with resentment. "What do you say?"

Ye Hao felt the coldness of the man behind him. She looked at the seedlings faintly. "If I were you, I would definitely not want to die so dignified. How many talents will you lift your spirits?" If you lift it to the middle of the road and lift it, it will be a lot of jokes. If you die, you don’t know anything. Others laugh at your family."

"Are you enough?" asked the water coldly.

The seedlings are filled with tears in their eyes, and they look at Ye Hao with hatred.

Ye Hao looked back at the water. "Do you want me to cure? If you want me to cure her illness, no matter what I say or do, you can't intervene, or else please Gaoming."

Water can't bear the pain of her sister. She can think that her illness can no longer be delayed. He has to open his face and not look at her. "Good."

At this time, some people came to sue, Ye Yiqing came to find Ye Hao.

Ye Hao said faintly, "I will go out first, come back later, you will give me 10 laps outside."

Ten laps? The water seedlings that couldn’t walk a few steps a day collapsed.

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