Everything is ready. Ye Hao went to Zhaoyang to say goodbye to her day before her departure. She and Ye Yiqing have nothing to say. Ye Yiqing has already told her a lot these days, no matter how to bring troops or how to deal with Li Wei. She has heard a lot.

She feels that her father is very reassured that she went to Dongqingguo. Therefore, there is nothing left to worry about, and there is no need to have any parting sorrow. I will always meet again later.

However, in the face of Zhaoyang, Ye Hao has some lack of confidence.

"Mrs...." Ye Hao took the soup into the house, and Zhaoyang was still sitting on the moon.

Zhaoyang saw Ye Hao coming in, the smile on his face disappeared, and her face was stunned.

Ye Hao chuckled, "What's wrong? Sitting on the moon, but to keep a good mood."

"What are you doing here?" Zhaoyang snorted and was not happy with Ye Hao’s appearance. She had been sitting in the house for half a month. Now she only sees Ye Hao, she has long wanted It’s a curse.

"You don't do this. I have been busy crying for half a month." Ye Hao leaned down on Zhaoyang's shoulder. "I don't know when to meet again. You are willing to say goodbye to me." ?"

Zhaoyang was so angry that her arm was twisted and her eyes were red. "What are you doing in the end? Is it good to return to the country? Is it 100,000 soldiers? How many soldiers do you bring back?" If it is dangerous, can you let me and you stay here with peace of mind?"

"I don't figure anything." Ye Hao whispered, "Li Wei's life is what I gave him. Dong Qingguo is jealous to him. He indulges Li Yu to hurt you and puts you under house in Dongqing. This is enough."

"You have already killed Li Yu." Zhaoyang said.

Ye Hao smiled faintly. "Li Yu and Li Wei are still different. However, fortunately she is dead, otherwise she will not end well."

"Hey, you are really different from before." Zhaoyang knew that she could not persuade her, but she felt that her friend who had been so good with her had made her somewhat incomprehensible.

She was two or three years older than her. When she was young, she saw Ye Xiaojiao and Ye Yiqing spoiled. The whole Ye family regarded her as a pearl. She felt that a little girl like Ye Hao would definitely want to be able to protect her in the future. The talents of her life, or who has the ability to protect a woman who has fallen into the country?

There were too many things happening, but she still felt that Ye Hao needed to be protected. She never thought that one day she would protect others, and she would be able to lead 100,000 soldiers to revenge, saying that revenge has gone too far, but it is not Is this the case?

Ye Hao said with a smile, "In fact, I was like this."

Zhaoyang sighed in her heart. It was all she had not known about Ye Yiqing before. How could his father raise his daughter like a weak white flower?

"When is it going?" Zhao Yang asked.

"Tomorrow." Ye Hao said, she hugged Zhaoyang's shoulder. "Hey, I will hand it over to you. When I grab Li Wei's Dongqing country, I will come to see you with Murong Chong."

Zhaoyang resisted tears, "Okay."

Ye Yiqing stood by the door, facing away from the two women in the room who were most important to him. His face was a little heavy, hesitated for a while, or he walked lightly.

He went to the study in the front yard, where several people were waiting for him.

"Nothing else can be explained. You are all warriors. I only have one thing to ask you." Ye Yiqing whispered.

"Adult, what are you doing, though," said Jiang Dachuan, who stood at the forefront.

Ye Yiqing glanced at them and said, "The guards are well-rounded."

He has nothing to ask for, and what Li Wei and Dong Qingguo are completely meaningless to him, he just wants to be safe on the road to growth.

Parting is for a reunion.

Without too much farewell, Ye Hao came to the boat with two rings and children in the early morning.

"Mother, where are we going?" Ming Xi took Ye Hao's hand and stood on the ship's board and looked at the sea. He saw such a big ship for the first time, and his eyes were full of surprise and joy.

"Go back to you." Ye Hao said with a smile, "Want to go back?"

Mingxi seems to understand and nod, "Think."

Ye Hao hugged him and kissed his forehead. "Before going back, we still have something important to do."

"Mother, grandfather?" asked Mingyu, who was hung in his arms, innocently.

"They are at home, we will come back to them later." Ye Hao whispered.

Ye Hao turned to look at the past, behind the big ship, the black-pressed warships looked endless, 100,000 soldiers... This is the power she brought back.

No matter what, with them, Murong Chan will surely believe that she does not need to rely on him to protect.

"Oh." The voice of Huangfu was heard behind him.

"Master..." Ye Hao smiled and turned his head, but was surprised to find that there were still water and seedlings behind the emperor.

The water seedlings looked at Ye Xiaoying and smiled, "Ye sister."

"How come you?" Ye Xiaoxiao asked, thinking that their brothers and sisters came to see him off. "I just don't want you to go off the line, so as not to add sadness."

Huang Fu looked at her gently and said, "Is everything ready?"

"You can leave as long as you order." Ye Hao whispered, she looked at Huangfu seriously. "Master, Qi Tong gave me General Shen, and there are several deputies. Actually, you don't have to go back with me. of."

"Luoyang is a warrior. If you don't care, I can help a group." Huangfu said with a smile, since he has already arrived here, he will definitely not disembark.

The water seedlings went to the front of Ye Hao. "Sister Ye, we are not coming to see you, have you told me? I will follow you."

Ye Hao slightly glimpsed and looked at the water standing behind him. He heard that no sister said so, he must be angry.

"You don't have to look at my brother, he has to go together." Shui Miaomiao whispered in Ye Hao's ear.

"What?" Ye Hao felt that he had heard it wrong.

Water said with a blank expression, "Miao Miao has to follow you to Jinguo, I only have one sister."

He followed to protect his sister and had nothing to do with Lu Hao.

Ye Hao’s reason for a glimpse of water is almost speechless, but his heart is still inexplicably moved.

"Scorpio, everything is ready." Shen Luoyang came over to Ye Hao and whispered if he wanted to leave.

"Get off." Ye Hao took a deep breath and looked at the gates not far away. She knew that she would definitely watch the ships out of the sea.

A loud drum sounded and their boat slowly left the port.

Ye Hao held a child in the boat board, and the sea breeze blew her skirt. "Ming Xi, Ming Yu, we are going home."

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