Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1310: What is Scorpio?

Ye Hao has attacked ten cities and towns. Before the siege, she has ordered all the soldiers not to rob the people. If they want to stay, they can still live their lives. The grain she needs will be exchanged with silver. It will not rob the people of a rice. The people of Dongqingguo have become more and more heavy in the past two years. Because the emperors are useless, they have to pay tribute to the North Ming State every year, as well as the oppression of war. Ordered to be tax-free for three years, everyone does not want to leave.

For the people, whoever is the emperor is the same, as long as they can give them a stable and prosperous life is a good emperor, they do not care whether the emperor of Dongqingguo is surnamed Li, and let them pay such a heavy tax every year. Say, it is only for the strong men to go to join the army, which makes them unable to stand.

Nowadays, some people are willing to exempt them from taxes, and they don’t need to be strong to join the army. This is the good emperor in their minds.

Ye Hao stood on the wall and looked at the people who had returned to normal life. They didn't seem to change the sorrow of the ruler at all. They still ploughed and returned to the sunset, and the people who went back and forth on the street did not decrease. .

"Li Wei has lost all his heart." Huangfu did not know when to come behind Ye Hao.

"Since he decided to abandon the kingdom, he has already lost his heart." It is inevitable that the North Ming Dynasty will not be as easy as the alliance with the Jin State. What kind of person is the North Hall, it will certainly put forward many harsh conditions. It can only be said that Li Wei’s eyes are too short. He thinks that Jin Guo is a must, so he is unwilling to send troops to help him instead of relying on the North Ming Kingdom.

Huangfu said, "Why don't you fight?"

"Continue to fight, it will only let more innocent soldiers die. If Cui Yang can return to us, isn't it better?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"You want to persuade Cui Yang to return to the country?" Huangfu thought she was just waiting for Ye Lannan, but she did not expect that she had such an idea in her heart.

"All I want is Dongqingguo and Li Wei. I don't want the lives of these soldiers. Dongqing has no strength and we continue to fight. The only sacrifices are those innocent people who have been forced to join the army." Whispered.

In the eyes of Huangfu, a shallow smile was raised. Even though she already had 100,000 soldiers, the good nature has not changed.

"If Cui Yang refused to return it?" Huangfu asked.

Ye Hao said, "I will give orders when I am there, as long as I am willing to return to my people, I will be free."

"Hey, if you are a man, you must be a king of righteousness." Huangfu looked at her.

"Some things can't be done by men." Ye Hao blinked and smiled, not because he hadn't had it before, and he couldn't have it in the future. There was no woman who took the troops to win the country. Now she took the soldiers to win the East Qing Dynasty. Is it true? Can she not control the entire Dongqing country herself? There is no absolute thing in this world, just want to do it.

Huangfu nodded gently. "You are right."

Ye Hao looked at the sky. "Not too early, I have to go back. Mingxi and Mingyu have become more and more naughty recently, and they will not be able to watch for a moment."

When it comes to two children who are almost two years old, Huang Fu’s eyes are slightly sinking. “Do you let people talk to Azhan?”

When I heard Murong Chan, Ye Hao’s eyes flashed with a smile. “No, but he should know.”

"You are still angry with him?" Huangfu could not help but laugh.

"I didn't have the temper of him, really." She has been away for two years, and she has nothing to lose.

Not angry, but refused to tell Murong Cham?

Huangfu still wants to ask again, but he sees a glimpse of water coming from under the wall.

"The generals." Ye Hao smiled and looked at him. Before listening to the water Miao Miao, she said that the water was awesome. She didn’t have a concept until she saw the water and took 20,000 soldiers to win. In the ten cities, she realized how powerful the so-called power was.

In the ten cities, they have less than 500 injured soldiers.

"The steep door closes the letter, I want to see you." The water glanced at Huangfu with a faint look, and the dark blue eyes looked at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao nodded. "Is it Cui Yang?"

"Do you want to see?" Water asked in a low voice. He did not quite agree with Ye Hao’s attitude of tolerance, which would make the Emperor Dongqing’s illusion.

"Master, I will go to the military camp first." Ye Hao said back to the emperor, and went to the other side with the water.

Huangfu looked up at her back, and there was an inexplicable sense of depression in her heart.

Ye Hao didn't find that Huangfu was still watching her behind her. All her attention was on the things that water said. "Do you think I shouldn't see Cuiyang?"

"You have never taken the initiative, they will think that there is still a chance to win us, when your goodwill will hurt more people." Water whispered.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao took a moment, how could she harm more people?

Water said, "You give them the opportunity to surrender. The emperors of Dongqing State don't think so. They only think that you have any jealousy. You will think that you are not strong enough. Li Wei will order the recruitment of troops from other places. The power to deal with us, at that time, even if you get Dongqingguo, it is just a broken, the people are displaced, the country of the demise of their wives."

Ye Hao lived, she never thought about this problem, I have to say that the words of water are right.

"I will see Cui Yang first. If he refuses to retreat and surrender, we will attack the city again." Ye Hao whispered.

"Then I will let people bring him to see you." Water said, in fact, he still has a lot of words to ask, about her identity, and the emperor of the kingdom that she has never seen before, she is in them. I never said anything in front of me. She is obviously the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea. Since she has returned, she has not let people go to Jinguo to say it?

In fact, he asked him. He didn’t even know why he would become her general here. Although he said that he was trying to protect his sister, only he knew it was more than that.

Probably... Compared to businessmen, he hopes to take the troops to fight.

"A glimpse of the water." Ye Hao looked at the water that he had to turn away from. "If we send troops, how long will it take to get to Wangdu?"

"I am not familiar with Dongqingguo, but according to what Jiang Dachuan told me, we can be king of the city in three months. Do you want to force Dongqing to abdicate?" asked the water.

Ye Hao smiled. "He must be abdicating. I just don't know who his position can be."

"You." Water looked at her with a sigh of gaze. "Don't you know what Scorpio stands for?"

"Isn't it the **** of the treasure country?" Ye Yan asked with a smile.

The water faintly shook his head. "It was the queen who used to be on the islands at sea."

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