Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1330: Niangniang body discomfort

Scorpio is not feeling well?

Ye Hao’s abnormality soon spread out of the palace. Now she is the most conspicuous existence. There is a slight bit of misunderstanding that will attract everyone’s attention. The first person to enter the palace is a glimpse of water, but he is also stopped in the palace. Outside the door.

"The generals, our niece is still resting. If you have any urgent matters, don't wait for the maiden to wake up and say." Hung Hom took a heart and blocked the water. She felt that this general was terrible, and that eyes seemed to kill. .

The water squinted slightly, and the haze in the eyes was even colder. "Scorpio is still good yesterday, how can I get sick today?"

Hung Hom smiled stiffly. "The goddess may be too tired."

tired? The water stared coldly at the red dragonfly. How did he feel that this palace girl was not really untrue, as if she was very open-minded? "Since Scorpio is ill, let Huangfu give her medicine to prescribe medicine."

"Our maiden would have been ill, and it would be nice to take a day off." Hong Ling said quickly.

Sure enough, there is a problem! When the water squinted in the eyes, "What happened to Scorpio? If you don't tell the truth, I will go in and find her."

"This is the place where our goddess, you a general, how can you enter at will?" Hung Hom shouted.

The water slammed into the footsteps. He looked at the two palace ladies coldly. "What about Tianzhu?"

"All said that our goddess is uncomfortable, did the generals not understand?" Hung Ho said.

Water did not believe that Ye Hao was just uncomfortable. She looked good yesterday. She said that she was ill. "I am waiting for Huangfu."

Huangfu now enters the palace every day to enlighten Mingxi and Mingyu. It is also the news that Ye Hao is unwell. He hesitated for a moment, but he still plans to come and ask for it.

At the gate of the palace, he saw the same water coming over to find Ye Hao.

"What happened?" Huangfu frowned slightly. It is rare to see such a situation today. If you are sick, they should be very nervous, instead of just standing here to stop the water.

"Mr. Huangfu." Red Ling and Hung Hom took a gift and felt that the pressure was even greater. They said that the girl was unwell and could only stop the water. Now, Mr. Huangfu came, and it seems that it is a bit unreasonable.

Water glanced at him. "You are coming right, the weather is uncomfortable. Do you know why?"

"Where do you feel uncomfortable?" Huangfu frowned and asked Red Ling.

Hong Ling and Hung Hom glanced at each other. "The girl is still resting."

"Go in and talk to your maiden, I will go see her." Huangfu whispered.

It’s said that the goddess and the emperor just lie down for a long time. If they really go in and pass, they will definitely be thrown out by the emperor.

When I saw the two palace ladies, I saw that Ye Hao was not inside, and he would go inside.

"Mr. Huangfu." The sinking hidden in the corner finally couldn't help but walked out.

In addition to the difference, there are Tang Yan.

A glimpse of water has been seen in the sinking. He knows that he is looking for Ye Wei’s secret guard from Jin Guo. However, this Tang Yan is the first time he saw it.

"Jing Ninghou?" The emperor’s eyes flashed a strange look. After looking at Tang Yin, he turned his head and looked at the palace. Everything was clear at the moment, knowing why the news of Ye Hao’s discomfort came out today, his eyes were dark. Go on.

"Our maiden does not want to see anyone today, please forgive me." Tang Yan looked at the water with a faint look. This pair of blue eyes is the most famous figure in the world. It seems that it is not ordinary.

"When did you come?" Huangfu whispered to Tang Yan.

Tang Yan said with a smile, "I have just arrived."

Huangfu gently nodded and said to the water, "I don't know anyone today. Let's go back first."

Murong Zhan came... It was like an illusory dream that was finally woken up. He was able to stand by Ye Hao and be able to stay in Ye Hao’s house. He only had him.

"Huangfu, who is Jingning Hou?" asked the water coldly.

"Hou of the kingdom of the country." Huangfu said, looks look a bit lonely.

The water flashed cold in the blink of an eye. "How could he appear here? Hou Ye of Jin Guo... Ink in the bedroom of Tianzhu?"

Huangfu did not answer him, this is the default.

"What is he..." The water turned and wanted to go back.

"Where do you want to go?" Huangfu grabbed his arm and his voice suddenly became cold. "Do you still want to drive out Murong Cham?"

The water snorted and said, "I am good at killing him in the sleeping hall where I am good at it."

"He is the emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom. Is it the emperor of the kingdom of the kingdom, who is more likely to appear in the sleepy hall than he is?" Huangfu asked sharply, "Where do you enter the dormitory?"

“Hey!” The water snorted and opened the hand of Huangfu. “How did Murong Chong enter the palace? Is the defense in the palace like this?”

"He is Murong Cham, even if you are prepared to be strict, he can come in." Huangfu said, "I will come back tomorrow."

I haven’t seen each other for so long, and I’m afraid there are a lot of things I want to say.

The water glanced at the direction of the palace gloomyly. This boring impulse to kill was the first time I felt this way.

Ye Hao, who was still asleep in Murong Zhan’s arms, did not know what was going on outside, and even knew that Murong had already woken up.

Murong Zhan mouth with a shallow smile, it seems a little cold, his little Jiaojiao, seems to care about her heart is quite a lot.

It was not until Jin Wuxi fell that Ye Hao was finally hungry.

She dreamed that she would return to Jinguo, and she was stunned by Mo Rongzhan. She woke up and found herself in the original palace. She thought that she was still dreaming yesterday. She wanted to sit up and find that she was uncomfortable. Especially in that place, the swelling is sore and sore.

"Odd girl, are you awake?" Red 缨 smiled and asked, turned and let the little palace lady outside go to fetch water.

Ye Hao turned her head and looked at the position around him. It was not like someone had slept. Yesterday and Murong Cham... It could not be her spring dream.

"The emperor is accompanying the little emperor and the princess in the partial hall." Hung Lai said with a smile, "I can't wake you up by telling a slave."

Murong Zhan is really coming! Ye Hao smiled. "How long have I slept?"

"One day, the slaves will let people send the dinner." Hung Ho said.

"I am the emperor...and are they together with Mingxi?" Mingxi and Mingyu know who he is?

Hung Hom smiled and nodded. "The little emperor likes the emperor very much."

Ye Hao slept too hard, and now there is a little groggy. "I am hungry, eat something first."

When she had just finished speaking, she saw that the tall and tall man walked in with a child in a big step.

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on him, making him more handsome and moving, and the soft smile between the eyebrows instantly warmed the entire bedroom.

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