After Ye Hao said that he did not pay attention to the water, if it was not the arrival of Murong Cham, she did not find that the water seemed to pass too much. Did he take her as a seedling? Everything wants to interfere, she can no longer condone, otherwise, as Murong Chan said, the water will become more and more intensified.

She didn't look back at the water to see what the expression was on her face. No matter what he thought in his heart, he had to accept the fact that Murong Cham was her husband. She could not allow the courtiers of the Yuan Dynasty to disrespect Mr. Murong Zhan.

Returning to the harem, she realized that Murong Chan had two children out of the palace.

"Where is the emperor with Mingxi? Where are they going?" Ye Hao asked doubtfully. In the first two days, Mingxi screamed and tried to go out of the palace. When the water said that there was some danger outside, where would Murong Chan take them?

Hung Hom said, "The emperor did not say it, just said that he would bring the little emperor and the little princess to go out to play."

Ye snorted. "How can he not want to take the palace out? If you have a child, you should not want this palace."

"Odd girl, you are arrogant, how can the emperor not want you." Hung Lai said with a smile, "How can the emperor be willing to not you, if you say this to the emperor, it is not a misunderstanding."

"We also go out to see the palace." Ye Hao said, she has not relaxed for a long time, and it may be quite good to go out of the palace.

Although she had lived in Wangdu City for a while, she did not go out often. I heard that there are many places in Wangdu City that still have traces of history, and there are also many fun places. However, in this case, the people of Wangducheng should not It will be as lively as it used to be.

Ye Hao changed the plain and simple clothes, went to the palace with Hong Ling and Hung Hom, and just came out of the palace, Wu Chong and Xue Lin appeared behind her.

"How are you here?" Ye Hao looked at them and saw that they were still here. She was very happy in her heart. Her dystocia was taken away from Jinguo, and she thought that Murong Chong would not let them go.

"The goddess, the emperor let his subordinates be with you." Xue Lin whispered

Ye Hao looked at them. "You don't have to be with the palace in the future. The palace has its own guard."

Who? Xue Lin and Wu Chong will look at each other and will not be red, "the goddess, only the red dragonfly is not enough for you."

"Who said that only red dragonfly?" Ye Hao laughed, not to mention that she is now a scorpio. When she left Jinguo, she always thought about a problem. The person who protects her is the dark guard of Murong Cham. This is not a good thing. There are too few people who can do things for her. So when she came back from China, she also specially promoted several people to stay with me.

They were all selected from the 100,000 elite soldiers. They are not too familiar with the situation of each country, they will not lose to the sinking.

Hearing Ye Hao said, Xue Lin and Wu Chong were even more puzzled. They looked around and didn't see other people. Could it be that the goddess also had a hidden guard?

"Let's go." Ye Hao said faintly, she did not let the guards around her come out, unless she was dangerous or ordered, they would not appear. "You don't have to be at the palace in the future."

Xue Lin is not clear, so he thinks that they seem to have been abandoned by the maiden. "Mother, is it wrong to do it?"

“No.” Ye said, “What the palace needs is the person who owes allegiance to the palace.”

Although they are loyal, their loyal people are that Murong Zhan is not her, so she is not what she wants. At least the person who stays with her must be loyal to her, not to others, not what she has for Murong Cham. Distrust, this is only a matter of principle.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong looked at each other and they thought about what Ye Hao said.

They seem to have no conflict with the emperor's loyalty and protection of the Queen's Empress. Isn't the Empress still angry... At the Chengde Villa, they concealed the outside, but that is the meaning of the emperor.

Ye Hao has got on the carriage and will soon come to the street.

"Odd girl, this street is still very lively." Hung Hom looked out from the car window and found that the streets outside were already coming and going, how could it be a few days ago?

"It seems that the people of Wangducheng are not very reluctant to Li Wei, even if they change the emperor, it has no effect." Hong Ling said,

Ye Hao smiled lightly. Whoever had the influence of the emperor on the people was really not big. Who can give them a good life? Who is the good emperor? For them, the emperor is too far away, they have no right to choose and Qualification, so they don't care who is the person who rules the country. Just don't beat the tax, it is a good emperor for them.

"Where will the emperor take the little emperor and the princess?" Hong Ling asked, there are so many people on this street, it is not easy for them to find someone.

"Go first and go, Mingxi and Mingyu are not on the boat or in the military camp. They can bring them to the street. They must be crazy." Ye Hao said with a smile, it seems that it is more lively than usual today. "Hong Ling, you have to inquire about it, but today there is a holiday."

"Hey." Hong Ling smiled and should be.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong met so many people in the street, immediately raised their vigilance, followed closely behind Ye Hao, they all know that the identity of the Queen’s Empress is different now. The royal family of Li’s family does not know whether there is any waste, but everyone It is ambitious, so you can't take it lightly at any time.

Hong Ling found a pedestrian on the road to find out, it is known that there is a temple fair today, everyone is coming out to the temple fair.

"Temple meeting?" Ye Hao took a look. It turned out that today is a temple fair. It is no wonder that it is so lively. It seems that Murong Zhan knew the festival today, otherwise how would he bring two children out.

"Mother, will the emperor go to the temple fair with the little emperor and the little princess?" asked the red dragonfly.

Ye Hao nodded. "When we go to the Chenghuang Temple, it will be dark, and the temple will be really lively at night."

The Chenghuang Temple is not far from the main street. Ye Hao is not using a horse-drawn carriage. He walked down the street and went to the Chenghuang Temple when he had not yet arrived at the gate.

"Anniling..." Hung Hom whispered Ye Hao, "Look, does that person look like Lu Shuanger?"

Lu Shuanger? The leaves were dull and looked down at the sight of Hung Hom. I saw a beautiful and charming woman sitting next to the tea house, but is it Lu Shuanger?

Unexpectedly, after so many years, she finally saw this woman.

"I don't know if I am with the Emperor Qi."

"People go follow her." Ye Hao said faintly, there was also a tea house on the opposite side. "We went to the tea house first and let people go to the emperor."

With so many people, she didn't know when to find it.

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