When Ye Hao and Zhao Wei proposed the conditions, she knew that Zhao Wei had no attachment to Lu Shuanger. She saw her here today. It is said that Zhao Yu deliberately indulged, and found an excuse for his ruthlessness. Let Lu Shuanger send it to her own.

"What do I want to do, shouldn't you be very clear?" Ye Hao looked at Lu Shuanger with a funny smile. "Take her back first."

"Queen Empress..." Don Juan looked at her with concern, would it be too impulsive?

Ye Hao looked at him. "Don Big Brother, you can rest assured that I have a measure."

"Lu Yan, you..." Lu Shuanger is trying to open his mouth, and has not spoken, his mouth has been blocked.

"The emperor, I went to the emperor." Ye Hao looked at Lu Shouer with satisfaction and she did not want to listen to Lu Shuanger in such a lively place, and to deal with Lu Shuanger, she still has a solution.

She will not kill Lu Shuanger so quickly, so many new hatreds, she will have to settle with Lu Shuanger.

Ye Hao smiled at Tang Yin and went in the other direction. He found Murong Zhan in the crowd. She smiled and walked over. "You two little naughty, so you like the lively place."

"Mother." Ming Yu in the ink of Zhan Rong Zhan immediately screamed sweetly, open his hand to Ye Hao hugged.

"Playing for a day, tired, tired?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, wiped the sweat from his forehead for Ming Yu. "See you all sweat."

Ming Xi and Ming Yu said in unison, "Not tired."

Murong Zhan glanced at Ye Hao with a gleaming look. "Is everything in the palace busy?"

"When is the time in the palace, I can't finish it." Ye Hao looked at him. "I heard that you are out of the palace, I want to come to you."

“Is it very tired?” Murong Chan is the most clear about how many things a country’s king has to deal with every day, and he can’t help but worry that Ye Hao will not eat.

Ye Hao shook his head. "It’s not too tired, but it’s so good today, there is a temple fair."

Ink Murray glanced at her with a meaningful look. "Yes, temple fair."

"Mother, look, the monkey will spurt fire." Ming Yu cheered loudly.

"Yeah, it's amazing." Ye Hao was distracted by her daughter, and she told Murong Zhan that she had not arrested Lu Shuanger.

They both played with the two children on Temple Street, until the moon was on the sky, Ming Xi and Ming Yu were tired to fall asleep on the shoulders of Murong Cham.

"It seems that today I really played too much, let them go back to the palace first." Ye Hao looked at Ming Xi and Ming Yu, and felt a pity in his heart.

Mo Rongzhan said, "I want to go back to the palace and bump the carriage. Was the house of Yuezhang not here? Let's stay there first."

"I gave the house to my brother. He should be at home." It was originally Li Yi’s acquaintance to Ye Yiqing. Later, he was taken back and left empty. Ye Hao used to live there for a year. This time she When I arrived at Wangdu City, I gave this house to Ye Lannan.

"Okay." Murong Zhan nodded and handed Ming Xi to the next side of the sinking holding. He held Ye Hao’s hand in one hand. "Do you want to leave your brother?"

Ye Hao glanced at him and smiled with his arms in his arms. "If I left my brother, then you are not a big general."

"You can rest assured that you will find compensation from you." Murong Zhan pinched her palm, and his mouth floated with a faint smile.

This sounds like nothing is wrong. Ye Hao still blushed because of his tone. She glanced at him and said, "I want to leave my brother, I don't know what you did, let my brother now. Then protect, he won't stay."

Mo Rongzhan knows that Ye Xiaonan cherishes his sister very much. He thought that he might stay in Wangdu City. Now he heard Ye Hao say so, he still feels very pleased. "Hey, I have never done anything."

Listening to his proud tone, Ye Hao snorted softly. "After the opening ceremony, my brother should go back. Good and have children, he must have missed them."

They have already walked out of Temple Street, the excitement of the temple fair has not yet dispersed, and there is still noise and laughter behind him. The footsteps of Murong Chan suddenly stopped, looking at an alley sideways and turning to look at Ye Hao. Remember here?"

Ye Hao slightly squatted, then immediately remembered that she followed her back to Wang Ducheng, he also came to see her personally, they met in this alley, he was still angry that she always dressed as a man, put herself The chest is tightly wrapped.

Murong Chong put her in her arms and whispered in her ear. "Now I want to wrap my baby. I am afraid I can’t, I grew up a lot. I can see how it is wrapped. ""

"..." Ye Haohong looked at him with a red face. "You all want to go where."

Murong Zhan bowed her head in the corner of her mouth, and happily took her to the carriage.

Tang Yan, who was behind them, saw this scene and quickly bowed his head, not letting people see his envy and desolate.

When I arrived at Yejia, Ye Yinan hadn't slept yet. She saw that Murong Zhan had dragged his family to the mouth. He smiled at Ye Hao. "My sister's original yard has always been cleaned up. I will protect it in Taoyuan. ”

Mingxi and Mingyu probably played too much today. They haven’t been woken up until now, and after they have fallen asleep in the house, Murong Chan also took Ye Hao back to groom.

"墨容湛, here is my mother's family, how are you..." Ye Hao was bathing, suddenly the chest was caught by the person behind her, she exclaimed, and the words complained later had become intermittent.

"Hey, you are so sweet." Murong Cham's kiss fell on her chest and she was sitting on her own body. It has been so many years. She has already given birth to a child, how is she still with her girl? It's as tight as it is, and the skin feels like a nephrite, and he makes him love it every time.

Ye Hao held his head in his hands, and even the squeaky voice became fragmented.

"You have been in these two years..." Ye Haojiao gasped. "Is it really touched no other woman?"

She always wanted to ask this question, but she didn't know how to speak. She knew that he would not lie to her, but he was afraid that he would tell the truth. He loved her very much, but... at the time of the military camp, there were military officers and men. There was no fear of it. Sometimes, when he was holding a military sergeant, he vented it. What if his qi and blood had just been affected?

The answer to her was that he had a few bumps. She immediately choked for mercy. "I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Ye Ye, do you still have a conscience, leave it for so long, and dare to doubt the woman who is lucky?" Murong Zhan asked with a grin.

"This is a woman's nature, can't blame me." Ye Hao said with a grievance, but the body was softer and swayed to Murong Zhan, and even actively swinging his waist, knowing that he would not have another woman is a Things, really hearing his negation, that is another matter.

"Hey, are you...have a evasive pill?" Murong Chan slowed down and muttered.

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