Jin Guo, a suburb of Kyoto.

"Master, we... Should we go back?" A man dressed as a little girl looked at Lu Hao, standing in front of him, couldn't help but whisper, they have been standing here for several hours, cold The wind is stabbing, the body of the master is not good at all, and when you go back, you will definitely fall ill.

Lu Yan’s image was not heard by Luo Cheng’s question. His eyes were always looking at the front of the Huangling Mountain Peak. He could not enter the Imperial Tomb. He could only look far away here. Since Lu’s life, he He was buried in the Imperial Tomb with the qualification of the first queen. He has never dared to approach the Imperial Tomb. He is afraid that Ye Hao will not be scattered. Who would have thought that she would become Lu Hao.

Ye Hao...Lu Hao...

He never believed in the gods in this world, but Ye Hao made him too shocked.

A person who has died twice is not only alive today, but also returned with 100,000 soldiers. It is also a change of Dongqing State and a high-ranking scorpio!

Don't say that Lu Hao is just a woman. If he changed him, he could not do what she did today.

Lu Hao... No, Ye Hao, who is she?

"Is Murong back?" Lu Yu asked faintly.

"Just came back from the palace, but...he seems to have a problem between him and Zhao Ning." The entire Wangfu government people noticed that they were a bit strange, but no one dared to explore.

Lu Yan’s mouth floated with a sneer. “Looking for opportunities to let Zhao Ning know that there are two red sleeves in South Vietnam.”

Luo Cheng whispered, but there was some doubts. "The master, so that Zhao Ning and Murong will be born, will it affect our great cause in Kyoto?"

"Zhao Ning will marry Murong Yu is a gift from Mo Rong Zhan. If she does not live well, the resentful person is Murong Zhan." Lu Yu said in a whisper, he knew that he could not kill the ink. Rong Zhan, but let this Jin Guo become more lively, he can still get it.

"That... do you still want to go to Wangducheng?" They all know that Lu Yizhi will have today for the Lu Hao, and now Lu Hao is back and resurrected. Doesn't he want to see her?

Lu Yanzhi said coldly, "Where to see her?"

Does he want to see her to see it? She can forgive Mo Rongzhan, but she refuses to have a smile on him. He has no basic qualifications for a man now. What else is good to care about, but he can’t get it, he doesn’t want to see ink. Rong Zhan got it.

Destruction is the only thought in his heart.

"Master, do you say that Lu Hao will stay in Wangdu City afterwards?" Luo Cheng saw Lu Yizhi turned down the mountain, and he immediately followed up and said the doubts in his heart.

"After the founding ceremony of the Yuanyuan Kingdom, the first female emperor appeared in this world. Even if she didn't want to stay in Wangdu City, where can she go?" Lu Yizhi was indifferent, and he was happy to see Ye Hao become a queen. As a result, more people will come out to stop her from being with Murong Cham.

The ministers of the Yuan countries, those who followed Ye Hao from the Atlantic, would not watch her come back with Murong Cham, and would not allow the Yuan and Jin countries to merge. Although they are husband and wife, they are already different from each other. Interests.

It is impossible for Murong Zhan to leave the country, and Ye Hao is now estimated that he cannot lose the Yuan. Then they have to face more than just two people, but two countries.

"That... then Murong Zhan will also be in the Yuan Dynasty?" Luo Cheng asked.

Lu Yan’s faint smile, “Let’s wait.”

Returning to the king's palace, Lu Yuzhi met with Murong Yu who was preparing to go out.

"Wang Ye." Lu Yizhi bowed his head. When he planned to become a prolonged, he had already left Lu's identity, so he was very respectful and courteous in front of Murong.

Inkor sees that it is the dowry manager brought by Zhao Ning, and his face has a gentle smile. "Professor, do you go to help Wang Hao to run poorly?"

"Back to Wang Ye, Wang Hao bought a few villas in the suburbs to see the harvest this year." Lu Yanzhi said with a smile.

"It turned out to be like this." Murong nodded gently. He didn't know what industry Zhao Ning had in Kyoto. After they got married, everything in the palace was given to her. He was not in Kyoto for the past two years. I don't know what she has done.

Thinking of this, he felt like something was stuck in his heart, and it was very uncomfortable.

Lu Yizhi bowed his head slightly, "The slaves go to Wang Hao first."

Murong Yan stood at the door. He was going to look for Lu Xiang’s drinking. Now he is hesitant. He hasn’t been looking for Zhao Ning for a few days. Every time he goes, he doesn’t know how to talk to her. He is afraid to hear her. Said to want to return to Huajia Village.

When I came to the house, Lin Yan actually talked to Zhao Ning in the inside. Murong Yu occasionally heard Zhao Ning’s reply. He listened silently, remembering that Zhao Ning knew nothing about the palace two years ago, facing many things. They all looked cautious, and now she listened to her skillful and majestic command of the next person to do things, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Unconsciously, Zhao Ning has become more mature and dignified than before.

"Wang Hao, the slave has gone down first." Lu Yizhi whispered, he made a two-year general manager for Zhao Ning, this identity made him a good cover for his other goals in Kyoto, so he is doing his best. Let Zhao Ning trust him even more.

Zhao Ning looked at one of Lu Yan’s eyes. "I heard that the father gave the big princess to Wang Ducheng. Is this true?"

Lu Yanzhi nodded gently. "Yes, Anning Hou is also in Wangdu City, and Lu Guifei."

Hearing that Lu Shuanger was also in Wangdu City, Zhao Ning’s brow wrinkled. “How can the father and the emperor let Lu Shuanger also go to Wangducheng?”

Originally thought that Zhao Wei was furious after knowing that the person she married was Murong Yu, I did not expect that nothing happened in the end. Zhao Ning was also married to the prince of Jin Guo by default. After two years, she often After receiving a letter from Zhao Wei to her, Zhao Wei seems to think that she was wronged. She always worried that she would not be good at the palace.

Before, she didn't like Zhao Wei very much. Now she thinks that Zhao Wei is a very good sister.

Lu Yi’s coveted said, “The slaves don’t know.”

In fact, he knew very well that Zhao Wei took the children to Wangducheng. It must be Ye Hao’s request. Zhao Wei should have talked with her about the transaction.

"The situation on the other side of Qi State really makes me worry. You will check it carefully. The emperor will ask the big princess to go to Wangdu City to do something." With the enthusiasm of the two emperors of Qi State, they are increasingly leaving, Zhao Ning I was even more worried about Zhao Wei, especially after Zhao Wei’s fiance was killed. She felt that the second emperor would start Zhao Zhao’s hand sooner or later.

Zhao Wei has only one person, and the second emperor has Deyi and Zhao Lan.

In the past, she felt that Zhao Wei was always aggressive against Deyi. Now she has become Wang Hao. After experiencing more things, she understands that there is no resentment in this world for no reason. Deyi must have done something to make Zhao Wei hate her so much. .

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