Ye Hao proposed to exchange the port with Jin Guo. Some ministers agreed with some of them. Water is the one that opposes it.

"We can build our own business ports without having to rely on other countries. In this way, we will still be restrained for our future."

"The trade with the Jinguo Qiguo is not used by them. Their ships are staying in our port. This will promote the trade of the merchants in the Yuan Dynasty. Why is the treasury of Dongqingguo empty? It is because they are not well To develop commerce, if a country only relies on farming to collect taxes, it will not last long." Whether it is to build weapons, these need to get the money from the people's taxes to complete, only the port can be opened to the Yuan Really developed.

Water said, "As you said, the port trade of our Yuan Dynasty is still too bad. Once we exchange ports with Jin Guo Qi at this time, we will be suppressed by them in the future."

"Chen Chen does not think so." Liu Zhanhu said, "Because our Yuan is not mature enough in this respect, but the city of Jinkou is not the same, it is already a trading port for a hundred years, and there is no place in this world." It can match, as long as their merchant ships stay in our port, it will definitely drive the business of our country, so that we can develop."

On this day of discussion, there is only one water that opposes the exchange of ports with Jin Guoqi.

Although Huangfu said less, he is in favor.

"You will retreat first, and I will say a few words to the general." Ye Hao glanced at the water and let others retreat first.

Ye Hao frowned and looked at the water. "General, I understand you, but do you think the Yuan will be hostile to Jin Guo in the future?"

The water is desperate to want her to be hostile to Jin Guo, but this is just a little thought in his heart. "Preventing it before, no one can say anything about the future."

"General, do you forget my other identity?" Ye Hao asked faintly. "I am the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. Before I became a Scorpio, I am still the Queen of Kamko, my son and daughter. It is the emperor and princess of Jin Guo. If there is no accident, Ming Xi will be the treasure of Jin Guo in the future. No matter what the future, Yuan and Jin Guo can't be hostile. Do you understand?"

When the water frowned slightly, he only thought about not letting the Yuan Kingdom be subject to the ink-capacity in the future, but he forgot to have Mingxi, "I understand."

"I also know the benefits of developing my own trade first, but we don't have this condition right now. You haven't been to Jinkou City. After the opening ceremony, you will go there and you will understand why I want to communicate with Jinkou City. "Ye Yu said, "Southern State is established according to Jinkou City."

“Is Jinkou City still bigger than Nanzhou?” asked the water eyebrows.

Ye Hao smiled. "You know when you go to see it."

"Well, I will go there in person." Water whispered, he could not stop her from convinced that Murong Cham, when he had not appeared by her, she was already the queen of Murong Cham, thinking It takes time to get her wholehearted trust.

He has the patience to wait for her to trust him.

Ye Hao smiled. "What happened to Miao Miao and Zhao Tianyi?"

The water frowned and looked at her. "If I don't agree, after the opening ceremony, your first thing is to give them a marriage?"

"If you don't agree, Miao Miao will not go back. She has lived in the palace for a few days. You don't want her to live directly in Zhao Tianqi." Ye Hao smiled and asked.

"Oh." The water snorted coldly. "She dares to do this. I interrupted Zhao Tianyi's leg."

"Then you promised." Ye Hao said with no anger. "Where is Zhao Tianqi not worthy of Miao Miao? He is still the island owner of Zhaojia Island."

She is all planning to do it. After the port is opened, Zhao Tianyi is the best place to go.

"When I first met Zhao Tianyu, I said," said Yishui, although he has not promised it, but it is already loose.

Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay."

Water glanced at her. He wanted to know if Murong Chan would stay after the founding ceremony, or if she would go to Jinguo. However, he knew that he could not ask for some words, and he asked him if he had passed. .

"Then I will step back." The water faintly said, turned and left the hall.

Ye Hao returned to the harem, and had not seen Murong Zhan and Ming Xi, they stopped the seedlings.

"Sister Ye!" Shui Miaomiao looked sad. "Is my brother loosening his mouth today? He didn't want me this sister at all. I didn't go home for a few days. He didn't worry at all, he didn't come to persuade me to go home." Sister Ye, I want to go to Zhaojiadao with Zhao Tianzhu."

"Don't think about it." Ye Hao smiled and looked at her. "The general knows that you can live in the palace. There is no danger. He certainly doesn't worry, and he can't go to the harem now, even if he wants to persuade. I can't persuade him. Today I asked him what he meant. He is already loose. When he went to see Zhao Tianyi, he promised you."

The water seedlings are bright, "Really?"

Ye Hao smiled. "Don't I still lie to you? Naturally it is true."

"Great!" Miao Miaomiao clapped her hands happily. "Sister Ye, if I can marry Zhao Tianyi, it is your credit."

"Oh, you don't want to go with your brother. Since he has already loosened his mouth, you should go home." Ye Hao smiled, she treated Shui Miao Miao as a sister, naturally she hoped she would get what she wanted. Be able to marry someone you really like.

The seedling nursery nodded and nodded. "I know, go home today."

Ye Hao smiled and shook her head, watching her happy to go to Zhao Tianyi to say this.

"Is it back?" Murong Zhan came up from behind, and the afternoon sun was warm and bright, and it fell on him to make him clear and moving.

"Are you out of the palace today?" Ye Hao saw that he came from another direction, and he asked curiously.

Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. She came to her and stood up and reached out to finish her horn. "Go out for a lap."

"You are going to find my brother?" Ye took a look at him.

"How do you know that you are going to find your brother?" Murong Zhan asked with a funny smile. He did go to Ye Haonan. Zhao knows that he is in Wangdu City and will definitely guard him. He is letting Ye Xiaonan stare at Hongjun. Temple, he does not trust Zhao Yu’s treacherous and despicable.

Ye Hao took his arm. "Guess, what did you let my brother do?"

"Nothing, but it is a very interesting thing to find." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "The big princess Zhao Qi and Cheng Hao of Qi State are outside Yejiamen today. They have also been to Temple Street before. ""

"It seems that Zhao Wei was seeing Lu Shuanger being taken away by me that day." Ye Hao smiled and raised his eyebrows.

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