Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1365: Founding banquet

Beitang is an ambitious person. Even if he looks like Svenya is like a scholar, but many years ago, he has decided to conquer the world, especially Qi, but unfortunately, he underestimated others three years ago. Estimated yourself.

He underestimated the strength of Jin Guo, thinking that when Jin Guo was still corrupt like the old emperor, the result of not putting Murong Zhan in his eyes was that his 200,000 army was defeated, and it also directly led to the North Ming Kingdom. The civil strife has not stopped.

However, this does not mean that he will admit defeat.

Although Dongqing State does not exist, he does not think that the Scorpio of the Yuan State is a threat. The country is a country. He only recognizes this land. Therefore, when it was hit by the public, Beitang’s heart was somewhat unpleasant. Looking at Tang Yan, he did not recognize who the other party was.

"The emperor, that is the Jingning Hou of Jin Guo, Tang Yan." Or the people around Beitang钰 whispered.

"Who is my dog's leg? It turned out to be Jing Ninghou of Jinguo. How come, do you want to be a country of the Yuan Dynasty?" With the North Hall, the prince who came here this time, called Beitang.

Tang Yan gave him a faint look. "Ignorance people always don't know that they are ridiculous."

"Jing Ninghou, you are not right, other people's ignorance is already a very shameful thing, how do you still say it." Ye Xiaonan strode in, he did not even look at the North Hall, he directly In the past, sitting down around Yan Yan, his eyes were smiling and looking at Tang Yan.

"Is this the way of hospitality in the Yuan Dynasty?" Beitang asked with a cold cry.

Zhao Wei took a sip of wine and said with a smile, "When others say that you are ignorant, it is best not to open up again, so as not to be more shameful. I remind you that Jing Ning Hou and Ye General are all Jin Guo. They are all VIPs, do you want them to treat you as a guest? Who do you think you are?"

The north hall to the face suddenly sank, and everyone else in the hall bowed and smiled, clearly a look of jokes.

"It’s just a joke, why bother." Beitang smiled warmly and picked up the glass in his hand. "Ye General, long-awaited name, I heard that you have been for a long time."

"This will also have heard of your name for a long time." Always thinking about the opportunity to kill him personally.

Beitang said with a smile, "I thought about it. The wife of General Ye seems to be the daughter of General Jin, so that General Ye is still half of the son-in-law of our northern country, and is also a family."

Ye Lannan only knows that this North Hall looked like a tall man. It turned out to be so mean and shameless. Half a son-in-law, when he killed the Golden General, why didn’t he think that General Jin Da was born and died in Beiming? So many years.

"I am the son-in-law of General Jin Da. As for General Jin Da, I am willing to be a family with you. I have to ask for a question." Ye Xiaonan said coldly.

The North Hall is still not annoyed and angered. It seems that he has not put Ye Gannan's indifference in his heart.

"Scorpio is driving." The voice of the palace was heard outside.

The entire hall was quiet at once. At the founding ceremony this morning, although they all participated, they only looked at it from a distance. They didn’t really see the appearance of the Scorpio. Now they can watch it from a close distance. Naturally, they want to Knowing what kind of appearance this celestial being, the legendary world's first beauty in the past also made them remember deeply.

Ye Hao came with Murong Cham. Although she has officially become the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty today, in her heart, Murong Cham is still more important than anything else. Moreover, she needs him to be around, not relying on him. Just want to stand with him.

She is not wearing the morning kimono, but the deep purple embroidered phoenix robes. The skirt is dragged to the ground for a long time, which is both noble and noble, and reveals a bit of flirtatiousness, and the clothes of Murong Cham. Contrasting, the two came together, can not help but make people feel that one is moving, it seems that there is no more couple than the couple under the sun.

Zhao Wei looked at Ye Hao with a burning gaze. He knew that she was a rare beauty. When she saw her pregnant figure, she was so obsessed with him for two years. Now she sees her dressing up, only to know that he only looks at it. To her three cents.

What is the luck of Murong Chong in the end?

The same thing as Zhao Wei’s thought is that there is a glimpse of water. He just looked down and bowed his head. He felt that there was a beast in the bottom of his heart, and if he did not force it, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Brother, Ye Jie is so beautiful." The seedlings standing next to him sighed in a low voice.

The water faintly responded.

"Sister Ye will not let the minister enter the palace like the legendary Scorpio?" The water seedlings blinked, and they were very curious.

She has heard about the legend of the sea scorpion since she was a child.

When the water slammed into the heart, it seemed to be hit by something, and even the heartbeat was somewhat accelerated.

"Miao Miao, don't talk." Zhao Tianyi was listening to the cold sweat and the minister, and what the minister had to say, the words that Murong Chan heard must definitely jump and go away.

The brothers and sisters don’t understand the rules on their side. I still think that the Central Plains is the same as the Atlantic Ocean. It’s not right. There is only one nephew in the emperor of China. Isn’t the legendary Scorpio so... But the key is that it is just a legend.

There is no such thing as a polyandry in the Central Plains.

It seems that he has to go back to the water seedlings to talk about it, so as not to be confused and talked to by Murong Zhan, when Murong Chan will definitely not let her go.

The most important thing is that this terrible idea of ​​polygamy cannot be there! Even if she is talking about Scorpio.

The water seedlings were pulled back by Zhao Tianqi. She looked at him curiously. "What happened?"

"Don't talk indiscriminately." Zhao Tianyu whispered to see that she was still very confused. He shook his head gently and looked at the already-sacred Scorpio and Murong Cham.

Murong Zhan is in the top left position, and his position is different. It is not aligned with Zhao Wei’s upper right. His position is closer to Ye Hao. You can see the difference at a glance. Others are VIPs, only he is a family member. .

"Congratulations to Tianzhu, the founding ceremony is smooth and smooth, and now the Yuan Dynasty is also officially based in the world." Zhao Yu smiled and looked at Ye Hao, and continued to deliberately when Murong Chan did not exist.

Ye Hao smiled a little, "Thank you for the emperor Qi."

Her eyes faintly skipped, and she will sit in the eyes of Zhao Tang, who is sitting next to Zhao Wei. As clearly as Ye Yinan said, this Beitang is looking at the eyebrows and seeing him. It is difficult to associate him with the tyrant who launched the war three years ago. Together.

While she was evaluating the North Hall, Beitang also measured this scorpion in her heart.

The smile in his eyes became more and more confident.

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