Zhao Wei had long suspected that Deyi had used some method to kill her mother. After checking for so many years, she found evidence every time. Lu Shuanger actually knew that it was related to the fragrance. It is no wonder that Deyi never competed in front of Lu Shuanger. For so many years, the two brothers have been making a fortune in the palace.

She didn't want to know how Lu Yizhi found out. Now that she has a clue, she is sure to be able to find evidence.

"Now I have said what I said, you will save me." Lu Shuanger cried anxiously. She was afraid that Zhao Wei would not take her away today. She could not do without her life.

"I will advise the father to save you." Zhao Wei whispered, "Now is the opening banquet, I am not in front of Lu."

Lu Shuanger looked at Zhao Wei outside the door with her eyes wide open. All her hopes were placed on Zhao Wei's body. Even if she knew clearly, this hope was actually very embarrassing.

"Zhao Wei, you said that I will save me from going out." Lu Shuanger called.

"What is my identity? How can Lu Yan put me in the eye, I can only ask the father to help you." Zhao Ran looked at Lu Shuanger, like this selfishness, to achieve the goal, he did not hesitate to kill others, changed She has killed her long ago.

Poor people must have hateful things.

Lu Shuanger looked at Zhao Wei with an eye. She felt desperate and frightened for the first time. She always felt that there was a big brother who had helped him in everything. However, where is Lu Yizhi now?

They all said that Lu Hao’s death, she did not believe... She knew that Zhao Wei would not save her, she could only hope that Lu Yizhi would not know where it was.

"I know that my older brother is still alive, you help me find him and tell him about my situation." Lu Shuanger saw Zhao Wei to leave, and hurriedly said, "I tell you who to get evidence of detoxification."

Zhao Wei had wanted to leave and paused. "Who?"

"You swear, I will swear to find my big brother..." Lu Shuanger said.

"I swear, if Lu Yi is still alive, I will let him know your situation." Zhao said with a blank expression.

Lu Shuanger looked at her for a while. "Wang Meiren was poisoned by her. She thought that Wang Meiren was dead. I hid Wang Meiren in the court. Deyi didn't know. You can go to Wang Meiren and Liuqiao. Child... she must be using the fragrance of Dean now."

Zhao Wei nodded gently. "I know."

When she heard the voice of Zhao Wei’s departure, Lu Shuanger sat down on the ground. She hoped that her brother would still be alive. If he knew her situation, she would come to save her, she would...

The red dragonfly, who had been hiding in the dark, came out and looked at the closed door. He left the place silently and told Ye Hao about the dialogue between Lu Shuanger and Zhao Wei.

At the banquet, the wine was strong, and Ye Hao left the excuse.

"That Zhao Wei has already left?" Ye Hao did not expect that Qi Princess was actually going to see Lu Shuanger. If they didn't know their conversation, they thought they had deep feelings.

"Mother, do you want to take her?" Hung Hom whispered.

Ye Hao’s lips smiled. “No, Zhao Wei didn’t want to save Lu’s children, but she wanted to know some truth. If she could help the palace to find Lu Hao, the palace would also appreciate her, let her go.”

Hung Hom whispered quietly, and Zhao Yi, who had returned to the main hall, never knew that she had been stared at by Ye Hao. She was full of thoughts and still thinking about how to deal with Deyi.

At the end of the banquet, it was already late at night, and all the VIPs were sent away. Ye Hao was already tired and fell on the body of Murong Cham.

She got up early in the morning, from the morning to the present, she didn’t have time to rest, and she couldn’t relax because she had to deal with people like the North Hall, but it’s over. .

Murong Chan hugged her up. "Is it tired?"

"I can't wait to sleep for three days and three nights." Ye Hao closed his eyes, really tired and didn't even have the strength to walk.

A glimpse of the water and the emperor came out of the hall, just to see that Murong Chan held Ye Hao in his arms. They all looked down and didn't look at this scene.

Murong Zhan knew that they were watching behind him. He did not put Ye Hao down, so he hugged her back to the harem. This way, Ye Hao had fallen asleep in his arms, probably because he was too tired. Also screaming slightly.

Looking at such a leafhopper, Murong Chan felt very distressed. She grew up when she was young, and she could stand up to such fatigue.

"Go in the water." Murong Zhan whispered to the palace lady.

He did not let the palace girl do it, but he personally twisted the towel to wash the rouge on the face for Ye Hao. Today, in order to appear dignified and majestic, her makeup is thicker than usual. Now she washes the rouge and reveals the white enamel. The delicate skin, the eyebrows are less mature, and more beautiful.

She seems to be the same as he first saw it, as if it hasn't changed for so many years.

On the sidelines, Hong Ling looked at Murong Zhan and was touched by his gentleness. Before she was against the maiden and married him again, she was afraid that the maiden would repeat the same mistakes, but she did not expect that the emperor would fall in love with the empress. She is so good.

Careful, like treating a rare treasure, even the wiping action is so soft, for fear of hurting the goddess.

"Yes, let's go." Murong Zhan threw the towel into the copper basin, and let the maids waiting for Hong Ling and others to retreat.

"The emperor, the slaves wait for the maiden to change clothes." Hong Ling whispered.

Ink Murray waved his hand faintly. "No, you are squatting, you are going down."

Hong Ling remembers that every time the emperor and the sissy were alone, they did not like to have a palace lady to serve. She stunned and squatted. "The slaves retire."

Looking back, she found that the palace lady who was waiting at the door of the temple was looking at the ink-filled man, and she couldn’t see it.

"What are you doing?" Hong Ling sank his face and whispered to wake up the palace lady. This palace girl was chosen to enter the palace a while ago. She looked at the honest and diligent, and she took the training for a few days. These days are too When I was busy, she let her come to wait for the goddess. Who knows that it is a big heart.

The palace lady blushes and hurriedly bowed her head. "Yes."

It seems that this palace girl can not be used.

In the dormitory, Murong Chong did not find this scene. All his thoughts were on Ye Hao, and she took off the heavy robes for her, and then she hugged her again, although he had tried to put light movements. But it is inevitable that there will be some oysters, but I still haven’t woken this hoe.

It seems to be too tired.

Ye Hao continued to fall asleep, and Murong Chong reluctantly kissed her cheek, thinking that the founding ceremony had passed, and when she rested for a few days, she could return to the country.

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