Lu Yizhi looked at the pale-looking Zhao Ning, knowing that this Wang Hao was very cold to Murong, but he still could see that she liked Murong Yu, and there was love to hate, if there was no feeling. The two women are also meaningless here.

"Wang Hao, what's wrong?" Lu Yizhi only knew nothing, and looked at Zhao Ning with some confusion.

Zhao Ning never felt so sad and desperate. When she saw Lu Yizhi, she almost couldn’t hold on to the last strength. “The general manager, I will move to Zhuangzi for a few days, and the Wangfu’s business will be handed over to you.”

"When I go to Zhuangzi?" Lu Yizhi was surprised. "Wang Hao, the weather is not good today. I am afraid that there will be another heavy snow tonight. It is almost dark now. If you leave the city at this time, I am afraid there will be danger."

She didn't want to stay in this palace for a moment, especially if she wanted to have two demon women here, and wait for Murong to come back later. She knows that his red sleeves are in the house and will definitely be happy. They are reunited.

Isn't that a knife to lick her heart?

"I don't want to stay here at all." Zhao Ning whispered, "What are you doing to find me?"

Lu Yizhi knows that Zhao Ning is definitely a must tonight. "Wang Hao, the slave has just returned from the outside. I heard that someone from South Vietnam has come, so..."

"Lin Gonggong, you also said that on the same day, Wang Hao asked you to check Wang Ye’s movement in Nanyue. You said that Wang Ye was just going to do the job. Now it’s good. The two little hooves don’t know how to come to Kyoto from South Vietnam. What else do you say? To admit the mistakes of Wang Haojing tea, this is simply to hit the face." Zi Yan said to Lu Yizhi some blame.

"On that day, the slaves were negligent." Lu Yizhi bowed his head and admits.

Zhao Ning sneered sneerly. "What does it have to do with you? Since he is sneaking up outside, how can I let me know?"

"Wang Hao, Wang Ye is coming soon, it is better to wait for Wang to come back and listen to him." Li Wei was persuading.

"There is nothing to explain." Zhao Ning whispered, "Go and see things are packed up, no, the general manager, you go to the front to prepare the carriage for me."

Lu Yanzhi looked helplessly at Zi Yan, and seemed to hope that their two prostitutes could persuade Zhao Ning.

Zi Yan and Li Wei also want to persuade more, Zhao Ning did not want to listen to a word, let them not follow, she went into the house alone.

"What should I do?" Zi Yan looked at Lu Yuzhi. "When Wang Hao walked away, he said the meaning of the two monks. There is no Wang Hao here. They still don't know how to make waves."

"This is not afraid, I am here." Lu Yizhi said, "I don't know how Wang Ye planned now."

Li Li slammed her feet. "If the Queen's Empress is here, we have at least one place to complain. Now Wang Hao is wronged. Who can still be the master?"

When he mentioned Ye Hao, Lu Yanzhi's eyes changed slightly. He lowered his eyes. "Wang Hao is the princess of Qi State. How can Wang Ye be jealous? You shouldn't panic about this matter, wait for Wang to come back and see how he is. Arrange to say it again."

Lu Hao... If she knows the situation of Zhao Ning and Murong Yu, she should be very worried. She seems to treat Murong as her younger brother. Maybe she will come back to Jin Guo.

Still can't let her come back at this time, otherwise she and Mo Rongzhan may see the flaws, and then he will give up.

It’s been almost three years in Kyoto, and he doesn’t want to spend all three years.

What can I do with Zi Yan and Li Wei? They looked at each other and sighed softly. Li Wei said, "I will go to clean up and squirt, so I am so hurry, I am afraid that those little rings are careless."

"The general manager, but also trouble you to look at the front, if the prince is back, you can let people say first." Zi Yan said to Lu Yan's trip.

Lu Hao’s faint nod, “Well, I will take care of it in front.”

He just left from the room and saw that Murong was rushing over.

"The slaves have seen the prince." Lu Yan’s salute, he saw panic and overwhelmed in the face of Murong.

"Lin Gonggong, Wang Hao?" Murong asked in a hurry, he had not planned to return to the palace so quickly, if the next person secretly told him what happened in the government, he did not know that they were actually I am coming to Kyoto.

Lu Yuzhi said, "Wang Hao is in the house, Wang Ye, Wang Hao wants to go to Zhuangzi."

"No one can leave the palace tonight." Murong yelled, he could not let Zhao Ning leave at this time, otherwise he would not be able to recover her heart again.

"Wang Ye..." Lu Yan looked at him with difficulty.

Murong has already strode in the direction of the upper house.

"Wang Ye is here." Zi Yan came out of the house and saw that Murong walked over and hurriedly reminded Zhao Ning inside.

Seeing the chaos in the room, there were a few boxes at the door, and Murong felt like there was something stabbing his eyes and heart. "All goes down."

He took the curtain and walked out of the house. He saw Zhao Ning, who was packing his clothes. He opened his mouth and found that his mouth was dry and bitter. He didn't know how to explain it so that Zhao Ning could believe him.

"Ninger, can you listen to me?" Murong sipped a cup of tea on the table. Although it was already cold, he still drank a big swig.

Zhao Ning did not speak, and his eyes did not even look at him, and he took care of packing things.

"Not that I am going to pick them up." Murong looked at Zhao Ning, who was planning to stay away from him. A heart was sinking more and more. He reached out and grabbed her wrist. "I never thought about hurting you, you listen to me."

"Wang, you can't hurt me." Zhao Ning said faintly.

Inkor’s hands clasped her wrists tightly. “I immediately let people send them away, and they will never appear in front of you again.”

He should have listened to Lu Xiangzhi’s advice at the time. He could not let them stay in South Vietnam, or send them to unknown places, or they would kill them. But he felt that they did not do anything wrong, but they became poor skinny. He was given to him by others. If he killed them like this, it would seem cruel. In this situation, he only regrets not killing him.

They dared to come to the palace in this way. Isn’t this the birth of Zhao Ning’s face?

"Why should the king say such reluctant words." Zhao Ning smiled faintly. "You have been reluctant to come back for them for a year. Now they are not in the king's house. It is also good. I have always felt that I am right." You, I first moved to Zhuangzi to live, and when the emperor came back, I would ask the emperor to give us and leave."

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