Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1377: Arbitrary travel

Yuanguo, snow peach garden in the suburbs.

"Father, you see, this peach is so big." Ming Yu hands holding a peach bigger than her face came over, walked and waved, and opened her eyes to find Murong Cham to ask for merit.

"Well, Ming Yu's eyes are really good, the peaches picked are big and red." Murong Zhan praised without hesitation, and also held Ming Yu in his arms. "We have picked a lot of peaches. Is it time to go back? The mother may have been looking for us."

Ming Yu said, "Don't you say that the mother came to us for a while?"

Murong Zhan sighed, "It’s already so late, your mother may not be out of town. We bring the peach back to her."

"Father, you see, my mother is coming." Ming Xi ran over, with a smile on his face.

"Yeah yeah, the father is a mother's carriage." Ming Lan is more likely to see farther in the arms of Murong Cham, and really saw the familiar carriage.

Murong Zhan flashed a smile on his eyes and held Ming Xi in his arms. "We will pick you up."

When Ye Hao came out of the Imperial Study Room, he was ready to leave the palace. It was rare that there was such a good weather today. She also wanted to come out to accompany her two children.

"Mother, mother~" Minglan and Mingxi were held in the arms by Murong Zhan, and they saw Ye Hao coming out of the carriage, and they were already beckoning.

"How do you like the two little clay figurines." When Ye Hao saw the dirt on the faces of the two children, she suspected that they were going to dig the sweet potatoes instead of picking the peaches.

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "There is just a Zhuangzi in the vicinity of Yuezhang. Just wait for the past to wash it."

Ye took a look at him. "You can't help them."

"Hey also spoiled you." Murong Zhan looked at her with a sigh of sorrow. "How can you not rest in the palace today?"

"Consulted something with the cabinet minister, and it’s okay in the palace anyway, I will come out to look for you." Ye Hao’s eyes were smiling with a look of hope, and she looked at the handsome and handsome face of Murong Cham. She actually knew some The Minister’s thoughts, thinking that she can be a three-servant, can not only differentiate her and Mo Rongzhan’s feelings, but also enable the Yuan to be merged in the future. However, she loves this man’s life. Now she can live, or he exchanges his life, how can she be willing to love others?

Murong Chong thinks that she seems to be a little different today. Is it something happy to meet? "What suggestions have the ministers made? Is it so quick to quarrel?"

Every time she talked to the minister about a big fight, she didn't want to move back when she came back. It seems that she feels good today.

"They didn't make any suggestions today, I told them what policies to enact." Ye Hao asked him to put the children down, and they ran in the sun. She glared at the arm of Murong Chan and told him today. In the case of the royal study.

"Don't you tell me? Don't always listen to them, you should have your own ideas, so I won't discuss them with them this time, let Liu Zhanhu immediately enlighten the world next time." Ye Hao proud, eyes like Like a puppy, he looks at Murong Cham, and he looks for praise and praise.

Murong Zhan licked her head. "Not everything can make decisions on its own. The discussion is still to be discussed, so as not to be said that you are acting arbitrarily."

"This way." Ye Hao loosened his arm and looked embarrassed. "They want to change the law of marriage. They say that women can be three-serving and four-serving. I changed it directly this time. Men are not allowed to marry before the age of 30. Women also Can not be the three husbands and four waiters, the Yuan Kingdom wants to promote the monogamy system, or else, I will let them enter the palace tomorrow, and discuss them with them?"

"No!" In the depths of the ink-filled eyes, there seemed to be two flames beating. He pulled the leaf in front and pulled it back into his arms. "This decision is right, no need to discuss it with others." ”

Ye Hao pinched his handsome chin. "Does this not seem too arbitrary?"

Murong Zhan firmly said with certainty, "No."

"Oh." Ye Hao raised an eyebrow and smiled at him.

Who would have come up with the law of the three wives and four waiters? It must be related to the water! When Murong Zhan suddenly felt itchy hands, he didn't have a sip of water, and he was not comfortable.

Fortunately, there is only him in my heart! If she had a little bit of heart for others, I was afraid to push the boat.

If Murong Yu is here, I will definitely be stalked from it! Murong Zhan is really glad that Murong has not returned yet. His thoughts on Ye Hao are already very obvious.

"You have enough cockroaches." Murong Zhan said with a slap in the face, bowing his bite and biting her pink lips. "Don't you say that? Would you like to be single-minded?"

Ye Hao pushed him away and looked around with a red face. Because there are two children here, so there are many people who come out to serve. He does not avoid it, and he is not afraid to be seen by the children.

Murong Zhan was reluctant to leave her lips and clutched her thin waist tightly. "You can sleep for you every day."

"You still said." Ye Hao did not breathe his shoulders.

"I want to kiss..." Ming Yu’s eye-point saw that Murong Zhan was kissing Ye Hao and immediately shouted loudly.

Ye Hao’s face is redder, and her eyes are full of shame. “Look at you, let your daughter see it.”

Murong Zhan looked at her with pride and held her in the arms. "Ming Yu, the father is calling you back."

"Cheat!" Ming Yu whispered a small mouth. "The father does not like Mingyu. The mother said that the kiss is like, and she only likes her mother. She doesn't like Mingyu."

"..." Mo Rongzhan was speechless for a while, but he couldn't find a rebuttal. "Is that Mingyu not like the father?"

Ming Yu hesitated for a moment, softly kissed in the face of Murong Zhan, "I still like the father."

“The father also likes Mingyu.” Murong Zhan smiled and kissed her pink cheeks. “But you are a daughter, and the father’s love for you is different.”

"I know." Ming Yu immediately nodded and nodded, a look I understood. "The father's favorite is the mother, just like Mingyu's favorite brother, then the mother, then the father..."

Murong Zhan felt an arrow in his heart. In the mind of his daughter, he was not the one he liked the most.

Ye Hao finally couldn't help but smile, and couldn't help but kiss her daughter's cheek a few times. "I like Mingyu most."

"Mother, mother, come on!" Not far away, Mingxi’s voice shouted.

Ming Xi’s voice doesn’t sound very normal. Ye Hao and Murong Zhan looked at each other and hurriedly held Ming Yu and walked over.

Xue Lin and Wu Chong have already held Ming Xi in their arms, only waiting for them to pass.

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