Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1381: Going to Jinguo together

Zhao Wei has not left to cure the disease, Ye Hao can understand, but what is the Beitang Temple for staying here?

“Beitang is still at Hongjun Temple?” Ye Hao asked, she didn’t like Beitang, although he looked like Sven’s, it’s not good, it’s too sinister, if not It is necessary that she does not want to deal with him.

"I have already moved out yesterday, and I live in the inn at the intersection of the street." Yan Han whispered, "Scorpio, the subordinates have always stared at them."

Ye Hao gently nodded. "There is definitely something to do in Beitang, staying in Wangdu City. He may be looking for an opportunity to see Li Wei. If he wants to see Li Wei, let him see."

"Yes, Scorpio." Yan Han whispered.

"Right, who is the child of Wang Ducheng missing?" Ye Hao remembered the children still in the mountain village, it has been two days, or there is no news.

Yan Han replied, "Scorpio, there is no news of missing children in the family name, the child may not be Wangducheng."

Ye Hao slightly frowned, not the king of the city, that escaped from other places? "Is that child awake?"

"Not yet, yesterday, the whole body is fever, according to the prescription you prescribed to give him medicine, it is much better." Yan Han said.

"Since he is being chased, if he is still alive, those who want to kill him will certainly not be reconciled. When he wakes up and takes him to the palace, I have something to ask him." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Yes, Scorpio." Yan Han should.

After Yan Han was sent down, Ye Hao called Fu Gonggong in, let him lead the other day to come to the Yuan Dynasty and set out to go to Jinguo.

"Mother, Mr. Huangfu waited for a while outside." Fu Gonggong said to Ye Hao before he retired.

"Please invite Mr. Huang Wei to come in." Ye Hao said immediately, she is now a little admired by Murong Cham, in addition to watching the folds, do not have to be bothered by the minister every day.

The figure of Huangfu Zhilan Yushu appeared on the door. He looked up at the leafhopper sitting behind the book case. What appeared in his mind was that she was helpless and asked him to be her master’s picture. At that time, she did not look like Today, it seems so famous, but beautiful and beautiful, the eyebrows are the toughness and perseverance that made him move. At that time, he did not think that her reputation in the world would mean today's Scorpio.

Scorpio... more than the Queen to convince the world.

"Scorpio." Huangfu’s voice screamed cleanly.

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Huangfu, and smiled helplessly. "Master, don't call me a god, or call me."

Huangfu smiled. "Now your identity is different. We are not only mentoring."

"There are no outsiders here, so don't be so rude." Ye Hao smiled. "Master, I am looking for you, there is something to ask you."

"What?" Huangfu asked. Since the arrival of Murong Cham, he has not entered the palace every day, especially since the recent opening ceremony, he has less to enter the palace to teach them to Mingxi.

Ye Hao put down the pen in his hand. "Master, do you want to go back to Jinguo together?"

Huangfu did not expect that because of this incident, some looked at her with a stunned look, "Return to the country?"

"You are the Taifu of Mingxi and Mingyu. This time I took them back to Jinguo. I said that I have to live for half a year. If you go with them, they will accept the enlightenment in Jinguo." Ye Hao said.

"Jin Guo talents, even if I don't follow, Azhan will also find teachers for them. If you leave the Yuan Dynasty for so long, I will not follow, and stay in Wangdu City. After all, the Yuan Dynasty is only standing." He said, he didn't want to watch her and Murong Zhan along the way. He even wanted to stay in the Yuan Dynasty and wait for her to come back.

Ye Hao looked at him and knew that he really didn't want to go to Jinguo. "Well, I don't force the Master. If you stay in Wangdu, I am really more assured."

"Actually..." Huangfu hesitated. "Now the Yuan Dynasty is standing at the beginning, you shouldn’t be so anxious to stay away from politics as a scorpio, and it will inevitably be shaken."

"If it really shakes people, no matter where I am, it is the same." Ye Hao said softly, "And there is a big thing in the country... I have something important to deal with, I am not worried about not going back."

There was a confusing flash in the eyes of Huangfu, and she would have something in Jinguo. Even Murong Zhan was already here. "What happened?"

Ye Hao whispered in a low voice. "It is aunt's business. It is complicated. When I later, Master will say slowly. Right, I am going to go back. I have to trouble Master to prepare some two medicines for me." Brought back together."

"Okay, I know." Huangfu smiled and nodded. Jinxiangguo was previously controlled by the national teacher. It has long abandoned the cultivation of medicinal herbs. This time, I will let the cockroaches go back with the seedlings. The weather there is suitable, it is still very Easy to grow.

Ye Hao also talked about the water seedlings and Zhao Tianqi. "Water has already promised their relatives. Zhao Tianyi has no relatives here. You can be regarded as his family. Would you like to be the master?"

Huangfu smiled and shook his head. "You can actually convince the water, I told him before, he is very determined not to like Atian."

"Where is I convinced him that Shui Miaomiao refused to go home and said that he would run away with Zhao Tianqi." Ye Hao said with a smile, she admired the courage of the water seedlings, but in the end, there are no parents around. Only when the water brought her up, in some respects, she did not know how to converge, and her character was greatly embarrassed. Last time she told her what Tianzhu could be a waiter.

"If it weren't for your protection, the water would definitely take her back and put it under house." Huangfu smiled and shook his head.

Ye Hao chuckled and said that the mentor and the disciples had said a few gossips, and the emperor just left the palace.

After two days, the first early morning of the Yuan Dynasty, Ye Haoming Liu Zhanhu promulgated a new law. Others said that monogamy is like a thunderstorm on the ground. I don’t know the other ministers of the court were shocked. The people on the wall who saw the emperor could not understand.

"Men's nephew has been in existence since ancient times. How can we change it?" Many men have raised doubts about their anger.

Some of the women agree that some of them do not understand the three from the four virtues, the woman is to pass on the man to pass on the family, if you can not be guilty, only the original child with a life, it is not in the future can not be full of children?

For these arguments, she couldn't help but turn her eyes, she was speechless.

"There is nothing for men. If you say what these women think, can't wait to share their husbands?" Ye Hao, who was easy to accept with Murong Chong, whispered.

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