In the evening, Ye Hao was lying in the arms of Mo Rong Zhan complaining, "I am born to be obviously, how can I get closer to you now? Shouldn't Mingyu's favorite person be me?"

Murong Zhan laughed, "Which is so jealous."

"I am jealous." Ye Hao was on his chest and reached out and grabbed his chin. "It's all you, no matter what the daughter said, I agree. I sing a black face and you will only sing a white face. Now my daughter is coming. The more you stick to it, the daughter is the lover of the last life, hey, you really only like your daughter."

"Nonsense!" Murong Chan put her half under her body, her long fingers point to her pink lips. "Isn't you liked you in your life? The daughter is the apple of the palm, and you are born for you, don't you? Like Mingyu, do you still like other children?"

Ye took a look at him and bit his bite at his fingertips. "Who do you want to have a baby for you?"

“Small vinegar bucket!” Murong Chan’s fingers gently stirred her fingertips. “It’s been a jealous thing for so many years. How can it grow up?”

"You don't even think that I grow up!" Ye snorted. "Now the daughter is all good. I am not in your eyes. It is not long."

Murong Chong looked at her with a slight gaze, and asked in a low voice, "Hey, what do you want to say?"

"Don't you think that you are better than Mingxi to Mingxi?" Ye Hao sat up on his shoulder and looked at his deep, dark voice, whispering, Mingxi and Mingyu are his Child, but he is so omnipotent to Ming Yu, not to dislike Mingxi... It sometimes seems to be harsh, and he will not always hold him in his arms.

She knows that Murong Zhan can't love Ming Xi, but she is worried about such a difference. Ming Xi's heart will be somewhat unbalanced.

Murong Zhan looked down at her. In the coma of Anhe City, he saw her grievances in the Qin Dynasty and the palace. At that time, his heartache could not be described in any words. She saw her. He disappeared in front of him, and he was afraid that he would never see her again, so he made a vow to exchange her life for the rest of his life.

She is already born again, that is, his vows have already worked. He doesn't know when he will die. Will he guard them when they arrive? Even if he is already a god, he still thinks she needs protection.

He believes that other people, only his own son, hope that his son will be able to grow as soon as possible in his lifetime, enough to protect their two most important women.

"Azhan, what are you thinking about?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Murong Chan held her face in one hand. "Ming Xi and Ming Yu are different. He will be the prince of the future. He has to bear too many responsibilities, and he can't love him."

Ye Xiao smiled. "You worry too much. Ming Xi is only three years old. Even if you want to hand over Jin Guo to him in the future, you don't need to start to let him take responsibility now. He is still a child."

He is afraid that he does not have so much time! But he can't say such things, lest she be sad.

"When I was three years old, I have already done a lot of things." Murong Cham said, "Don’t look down on Mingxi, he knows more than you. You don’t want him to learn too much now, just don’t let him Develop a character that is too dependent."

"In the future, I still want to give the Yuan Dynasty to Mingyu. Then why do you still love Mingyu?" Ye Haodao, thinking of his son's young age was given the heavy responsibility of his father, she was quite distressed by her son.

Murong Zhan glanced at her with a burning gaze, and gently kissed her lips. "You can't let Mingyu suffer. In the future, you want to give her the Yuan, so I want to find a man who can protect her forever. Beside me."

"They are only a few years old, you think too long." Ye Hao said with a funny voice, took the initiative to his arms, "They are just children, you love Mingxi and let him know, otherwise he thought you were eccentric."

"I will pay attention to it later." Murong Zhan said with a smile, bowed her lips and kissed her sweet taste.

Ye Hao was attached to him like him, responding emotionally to his kiss. When he covered her earlobe, she gasped and said, "Azhan, or else, let's regenerate a child."

Murong Zhan’s shoulders froze, and it took a moment to re-enter her nephrite. “No, it’s enough to have Mingxi.”

"Azhan..." Ye Hao's legs wrapped around his waist.

"This thing can only be heard." Murong Chan took a shot on her thigh. "Even if you want to regenerate one, it is not this time, you have to meet with you for a long time, can you only hold you but you can Can't do anything?"

"..." Ye Hao was forced into the top, and he was screaming and screaming. He wanted to say anything and forgot.

"Azhan, too fast." Ye Hao climbed his shoulders with both hands. How did she think that he seemed to be a little too abnormal? They were already old wives and wives. He hadn’t been like this for a long time... intense and strong, she was a bit uncomfortable. live.

Murong Zhan stretched her legs and watched her bloom the most colorful color on him. He once lost her twice, and he felt so unhappy. If one day he should have vowed, she should be alone. How to do?

He didn't dare to think about it. Only when he felt her, he felt real in his heart.

It was not until the middle of the night that the movement in the dormitory was stopped. Ye Hao was too tired to lift a little strength. He was still weeping in the ink of Zhan Zhan, and his voice was dumb.

Murong Chong made people hit the water, hugged her into the bath, saw her body retreat, and trembled in his arms with a little touch. He kissed her cheek, "I lost my sense today."

Ye Hao scratched him weakly.

The red dragonfly and the red diamond that kept the bed outside kept their heads down, and there was a luxuriant taste on the sheets, and... it was a bit unsightly. I don’t need to know what happened, but it’s the first time I’m so exaggerated. of.

They quickly changed the bed, and when Murong Chan came out with Ye Hao, he had already lowered his head and retreated.

Ye Hao fell asleep and slumbered when he touched the pillow.

Ink Murray clung to her cheek and remembered an important thing. He took a bottle from the bed, poured a pill out, put it in the water to melt, and then sat up, "Hey, drink water first, then go to bed."

"Yeah." Ye Hao was confused. He took a few mouthfuls of water on the hand of Murong Chan and frowned. "What is this, it tastes strange."

Added water to avoid the pill! Murong Zhan laughed. "It is tea. If you drink, you will continue to sleep."

Ye Hao was fed with water, and Murong Zhan finally let her go, let her continue to sleep in his arms.

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