Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1397: Forcing the palace

Murong Chong brought people to Mingxi, and he took his hands behind his back and looked at the front with a cold eyes. With today's situation, the troubles of these families can not be solved in a day or two, so that Ye Hao has to be dragged for some time, and can't go back to Jinguo with him.

Thinking of this, Murong Zhan’s heart burst into a nameless fire, and he added a bit of anger to the families in those crowds.

"Ming Xi is only three years old, he is counting on him to protect the Scorpio and the princess. You can rest assured that we can protect their orphans and widows in the Yuan Dynasty." Water stood behind Murong Cham, and his eyes did not look. He is, but what he said is a sentence that pierces the ears of ink-filled Zhan.

Orphans and widows? Murong Chan slightly raised his eyebrows. Is this taking him as a dead person?

"The queen of the beggar and the child are naturally squatting." Murong Zhan said faintly, "The water general... is still more practical."

As soon as the face of the water sank, the scene of being crushed by Murong Chan was vividly in sight, and his face was instantly dark.

"Please call me!"

"We want to see the sky..."

The voice in the crowd is getting bigger and bigger, and it looks like it is going to break into the posture of the Meridian Gate.

Murong Zhan took a faint look, he was very clear that these people are not coming in, if you dare to come in, it is better to do something.

"The order is passed, they dare to cross the door of the afternoon to force the palace to sin." Murong Zhan coldly lives.

The water slammed into him, "forced the crime of the palace?"

Is that killing innocents?

Murong Zhan looked back at him coldly. "The founding ceremony was less than a month old. If Wangducheng is in chaos because of today's events, it is a joke all over the world. The family is indeed ingrained, but they are not the roots of the Yuan. Within three days, if you can't calm down the chaos, you guys who are with her, it seems that the ability is only that."

When the water was smothered by ink-filled Zhan, the face was very ugly, but he had to admit that Murong Zhan said it makes sense.

Murong Chan did not look any further, but turned and left.

He went to the harem to find Ye Hao, who was painting with Yu Ming. She seemed to be in a good mood and was not affected at all.

"Where have you been?" Ye Hao saw him coming back with a shallow smile on his face.

"Ming Xi?" Murong Zhan sat down beside Ye Hao and did not see Ming Xi here.

"He just stayed here. I heard that Yan Xiaoliu woke up and passed." Ye Hao hooked his hand. "You go to the Wumen side? How do you bring Mingxi together? He is still so small." ""

Murong Zhan said with a smile, "He didn't let him do anything, just let him know what kind of responsibility he shoulders."

Ye Hao knows that he has great expectations for Mingxi, but is it too early?

"You don't look too small to see Mingxi. He is smarter than you think." Murong Zhan said with a smile, picking up a few paintings of Mingyu painting, one did not see what the painting was, he laughed. Shaking his head, "Mingyu, what is this?"

"This is the father, this is the mother, this is the brother!" Ming Yu said seriously, pointing to a few black paint and black paper, the milk was so smug.

"..." Murong Zhan laughed. "The original father was in the eyes of Ming Yu."

Ye Xiao smiled. "It’s already very good to see Ming Yu can be painted like this."

Ming Yu took a picture, "I am going to find my brother."

"Don't run so fast." Ye Hao, let the red dragonfly follow.

In the dormitory, only Ye Hao and Murong Zhan were left. Ye Hao looked at him. "Is it very loud outside?"

"The same is true of the troubles. They just want you to compromise. Once you are soft, they have to get in." Murong Zhan said faintly, "It’s better to suppress them than to start with them."

Ye Hao nodded, she thought so too. "I didn't intend to compromise with them. However, it is really not very good for the family to unite."

"They unite, don't let them unite." Murong Zhan whispered.

“Hmmm?” Ye Haoxiu slightly picked up his eyes and looked at him with a smile. “It seems that you let them do what they are doing?”

Murong Zhan laughed and said nothing, these people let them not return to the country as soon as possible, how he would let them go.

"Don't think so much, look at Mingxi and Mingyu." Murong Zhan said faintly.

Ye Hao looked at his figure and really doubted what he was doing behind his back, otherwise how could it be so easy.

At night, the people outside the door have not retired, and the water ordered it. As long as they crossed the door of the afternoon, they would be forced to go to court. Even if the family was united, no one would be willing to go one step further.

Especially when the water is standing there, everyone knows this is the general who kills people without blinking. If it weren't for him, Scorpio is not so easy to get the Yuanguo.

Wang Ducheng is destined to be quiet this night, except for those people in front of the Wumen Gate, Shen Shen and Tang Yan are also moving around in the city. When there is no dawn, new rumors have been passed down.

It is already another situation until the next day.

"General Water, we just want to see the Scorpio, when will Scorpio see us?" The middle-aged man standing at the forefront is Liao Shouzhi, the owner of the Liao family. He has been waiting here for one day and one night, but still I couldn’t help but see some people’s shadows.

The water glanced at him faintly. "Scorpio only sees the person I see."

Liao Shouzhi’s heart was a bit of a heart, and he didn’t understand what it meant to be a word of water.

After another day, the number of people around the Wumen Gate was less than half. Only the family members who stood at the forefront did not leave. They looked at the banned soldiers in front. Did they underestimate the Scorpio, she was not afraid of Is the family right?

At this time, Ye Hao was not in the palace, she went to see Ye Yiqing in the Yuan Dynasty.

The Liao family is a big family. The number of his sons who are officials in the DPRK is quite large. Liao Shouzhi and other family members went to the palace to see Ye Xun. Many people in Liao’s family also took down their official duties, thinking that this would allow the imperial court to Nothing can be done, so that we can force the people to submit and promise what they want.

Ye Hao had the heart to talk about the fact that Ye Yiqing’s students were re-raised, because Ye Yiqing’s resignation left, Li Wei deported all his students, and he did not reuse it. Since the children of the family thought that the court could not operate, they could not operate. Just try it.

In addition to seeing these students, Ye Hao also met another Liao family, Liao Shouzhi's younger brother, who has always been unable to get along with Liao Shouzhi.

Liao Shouzhi wants to use the entire Liao family, so that she can join her other family to threaten her. Then she is better to let other people be the owners of Liao.

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