For her biological mother, Ye Hao knows her better than she knows. In her memory, she has always been unrelated to herself. If she is not married to her old lady, she may be even more cold to her, even I don't want her daughter.

Looking back now, she seems to have never seen her mother's family. She used to think that it was too far away, so she walked less and she remembered that she had never seen her mother when her mother died. I have never heard of any people in the ancestors, and I have never mentioned it.

"Master, do you know which martial art my mother is?" Ye Hao asked curiously.

"Lingtang seems to be surnamed jade..." Huangfu carefully thought, "There are two sects in the rivers and lakes, all of which are surnamed jade. Yunluo Palace and Feiyu Mountain Villa are a family. Twenty years ago, Miss Yujia’s self-reliant martial art. It is the Yunlu Palace. According to the age, the church should be the person of Feiyu Mountain Villa."

Ye Hao has never heard of Feiyu Mountain Villa and Yunluo Palace. In fact, she does not understand the rivers and lakes. If Murong Chan is here, and her mother is Feiyu Mountain Villa, it must be shocked.

Feiyu Mountain Villa is not a very popular martial art on the rivers and lakes. Although it is mysterious, it cannot be underestimated. In particular, the instruments produced by Feiyu Mountain Villa, where the hidden weapon is not hidden in any place, how can a kungfu be strong? People sometimes can't avoid the damage caused by hidden weapons. Therefore, almost all the rivers and lakes know that Feiyu Mountain Villa seems to be inconsistent with the world. In fact, it is not weaker than other sects.

As for the Yunlu Palace, it is the branch of Feiyu Mountain Villa. It has been active in the rivers and lakes in recent years. However, Yunluo Palace is not good at stealth, but with a sword. Only the palace owner of Yunlu Palace always holds a yoke. No one knows if the Yaoqin is hiding a hidden weapon.

"Mother never told us about things on the rivers and lakes." Ye Hao whispered, now thinking about her biological mother, she feels that she is still far away and strange, the mother in memory is always silent, in the face of the hand, the same The look was light. She used to think that because of her own relationship, she now wants to come, as if there is a relative of a lover between the mother and her.

What did the mother think before? Ye Hao found that she did not understand her mother at all.

When Huangfu heard Ye Hao’s words, she looked at her with some doubts. “Have you seen your biological mother?”

Ye Hao returned to God and knew that he had made a mistake in front of Huangfu. "No, I asked my sister and my brother, and they have not said this."

"I don't know much. Whether it is Yunluo Palace or Feiyu Mountain Villa, I don't welcome outsiders to enter." Huangfu said.

"Master, have you heard of a thousand spiders?" Ye Hao whispered. "I heard that this thousand-handed spider has killed many people in the rivers and lakes in recent years, and even the martial arts lord Yan Jintang has been eliminated."

Yan Jintang’s family was destroyed? It’s hard to hide the shock of the emperor. "How can Yan Jintang be destroyed? I don't know about it."

Ye Hao said, "Probably the news has not yet reached the Yuan Dynasty."

"Who can still kill the Yanjintang family in the rivers and lakes, is this a thousand spiders? I have never heard of such a sect."

"When they sent people to kill me, Azhan has been making people find out their details in the past two years, but... it seems that there are not many." Ye Hao whispered, I heard that this thousand hands When she was a spider, she had a bad feeling in her heart, and now she is more vigilant about this martial art.

"Who killed you?" Huangfu’s heart was tight.

Ye Hao smiled. "They should be similar to the previous thousand Luosha. Someone wants them to kill me."

"If they are like Qianluo, if they didn't succeed in the past, I was worried..." Huangfu car looked at Ye Hao with concern.

"Master, there are a lot of people around me who are protecting. They want to start with me is not easy." Ye Hao said, "However, it is still necessary to find out who the thousand hand spiders are."

Huangfu said, "I will also let people check."

Ye Hao also learned about some things on the rivers and lakes in Huangfu. Basically, it was similar to that of Murong Cham. She returned to the harem and found Murong Cham and Ming He in the small garden.

"Yan Xiaoliu, I have to fly too..." Ming Yu wrapped around a little more than her, Yan Xiaoliu, pointing at the sky and shouting softly.

"I won't..." Yan Xiaoliu's tender and beautiful face looked a little overwhelmed. He turned to help them to look down on them. He couldn't fly. He just taught him the merits of the emperor, and he jumped subconsciously. The roof, now let him fly again, he did not dare.

"You lied, I just saw you flying up." Ming Yu rubbed his feet and watched Yan Xiaoliu with red eyes.

Ming Xi said, "Ming Yu, Yan Xiaoliu still has injuries on his hands. He can't fly with you. Wait for him. Let's play with him again."

"I don't want to play with him anymore." Ming Yu snorted.

Yan Xiaoliu looked down at the small face of the jade like a jade, and he whispered, "I will use a carved rabbit, I will give you a rabbit."

Ming Yu’s eyes lit up. “What carving rabbit?”

"Just... use ice." Yan Xiaoliu thought about it. I didn't know that it was the ice rabbit that was once carved in the depths of the memory. He looked at the snow in the small garden and blurted out.

Ye Hao listened to the three children screaming in the garden and went to the side of Murong Zhan to sit down. "Ming Yu seems to like Yan Xiaoliu."

Murong Zhan knew that she had gone to see the emperor, and held some of her cool hands in her palm. "Yu Fang only tried Yan Xiaoliu. He really did his own martial arts, and the internal strength is also the exclusive secret of Yanjia. The practice of passing on others cannot be learned by others. I am afraid that this is the orphan of the Yan family."

"But he has forgotten everything now." Ye Hao whispered.

"I always think of it, anyway, Mingxi and Mingyu like him, let him follow them first, and be a playmate." Murong Zhan said quietly, "and Huangpu said. what?"

Ye Hao grabbed the palm of the ink, and "My mother was Feiyu Mountain Villa. I have never heard of it before."

Murong Zhan did not even hear about her mother's life experience. When she heard Ye Hao say this, his eyes flashed a strange look. "Is the court a martial arts man?"

"I... I don't know. My mother didn't like to see me before. I grew up beside my grandmother. Later I followed the enlightenment. I only remember that my mother was a silent person. I thought she just didn't want to talk to me." Ye Hao recalled the life in Ye Family before, but still found that her mother had too little memory. "She always plays the piano in the room alone, as if there is a lot of thoughts."

“Ye Yannan knows her identity?” asked Murong Zhan.

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