Listening to the crying of Dongdong, Zhao Ning’s mind became more and more clear. Not many people knew that the fall of the autumn and winter to the palace. She believed that after she left, Murong’s mind would block the news, otherwise They won't let people send them away, and they won't give back to the winter. He won't let him give birth to his children.

The two women said that Murong sent people to South Vietnam to pick them up to Kyoto. Now, it’s obviously not him who looks at Murong’s practice. In fact, she has thought about it in the past few days. They said that it’s Wang’s sent people to pick up. They, this thing is clear that there is a flaw.

If Murong really wants them to come to Kyoto, he will bring them when he returns. It won’t be picked up after a few months, and he won’t even talk to her. Just do it, it is in the face of the whole government to hit her face, even if he does not like her, it is impossible to do such a thing, someone is carrying him to pick it up.

Who is doing all this behind the scenes? If there is no guess, the person who picks up Qiuqiu and Dongdong is the one who asked her to come to Zhuangzi to ask her.

Zhao Ning thought about the people around him. He couldn’t think of who would do such a thing. If she could understand her and Murong, she should be the person in the palace.

"Wang Hao." Zi Yan saw Zhao Ning in a daze, thinking she was too sad, and gently called her.

"I'm fine." Zhao Ning whispered, eyes looking at the winter who was still pleading for her. "You get up first."

Zi Yan heard that Zhao Ning's tone was a bit soft, thinking that she wanted to stay in the winter.

"Thank you for Wang Hao." When she was happy with her face, she knew that it was right to ask Wang Hao.

Zhao Ning looked at her indifferently. "I have something to ask you. You'd better answer it truthfully. There must be no half-sentence."

Wu Dong immediately said, "Wang Hao, as long as the slave knows, the slaves must not hide."

What else can she hide now, only to find a child who can give birth to a stomach, even if it is not the scorpion of the prince, but it is a distinguished identity, not like her, so as long as she can live, let her do whatever she wants Yes, she is not the same as Qiu Qiu, and Qiu Qiu’s heart is too big, so she will die very fast.

"You said that Wang Ye sent someone to pick you up to Kyoto?" Zhao Ning asked faintly. "Remember what the person looks like?"

Dong Dong can bear the child of ink-tolerance, and she can only say it now, obviously not a stupid person. When she was driven out of the palace by Murong, she knew that it was not the prince who took people to pick them up. As for that. Who is the person who brought them to Kyoto, she really does not know.

"Wang Hao, that person only said that it was sent by the prince. Nothing else was said. He took them to Kyoto, and we have never seen him again." Winter whispered.

Zhao Ning raised his eyebrow slightly. "What does that person look like?"

Xiaodong carefully thought about it and found that the impression on that person was really very light. I didn’t say that the person was infatuated with very few words. It seemed that he didn’t have any special features. He didn’t know if he could recognize it at the station. Wang Hao, the man is about twenty-five and five years old, looks... very ordinary, his eyes are not big or small, his skin is a bit black, he is not very fond of talking, he said that he is the person around Wang Ye."

"There is such a small scorpion in Wangfuli. If you say so, who can recognize it?" Ziyan asked without hesitation.

Winter said helplessly, "He looks like this. Now let the slaves find him again, I am afraid I have to work hard."

Zhao Ning believes that what Dong Dong said, if it is her, will definitely find a person who looks flat and does not easily recognize it, it is the easiest to believe.

"You said that the prince sent you away, but also to give you medicine, how did you escape?" Zhao Ning asked again, "Is it true that the people who sent the prince are not as good as the two of you, so it is so easy for you to let you Escaped?"

Dong Dong said, "The slaves originally felt that it was definitely a dead end. We were taken out of the palace and sent to Kyoto. They were locked in a small teahouse. Qiuqiu was always screaming and was taken out by the mouth. Not long after, the teahouse was on fire, and I ran out in a mess. I hid in the dark and heard someone saying that I couldn’t let the slaves find you. Otherwise, it would definitely be a bad thing. The slaves heard them mention the place, so they found it all the way. It is."

When Zhao Ning heard this, he was more sure of the speculation in his heart. It was really someone who manipulated it all in the back. What was the purpose of that person?

"Wang Hao, slaves don't dare to have other extravagances, but this child is a prince after all, as long as the slaves can safely give birth to children, slaves do not want anything, slaves can return to South Vietnam, and will never appear in front of you." Winter sighed and said.

"Can you not see a child all your life?" Zhao Ning asked with some sarcasm. She did not believe that she would not want anything after she gave birth to a child.

There are tears in the eyes of the winter, "Slaves can do it."

Zhao Ning floated a sneer and said to Zi Yan, "Take her first and let her eat something first."

"Wang Hao?" Zi Yan looked at Zhao Ning in surprise, wouldn't she really want to leave this woman?

"Go on." Zhao Ning waved her hand. She didn't want to help this woman. Now she only sees people who have been looking for her in South Vietnam. Keeping her in order to find out who is trying to make her look like a stranger.

Although Ziyan was puzzled in her heart, she could not raise doubts in front of outsiders and had to take it down.

"Li Wei, you let people go to the palace, ask the prince to come to Zhuangzi." Zhao Ning said, "Don't be known by other people in the palace to see me."

"Yes, Wang Hao." Li Wei whispered.

Zhao Ning Xiu Mei is next to each other. It is really unreasonable. Who is behind this intentionally stirring up such a thing?

In the palace of the government, Murong 沂 heard that Zhao Ning wanted to see him, and suddenly he was overjoyed. When he had just left the house, Zhu Bian appeared.

"Wang Ye, Qiu Qiu died, but the winter is gone, the people in the Zhuangzi came to the news, and Dong Dong is going to see Wang Hao." Zhu Shu looked nervously at the ink to look at the ink, although things are not his direct It’s messed up, but it’s his job to send the two women out of the city. He also has responsibility.

When Murong Yu heard this, it was completely shaken. "What are you talking about?"

Zhu Shu smashed down. "Wang Ye, all of them are underpowered. I didn't expect that the winter could escape from several big men..."

"What do people at the mountainside do, how can you see Wang Hao in the winter?" Inkor’s forehead thundered, and he thought that Zhao Ning was finally willing to listen to him. It turned out that this is not the case. She knows that there is winter. I am pregnant.

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