When Ye Hao woke up, they had already left ZTE, and the sky outside was a bit dull. She curled up in the arms of Murong Cham, his face buried in her chest...

"..." Her brain was a little confused, and a pair of confused eyes stared at Murong Cham.

"Well?" Murong's thin lips and micro-hooks, clear and touching faces, and rough fingers rubbing her soft cheeks, "Is it tired?"

The leaves of the leaf 蓁 paste are so awake for a while, remembering why she is so tired, her cheeks are red like hot shrimp. "Where are we?"

Her voice was soft and hoarse, and she listened to the ink in her ears. The breathing became heavy. "We left ZTE, and today we can't get into the city. We just found a mountain house in the front of the village."

"Oh." Ye Hao squatted a few times on his chest and yawned lazily. "What about Mingxi and Mingyu?"

Murong Zhan bowed his head on her lips for a while, then whispered, "They are behind the carriage, there are Shen and Tang Yan watching, there will be nothing."

Ye Hao sat up in his arms. "I slept all day!"

"Well, I slept very hard, I didn't call you." In the ink, Zhan Yu floated a shallow smile.

"Isn't Mingxi and Mingyu not looking for me?" Ye wanted to swear. In the morning, she didn't dare to speak at the inn. She thought that others would not know what she and Murong Chan had done in the room. Things, he was holding a carriage in the daytime, and slept for so long, and he knew what was going on with a bit of a look.

She thinks it is too shameful!

Murong Cham responded with a faint sigh. "They have always been with Yan Xiaoliu."

Didn't even think about finding her? Ye Hao felt very sad. She and the two children really went farther and farther, and they would never be close to her again.

"What are you thinking?" Murong Chan frowned, and did not like to see such a sad look on her face.

"Ming Xi and Ming Yu..." Ye Hao groaned a few times, feeling sad in his heart.

Murong Chan reluctantly sighed. "Children grow up naturally and have their world. Do you still want Mingxi and Mingyu to be around you forever? Hey, this life will last forever and you will never leave." I."

Suddenly saying such a deep affection, Ye Hao’s heartbeat speeded up, but when I think about it, I feel that something is wrong. “How old are they, how can they grow up, isn’t the three-year-old child of another family still entangled with her mother every day?”

Ink Murray said faintly, "I was enlightened when I was three years old. I have to go to the study room for half an hour every day."

Ye Hao had no words to say, she was still playing in the fun when she was three years old, and she was so petty to her. The most important thing in her memory was the variety of fresh gameplay, all of which were martyrdom.

She has already thought about it. She returned to the country with two children to the hot springs, let them experience the fun of her childhood, it seems that it seems a bit difficult.

However, it is useless to argue with Murong Cham. He has placed too much hope on Ming Xi, and Ming Xi seems to... readily accept the teachings of Murong Cham, and soon realize the essentials, there is no feeling of protest, or even I am willing to accept it. Otherwise, every time he sees the face of Murong Cham, he will not be full of worship.

They all blamed her for being too busy before, ignoring that Murong Zhan actually taught Ming Xi to do this.

"You can see them in half an hour." Murong Zhan saw that she was still unhappy, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

Ye Hao whispered in his arms. "It seems that he likes what you teach him more than my love for Ming Xi."

Murong’s mouth was slightly raised. “That’s what he knows to teach him is useful.”

“Don't I teach it is useless?” Ye Hao asked somewhat uncomfortably. Mingyu liked her very much. Why didn’t Mingxi like it? Both children like Murong Cham!

"You teach Mingxi how to play, even if you don't teach him, he will." Murong Cham finger gently lifted her chin, "He said, Mingxi is very smart, more than you think. Be smart."

Ye Hao was not satisfied at the moment. "I taught them to want them to have a happy childhood. Is it useless?"

“Useful, useful!” Murong Zhan smiled and nodded. “The teachings are all useful.”

This tone is simply perfunctory! Ye Hao took a heavy bite on his chin.

Murong Chong buckled her back and kissed her lips.

When they arrived at the mountain where they settled, Ye Hao was sore and soft. He could only choke in the arms of Murong Cham. He knew that he would not provoke him. She just bit him and he directly ate her.

"Let me down, I will go by myself." Ye Hao cried.

Murong Zhan looked down at her. She had just had no strength to clamp him. Where is the strength of her legs? "Can you walk on your own? Does the station stand firm?"

Ye Hao was angrily trying to kill her.

"Mother, are you still not good?" Ming Yu was led by Ming Xi, and both pairs of clear and bright eyes were worriedly watching Ye Hao, who was held in his arms by Mo Rong.

"Nothing, I'm fine." Ye Hao's face burned up quickly, **** Murong Zhan's arm hard, indicating that he would put her down, otherwise the two children would misunderstand.

"But, Hung Hom said that you are not comfortable." Ming Yu eyes still look at Ye Hao, uncomfortable is sick, "Mother, do you want to take medicine?"

Murong Zhan supported Ye Hao’s waist and put her down. She saw her legs still shaking, and some regretted that she should not be impulsive in the carriage.

"Look, I'm fine, don't worry, mother is a little tired." Ye Hao tried to make himself laugh naturally. "You took a carriage for a day, tired and tired? Go ahead."

Ming Yu wants to pounce on Ye Hao's arms, but she hasn't touched Ye Hao's clothes. She has already hugged the white ink. "The mother hasn't had much strength after sleeping for too long, and the father holds you."

"Isn't your mother too tired?" Mingxi frowned.

"Go in." Murong Cum whispered, "Let's stay here tonight."

This mountain village should be arranged by Murong Zhan, and even the mattresses are newly replaced. The next person seems to have a clear understanding of the identity of the ink-filled, respectful ceremony, everything looks very good. rigorous.

Although Ye Hao was curious when Murong Zhan arranged this villa, she was too tired to talk. If he was holding her by her side, she could not go to the house.

"Mother, I haven't talked to you in a day." Ming Yu leaned against Ye Hao and looked at her with her eyes.

“What does Mingyu want to say to her mother?” Ye Hao touched her soft cheeks and felt that she was less tired. “What have you done today?”

Murong Zhan saw her daughter climb to Ye Hao's body and took her back without leaving any traces. "Hungry? What do you want to eat?"

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