Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 1423: She is still alive

Out of the space, Ye Hao discovered that she was covered in cold sweat, and even her heartbeat accelerated a lot. Her breathing was a little anxious, her hands were tightly holding the arm of Murong Cham, and her mind was filled with turbid darkness in the space.

"What's wrong?" Murong Zhan's alertness was higher than ordinary people. Ye Hao's breathing was not right. He immediately woke up and propped up and looked down at her.

Ye Hao gasped and shook his head gently, extending his white arms and arms around his neck, and squatted in her arms. "Nothing, a nightmare."

Murong Chan's hand was placed on her chest and she felt the disorder of her heartbeat. He rubbed her distressedly and kissed her earlobe. "Nothing, nothing, dreaming, not true."

"Azhan." Ye Hao turned his face and kissed his thin lips and whispered in a low voice. "We will not separate in the future."

"Stupid." Murong Zhan chuckled, how could he be willing to leave her, after so many things, in his heart, no matter what is more important than her.

Ye Hao bites his lip and **** hard, as if she feels his breath like this, she can forget the fear she just had in space.

Murong Zhan defended her and gave her a deep, long kiss until she could not breathe and left her lips. "Hey, don't go any further."

"Yeah." Ye Hao buried her face on his shoulder. She didn't talk anymore.

He didn't know what kind of nightmare she had, but it was a very bad dream to make her so uneasy.

Murong Zhan patted her back gently, whispering her to her, until she re-sleeped in his arms.

The next day, they left the ship at Mesa Port and entered the Weihe River directly from Bailong River. They did not stop at Jinkou City. They also had to return to Kyoto in ten days.

Stepping on the return journey to Kyoto, Ye Hao gradually became more and more worried. However, because of the abnormality in the space yesterday, she put her mind on the two children, and I was afraid that those abnormalities would affect Mingxi.

"Mother, what are these?" Ming Xi was called back to the cabin by Ye Hao on the deck, and he looked at her doubtfully.

Ye Hao said, "These are the travel notes collected by the mother. You have already read the story book of your grandfather. If you want to read the book after you have finished your homework on weekdays, you can take a look at the travel notes."

When Ming Xi heard that it was a travel note, his eyes would light up. "Good."

"Son." Ye Hao took Ming Xi's hand to do it. "Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the body?"

Ye Hao is worried that the change of space has an impact on Mingxi.

"No." Ming Xi shook his head in vain. How did the father and mother ask this question? Is he looking very bad?

"That's okay." Ye Hao said with a smile, it seems that she is thinking too much.

In less than two days, their ship has already flown out of the Bailong River and along the Weihe River to Kyoto.



Jinguo, Kyoto.

"Yeah, are you going out?" Luo Cheng put on a slap in the face of Lu Hao, seeing his face pale, worried that he would make his body worse.

Lu Yan said faintly, "Has the person sent to Wang Hao?"

Luo Cheng replied, "I have already sent it, and Murong Yu is also sending people to check the South. I also found this person. They only think it is a problem in the South Vietnam, and will not find you."

If Murong can find him here, then he can't do anything in Kyoto in the past few years.

Now under his arrangement, Murong will only think that the people of South Vietnam want to put their hands into the palace, so they sent the two women with Murong, and he only sent the results to Zhao Ning. How to deal with it, that is Zhao Ning and Murong Yu.

"Ink has been in Zhuangzi recently, he will not be with Wang Hao..." Luo Cheng under the voice, they do so many things, that is, want to let Murong and Zhao Ning husband and wife turn against each other, if Murong let Zhao Ning Yuan forgave him, they are not at a loss.

Lu Yi’s faint smile, his eyes are cold.

As long as she is alive, she is the thorn between Zhao Ning and Murong.

"Where did Murong Zhan go?" Lu Yizhi whispered.

"I have left the Yuan Dynasty and should go to Kyoto in a few days." Luo Cheng carefully looked at Lu Yan's eyes.

Lu Yanzhi coughed up and his face turned pale and pale. "Let people stop them, don't let them come back too soon."

He still has no confidence in letting Murong Hui stir up his fighting spirit. If Murong Chong comes back, he must be greatly affected by his work. If he is to be strictly guarded, he will not be easy to replace people.

"Yeah, you..." Luo Cheng said and stopped looking at Lu Yizhi.

Lu Yan’s gaze is cold, “What do you want to say?”

"That man... destroyed five sects overnight. There are people in this world who are so horrible. If he wants to deal with us in the future..." Luo Cheng’s voice is still full of fear.

"Even if he is a demon, as long as it can help me ruin the ink and Zhan and Jin Guo, I don't care." Lu Yan said faintly.

Luo Cheng looked at the back of Lu Yizhi and sighed softly.

Lu Hao got on the carriage and held the stove in his hand. "Go to the palace."

He is going to find Murong Hui. If he wants to get Jin Guo, Murong Hui is a very important piece.

The carriage was listening outside the palace, and Lu Yan stood outside the palace to ask for Murong Hui. However, Mo Ronghui did not want to see him, let the palace man come out and invite him back.

"Tell Your Highness, if he wants to see the old man again, I have a way." Lu Yizhi whispered that Mo Ronghui had been under house arrest for too many years, and he had no fighting spirit, no matter whether it was power or freedom. Probably not attractive.

The only thing that can make him tempted is Ye Hao.

Like Lu Yan’s prediction, Mo Ronghui is willing to meet when he hears him.

"The slaves have seen the Prince." Lu Yizhi’s bow down, but his gestures did not seem humble.

"What do you want to do?" Murong Chan frowned at him, his face was very unpleasant.

Lu Yizhi looked at him. "The slave is a disabled person, but he is also full of ambitions. He just wants to help the Prince."

"How do you want to help me? Just rely on your three-inch tongue?" Mo Ronghui asked coldly.

"As long as the Prince nods his will, the slaves have their own way of helping." Lu said.

"I don't want to." Mo Ronghui said faintly. "The last time I said it very clearly, now I have no desire, and it is very good here."

"Don't you want to see Qin Wangyi again?" Lu Yizhi looked at Mo Ronghui and asked.

The face of Mo Ronghui changed. "What are you talking about?"

"She is still alive, and the slaves can help you find her." Lu Yizhi whispered that if Ye Hao was to enable Mo Ronghui to inspire his morale and ambition, he would not mind letting her true identity be exposed.

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