The weather in this season is relatively stable. Ye Hao and their boat sailed smoothly back to Kyoto. Fortunately, before Ye Hao, they used to look at the water for a long time at sea, otherwise they would really suffocate on the boat.

Mingxi was not bored because of the leaves that Ye Hao gave him, so Mingyu felt impatient on the third day and wanted to take Mingxi to play with her. Mingxi wanted to read the book and had to smother her. Yan Xiaoliu, Yan Xiaoliu is very patient with Mingyu.

"Well, I am home." Ye Hao took the hand of Ming Yu. "This is the country that I had told you before."

Ming Yu was on the boat for too many days. She just came down from the boat. She still felt a little shaking under her feet. "Mom, I am going to fall."

Murong Chong took her up. "Wait a minute, it’s a little uncomfortable to get off the boat."

"How can my brother and Xiaoliu not feel dizzy?" Ming Yu pouted and pointed at the front of a tall and short figure.

Ming Xi and Yan Xiaoliu did not have anything to adapt to. On the boat for a few days, they have been practiced by Murong Zhan, but they really didn't feel that walking would shake.

"They get up and practice when they are not bright every day. Can you do it?" Ye Hao smiled and asked Ming Yu.

"I am still being held by my father." Ming Yuxi said lazily on the shoulders of Murong Cham.

Ye Hao laughed softly, "Little lazy pig."

When Murong Chong heard this, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at her with a smile and smile. Isn’t the jade of Mingyu not learned from her?

"Auntie still doesn't know if we are coming back?" Ye Hao was held in the hand by Mo Rongzhan, thinking that she would enter the palace in a while, her mood is actually subtle, so I found some topics to transfer her mood.

She has been away from Kyoto for more than three years, and does not say whether it is a matter of fact or not. At that time, she did not breathe at Chengde Mountain Villa. She loves women and can't think so much, but what about other people?

They all saw her suffocating, and now she is back, and those people will inevitably have no other thoughts.

"How do you want to teach him?" Murong Zhan sympathizes with his younger brother. If he has not solved the problem with Zhao Ning, I am afraid it will be even harder in the future.

You obviously won't stand on his side.

"I know that you must have revealed it to him." Ye snorted, she knew that Murong Chan would definitely give Murong to ventilate the letter. In the case of the outside room, he was tolerant of the aunt. Many, he does not think it is a big problem at all.

Murong’s dark scorpion flashed a smile. “If he and Zhao Ning are already reconciled, we are not good at this.”

Ye Hao said, "Impossible, Zhao Ning will not be so easy to forgive him."

"How do you know?" Murong Zhanjun eyebrows slightly pick, do she still have a heart with Zhao Ning?

"Zhao Ning's temper, I know a few points, it must be that the eyes don't get into the sand." Ye Hao explained to the ink-handedness, "And, the woman said that she wants to be tolerant, and several are willing to see her husband. What about Labuan?"

Murong Cham has a deep understanding of this point, she is a small vinegar barrel.

"Their thing, wait until you go back to the palace and say it." He can help Murong, and the rest can only rely on himself.

"Hey, hey..."

In front of Ming Xi saw Ye Yinan, he immediately called.

明 明 趴 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨 墨

This time back to Kyoto, Murong Chan did not express his intentions. Only the cabinet ministers and Ye Xiaonan knew that Ye Xiaonan was out of town to meet them.

"It’s growing taller." Ye Yinan hugged Ming Xi, and it didn’t last long. The little guy grew up.

Mingxi has not let the adults have been hugged for a long time, and it is inevitable that he will be tweaked by Ye Xiaonan. "Hey, let me down."

"What? Don't you know it? Don't you hold it?" Ye Xiaonan asked with a smile.

Ye Hao looked at Ye Yannan who was getting closer and closer, and looked at the son who was very uncomfortable with him. She smiled and said, "Ming Xi said that he grew up, he does not like to hold others."

"You are only a few years old, do not point to the same, this grow up?" Ye Xiaonan smiled and teased Mingxi, but still put Mingxi down, gave a ritual to the ink, "Emperor, Empress."

Murong Zhan indicated that he did not have to be polite.

"Brother, how come you?" Ye Hao asked, Murong Zhan did not intend to return to the palace, just did not want to be too extravagant, lest the entire Kyoto minister come out to meet him.

"Probably expect you to arrive in these two days, I want to come to the two small nephews." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile.

Ming Yu flung into his arms, "Hey, Ming Yu can think of you."

The smile on Ye Xiaonan's face is even softer. "It's still Mingyu, my daughter is intimate."

"What's the goodness and my little nephew?" Ye Hao heard his words, remembering Jin Shanshan and the little nephew who had not seen him before.

"I will bring it to the palace tomorrow." Ye Xiaonan smiled and then looked at the ink-capped Zhan, "The emperor, the carriage is ready, is it better to go back to the palace first?"

Murong Zhan gently decapitated, he originally intended to let the ministers come out to meet, so that everyone can know that the Queen of the Kingdom has returned, but Ye Hao said that he does not want to be too extravagant when he returns, he can feel She seems to be worried about what she is, but she has nothing to say.

When he returns to the palace, he will let everyone know that the Queen of Korea has returned.

At the beginning, he forced no one to say that the Queen had passed away. Many people thought he was crazy. Now he is finally able to pick up his embarrassment. Naturally, everyone knows all over the world.

However, even if Ye Hao wants to be low-key again, she should know that she will come back.

The cabinet minister had already met at the gate of the city, and saw that their carriage appeared, and they had already bowed down to the ceremony. "Welcome to the emperor, the queen will return to the palace."

In the eyes of the courtiers, Ye Hao was only a beautiful woman who had a good life, and she was now the Queen of the Kingdom of Korea and the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty. The identity has already changed.

"Everyone knows that I was dying in the first place. Will they treat me as a demon?" Ye Hao whispered to the ink-filled Zhan.

Murong Zhan bowed his head and kissed her pink lips. "The devil and the ghosts don't think it, more like the little goblin from where they came from, fascinated by the fascination."

"Tell you seriously." Ye Hao angered.

"In the beginning of Chengde Mountain Villa, no one would say it." Murong Zhan whispered, "You are not dying, if it is true... How come here?"

Ye Hao took a deep breath and finally went back to the palace. Once she thought that the palace was a cage, she was a golden bird that was kept inside, but now she is looking forward to coming back.

After leaving Murong Cham for so long, she understood one thing.

No matter where you are, having him is the most important thing.

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