Qi State, the capital city.

Coming back from the Yuan Dynasty, Zhao Wei did not have another episode, and his temperament was much better than before. The ministers of Qi State looked in their eyes, but they felt that they did not know how to describe them. Six months ago, they all thought that Zhao’s life was not long, no. The few people have long secretly stood in the team and supported the emperor who they thought they could follow. During this period, they did a lot of things. Now they see that Zhao Wei seems to be alive soon, and they are beginning to feel scared.

The most disliked by the emperor is that the minister and the emperor are too close, do not know if the emperor will sin to them.

Although Zhao Wei knows the thoughts of these ministers, he does not have so much energy to liquidate now. He seems to be looking good now, but his physical condition is only clear to himself.

Lu Hao did not make a mistake. His illness has long been ill, not cured in a day or two. Now it is not easy to slow down the speed of his onset. Duanmu Xiu said it, if it is not Lu Yan. With his medicine and acupuncture, he certainly can't stand here now.

Compared with Zhao Weigang’s return to politics, Zhao Wei only wants to know what kind of truth Cheng Hao found out, but she came back for a few days, let alone know the result, even the face of Cheng Hao did not see, the father did not seem to have It seems that this has not happened.

"Going to the car, I am going out of the palace." Zhao Wei couldn't sit still in the palace. She wanted to go to Cheng Hao to ask for it.

It is not easy for other princesses to go out of the palace, but Zhao Wei is different. Zhao Wei is acquiescing that she can enter and leave the palace freely. She wants to go to Cheng Jia, and no one can stop her.

Out of his own palace, Zhao Wei encountered Zhao Lan on the road to the palace.

"The big princess." Zhao Lan saw Zhao Wei, the smile on his face converges a little, bowed his blessing.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Lan slightly, and Zhao Lan’s body after being married was obviously much better than before. It was ruddy and ruddy. Like Deyi, I saw that she was so pitiful that she seemed to be so pitiful. The man is holding it in the palm of his hand.

Thinking that Zhao Lan had gone to ask for help, Cheng Hao did not refuse, although he said that it was because he had owed the Germans before, but Zhao Wei still felt uncomfortable. He always felt that Cheng Hao could not bear to refuse Zhao Lancai’s promise.

Zhao Wei took a faint sight and walked away from Zhao Lan. She didn't like Deyi. She knew everything about the whole palace, let alone the sisters of Zhao Lan. How did Dean's daughter match her?

"Big sister." Zhao Lan whispered Zhao Wei, she turned and walked over. "Can I talk to you a few words?"

"What do you want to say?" Zhao Wei’s mouth smirked with a mocking smile. She didn’t think there would be anything to say with Zhao Lan.

Zhao Lan looked at Zhao Wei. For this big sister, her feelings in her heart are complicated. When she was a child, she was envious of Zhao Wei. As the only princess who was the leader of Qi State, Zhao Yu’s status in Jin Guo was even more than that of the two emperors. Honor, although the father is not superficial, she can feel that the father is the same for all children, but different from Zhao.

She once hoped to get along well with Zhao Wei, because Zhao Wei was a mountain she could only look up to in her heart. She wanted to be close to this sister, but from childhood to age, Zhao Wei never looked good to her.

At first she didn't understand why, and later she realized that no matter how she pleased Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei would not treat her as her sister.

"This is not a place to talk. Can we find a quiet place to speak?" Zhao Lan whispered.

Zhao Yuxiu slightly picks, "Good."

Not far from her palace, Zhao Wei let Zhao Lan talk to her palace.

This is Zhao Lan’s first visit to Zhao’s palace. It’s true that the princess is not the same. The palace’s pie, even her mother’s, can’t match.

"Say, what?" Zhao asked faintly.

Zhao Lan looked at the indifferent Zhao Wei, and some hands clenched his hands tightly. "Big sister, I know that you don't like my mother, you still want Anning Hou to deal with us. For many years, my mother has forbeared you everywhere. What have you done to me, I know it, are you...you should let us go?"

"What do you say?" Zhao Wei looked at the younger sister with a smile. "Der's everywhere tolerate me, what have I done to you?"

"How can I stay sick for so many years, my older sister should be very clear, if the father wants to know, you must not have a good time." Zhao Lan said nervously, she wants to let Zhao know that these years What she has done can't be concealed. If she can let go of Germany, she can never be jealous.

Zhao Xiao’s smile is getting deeper and deeper. Zhao Lan will not come to her to say these words suddenly. She must have noticed what, oh, she said that Cheng Hao is dealing with Deyi. So, Cheng Hao is still What was found by Zhao Lan?

"What do you mean by saying, I let go of Deyi, have you let me go?" Zhao asked with a smile.

"Sisters don't want to go to the same place." Zhao Lan whispered.

Zhao Wei smiled faintly. "No, you said to the father, you said... I have been medicinal for so many years, so that you can’t marry Anning Hou, as for Dean, she She is the clearest thing she has done."

"You are really not afraid?" Zhao Lan looked round at Zhao Wei.

"What am I afraid of?" Zhao Wei walked around Zhao Lan. "Where is your body bad? Is it dying, or can you not have a child? Or is it uncomfortable now? Even the doctors say that you are My mother has a loss, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhao Lan’s face changed slightly. “You have already bought a royal doctor.”

"Then you can also go to buy the royal doctor." Zhao Xiao smiled. "When your brothers and sisters join forces to kill my fiancé, I should think about whether I will let you go."

Although she did not have a particularly deep affection for the so-called fiance, but since it is her Hummer, Zhao Lan's brother and sister are directed at her, how can she get rid of it if she does not record this account together?

"I hope you won't regret it." Zhao Lan was originally delicate, and she was more pitiful and pitiful in front of Zhao Wei, who was stronger than her.

"The big princess, peace and eagerness to see." The voice of a palace lady came in.

Zhao Wei’s face sank slightly, and Zhao Lan’s face was seen with two lines of tears.

When Cheng Hao came in, he saw Zhao Yan’s face sullen, and Zhao Lan was standing side by side with a pitiful look.

"The big princess, the three princesses." Cheng Hao faintly opened, the dark scorpion fell on Zhao's tight and pretty face.

Zhao Lan softly weakened and blessed, "big sister, then I will go back first."

After that, she gently bite her lip and look at Cheng Hao. "An Ning Hou, leave."

Cheng Hao gently nodded and saw the tears in Zhao Lan’s eyes fall again.

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