Ye Xiaonan is a few years older than Ye Hao. The memory of his mother Yu’s is more profound. Moreover, at that time, Yu’s gave all his mother’s love to him. He knew that his sister was not with his mother when he was a child. He looked deeply. She gave a look.

"Mother rarely talks about her family. I have grown so big, I have only seen a small beggar. Now my memory is a bit faint. I heard that the mother and father are dear from their parents, and they are the grandfather and grandfather. Under the mother, it seems that the mother is not willing to marry to Kyoto. These are the things of the elders. How the mother did not interact with her family, I am not sure about this. No one has ever mentioned it at home." Ye Yinan said.

So, I still don't know the situation of the mother and her family.

"I did not expect that the mother's mother is actually a river and lake." Ye Hao sighed, she did not look down on the people of the rivers and lakes, but in the eyes of many famous families, the people of the rivers and lakes are rough and rude, usually not married, in memory The mother is dignified and generous, not at all like a river and lake.

Ye Xiaonan whispered, "You suddenly asked the jade family, is it related to the current turmoil in the rivers and lakes?"

"I just accidentally knew that my mother was a jade family. I was curious to ask, what happened recently in Jianghu, I hope that it has nothing to do with the jade family." Ye Hao whispered.

"Hey..." Ye Xiaonan looked at his sister. "Mother doesn't want to love you."

Ye Hao smiled. "I know, because... my sister was sent away."

"I remember my mother used to have nightmares." Ye Xiaonan said softly, "If his father is here, he may know more."

"Is the grandfather's grandmother still alive? They didn't even care about the mother for so many years?" Ye Hao felt that the mother's nightmare might be related to the sent Lu Hao, but no matter what, the mother's mother had no reason to be so indifferent. .

Ye Yinan shook his head and said, "I asked before, but my father said that this should not be what we asked, so we have not mentioned it for so many years."

"Forget it, since the jade family doesn't want to talk to us, we don't have to care too much." She is somewhat guilty about her mother, but her mother has been dead for so many years, and she wants to do something late.

"Yeah." Ye Xiaonan nodded.

"Even if you are also concerned about things on the rivers and lakes, but something else happened recently?" asked Ye Hao.

Before she came back, she heard that Murong Zhan said that some people had smashed the five sects overnight. Now it has been more than half a month. I don’t know if there is any new progress, knowing who has such a good ability.

Ye Xiaonan’s eyebrows are tightly locked, and his expression looks a little dignified. “Now the martial art on the rivers and lakes is already in danger. I don’t know when it will be destroyed. Now I don’t even know why Yan’s family was killed.”

"This incident is really very strange." Ye Hao said, she felt that this should be a martial art. It has been able to grow quietly for so many years, and it is hidden in the rivers and lakes. It is obvious that this person is very powerful.

What she is most worried about is that this person's martial arts is not something that ordinary people can deal with. Who can be subdued at that time?

Ye Yinan didn't want her sister to worry too much about the things on the rivers and lakes. It was easy to say, "You don't worry too much. This time, it involves not only the Jinguo, but also the sects of the Qi State." Zhao Wei is sure. I won't sit back and ignore, how can the martial art of the rivers and lakes be so powerful, can it be much stronger?"

Also! Ye Hao felt that it was useless to worry about this matter. Murong Chan had already let Tang Hao check it out. She just waited for the news of Tang Yin.

On the other hand, Jin Shanshan took his son and Mingyu to play in the house. The children were forgotten. Ye Muzhen soon couldn’t remember the thing that was bitten by Mingyu. The toys in Mingyu’s house were already attracted. After playing with Mingyu, he just learned to sit, and he still sat unsteadily on the raft. When he moved, he fell on Mingyu.

Jin Shanshan looked worried and feared that Mingyu would accidentally hurt his son, but saw Mingyu carefully holding Ye Muzhen. "The cousin, you have to sit down, it will hurt if you fall."

"You are embarrassed, this is for you in a while."

"Hey, are you hungry?"

"舅娘, my brother is urinating..."

When Ye Hao came over, she saw her daughter carrying her cousin like a sister. She smiled and walked in.

"Anniling." Jin Shanshan is about to change clothes for her children, and she sees Ye Hao coming.

"There is something for the emperor to find his brother. He goes to the Qing Palace first. After lunch, he will pick you up." Ye Hao said with a smile to Jin Shanshan.

Ye Muzhen suddenly cried in Jin Shanshan's arms and was hungry.

Jin Shanshan was a little embarrassed, holding him to the back of the screen to feed, waiting for the child to eat, has already slept in her arms.

"If you see him, you will be very happy." Ye Hao looked down at the little nephew. When she let her go back, she took the letter to Ye Yiqing. He should receive a letter and know that his brother already has a son. .

"After the father... Will you come back?" Jin Shanshan gently put the child on the bed and slept with Mingyu.

"Is your brother told you something?" Ye Hao whispered.

Jin Shanshan looked down at his son. "He doesn't understand why his father doesn't come back."

Even if Ye Yiqing is for Zhaoyang, Zhaoyang has already given birth to a son, and it is time to return to recognize the ancestors.

"There is no measure of his own. He doesn't come back. It doesn't mean that he doesn't care about his brother. Even if Zhaoyang gave birth to a child, his brother still has the same status in his heart." Ye Hao sighed, "If it is not because of too much tie here." I don't want to come back."

Jin Shanshan patted the back of her hand. "You still don't say anything about it."

"Is the family all right in the past few years?" Ye Hao said with a smile, she did not regret being taken to the Atlantic, but would not regret returning now.

"The emperor is very important, and everything in the family is naturally good." Jin Shanshan said with a smile.

Ye Haoxiu slightly picks up, listening to the meaning of this, it seems that some are not quite right, "Who is watching us Ye Family is not pleasing to the eye?"

"It's not not pleasing to the eye, just..." Jin Shanshan thought for a moment and said, "Ye's family is ups and downs, and the big family will inevitably have some grudges. However, everyone knows that the emperor is a good man, even if there is gossip, only Dare to be behind."

"Hey, that's all the people who used to complain to the uncle." Ye Hao said with a sigh of relief, "The temper of the brother who has lost his weight has converged. Before changing it, it is a resentment with these people."

I don’t see a lot of people in Ye’s hand in the Middle East. Now there are people in the court who are right and Ye Yannan. Unfortunately, the emperor is the one who pays attention to the leaves. He is not worried about the second Ye Songsong. What about those people?

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