Deyi knows that he can't keep it, even if she wants to defend, she can't find a reason for justification.

She can only plead guilty and say everything.

It was her medicine that was used in the head oil and saponin of the empress queen. The medicinal medicine does not matter in ordinary people. It can be used on pregnant women. It is a miscarriage. She only wanted to have a queen abortion. Who knows that the Queen will suffer from abortion due to abortion, and the result will not be able to survive.

Without Cheng Ying, Deyi thought that he could get more attention from the emperor, but found that Zhao Wei had already forgotten her and kept petting other women. She was like walking into the magic barrier, thinking that there was no other woman, Zhao. He will notice her, who knows... She only has disappointment again and again, and when she wakes up, she has done too many wrong things.

Deyi said everything she had done. She didn't dare to look up to see Zhao Wei. What happened to her next, she didn't dare to think about it.

She thought that these things could be concealed for a lifetime!

As long as her son became a new gentleman, all her fears will disappear, but she has not waited until the second emperor to ascend the throne, Zhao Wei will find out all the truth.

"...The emperor, all this is done by the courtiers. The two emperors were young at the time. They didn't know anything. They asked the emperor to drop the sinner and don't imprison the two emperors and the three princesses." Said.

Although Zhao Wei already knew the truth, but it was confirmed from Deshou, the anger of his heart was still slamming up. "You **** it!"

He was really inferior to a child. Even the children were aware of the problem of Cheng Ying’s death. He also thought that the harem was under his control. No one would dare to kill the queen under his eyes, or even Regardless of how lonely she was afraid of being alone, she sent her to Cheng Jia...

For so many years, there have been reasons for the deaf children to complain that he hates him.

"Father and mother, although the mother-in-law did something wrong, but what she did was for us, and asked the father to see that she was only a child who loved her son." Zhao Lanyu passed down and cried to Zhao. Ask for love.

The second emperor followed him down. "Let the father and the emperor, forgive the mother."

Zhao Lan and the two emperors knew that it was impossible to argue that Deyi was not guilty. They could only ask Zhao Wei to leave Desheng's life, so that they would have a chance to save the virtues in the future.

Looking at the two children have been gimmicks, Zhao Wei sighed in his heart, if he killed Deyi, I am afraid that these two children also have resentment against him, I can’t think of his Zhao’s martial work, and he also counted Ming Jun in Qi. However, his child will eventually complain that he hates him.

"Don't kill you..." Zhao Wei looked down at Deyi, sometimes it was a relief.

Zhao Wei looked at Zhao Wei fiercely. She stared at him incredulously and asked with a whimpering voice. "You gave her the opportunity to admit the mistake. Who gave me the opportunity to live after my mother? What did my mother do wrong to be killed?" ”

"Zhao Wei, what do you want?" The joy of Zhao Lan’s heart has not yet surged. When she heard Zhao’s opening, she shouted out loud.

"I don't want to be like it." Zhao Wei looked down on Deyi. For many years, she hoped to get the truth thousands of times. Now she knows it. She also knows that it is a torture for her, but she also I will not forget that this woman still has a son. "After you go to see my mother, if she is forgiving you, you will come back."

"Hey..." Zhao Yu frowned. "He will put her sin and give it to your mother."

"My mother doesn't need you to do anything for her." Zhao Wei didn't look at Zhao Wei. "For my mother, the last thing I want is to do anything for her."

Deyi didn't want to die. She also wanted to be a Queen Mother. She looked at Zhao Wei's murderous eyes. Her face changed. "The big princess, what do you want to do?"

"I said, the person you are sorry is the mother, the other people let you go, there is no meaning, only my mother will forgive you, you can live." Zhao Wei in front of Deyi, the bright face showed a smile, but it looks It’s cold to the bottom of my heart, “So, after you ask my mother, she forgives you, I let you go.”

"You..." Dexie rounded his eyes in horror, and her words had not finished yet.

Zhao Wei did not know when to hold a golden urn, and inserted it straight into Dean's neck. The blood spurted out, and her dress was dyed red in an instant.

"Female 妃..." Zhao Lan gave a screaming scream.

The second emperor angered his eyes and reached out to Zhao Wei.

Cheng Hao kicked him off and held Zhao Hao tightly in his arms. He buried her head on his chest and whispered in a low voice. "Don't be afraid, hey."

Zhao Lan fluttered on Dean's body, his hands wanted to hold the wound, but the blood had always poured out. Deyi's mouth wanted to talk, and it was impossible to say a word.

She doesn't want to die so soon...

"Yu doctor, please ask the doctor!" The second emperor yelled like crazy.

Zhao Wei still sat in the same position, his eyes fell on Zhao Wei's body, she curled up silently and quietly in Cheng Hao's arms, her shoulders shivering gently, but because of her ambiguity, she seemed to have support .

He has seen countless murders in his life, and he has seen all kinds of **** scenes, but he did not see the scene of his daughter’s killing today.

How much hatred is hidden in the heart of my nephew...

Has she been unable to endure any more in her years?

"The emperor, the minister took the big princess first to retreat." Cheng Hao whispered to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei glanced at her daughter. After she killed Deyi, she did not speak again. "Take her down."

Zhao Wei rested her head on Cheng Hao's shoulder. The hatred that supported her for so many years was finally reported. Her heart suddenly loosened. Now she doesn't want to say anything. She just celebrates that Cheng Hao is around and will not make her more helpless.

"Zhao Wei!" The two emperors looked at them with hatred and hated them, and vowed in their hearts that they would not let them go.

"Mother, mother-in-law..." Zhao Lan can't even care about the other, she just wants to save her.

The royal doctor soon came in. He saw a golden plaque in his neck, and his whole body fell in the blood. He was shocked. He hurriedly passed the pulse and his face shook his head heavily. "The emperor, Deyi has no breath. ""

"No... no... royal doctor, my mother will not die, you save her, save her." Zhao Lan screamed.

The golden scorpion directly broke the artery on the neck, and Deyi could not save it. Zhao Wei glanced faintly. "Your mother-in-law is deserving of sin. If you look at it, her sin will be pressed." ""

Zhao Lan held his voice and burst into tears.

The second emperor squatted down, "Thank you for the father."

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