He was originally a deputy of the tower. When Murong Zhan was sent to Ye Hao, the tower was not happy. A year ago, the tower returned to Beijing to report to the hospital, and they went to the hospital to find out. I have been entangled for a while, because the relationship between the medical clinics refused to leave with the tower, Ye Hao just returned to Kyoto not long after, the tower has already asked Ye Yannan to plead, he wants to marry.

"The niece, the slave is not willing."

Ye Yiyi, "Why?"

Isn't it really unintentional to the tower?

Hey, silent, what does it mean to ask her to go to Qingzhou? What is her identity? When he came to Kyoto, he forced her to be with him and turned her into his own, but what is her identity, she is just a sinful daughter, except for the Empress, she has no maiden, and she is born in the building. He can't marry her. If so, why should she grieve herself?

Seeing the look of cockroaches is wrong, Ye Hao looked at Hong Ling.

Hong Ling retired.

Ye Hao whispered, "Hey, this palace has never treated you as a shackle, and puts you in the heart of the hospital, you should know."

"The slave knows." He whispered, the maiden didn't take her as a ring, or she wouldn't let her become a female officer in the doctor's office. Even if the official rank is small, it is different for her.

"Why is that?" Ye Hao asked.

"The maiden, the general of the sergeant is noble, not that I can climb high." He whispered.

"The generals of the generals told the court that he wanted to marry you." Ye Hao said that she did not feel that her identity was low, not to mention the relationship between her and her identity.

He looked up in shock, what? "He...he doesn't he have a fiancee?"

"If she has a fiancée, she dares to ask the palace to ask you?" Ye Hao asked, not convinced that there is a fiancee in the tower and dare to let Ye Yinan talk about the media.

"But..." That time I heard that he had a fiancee.

"Since the general is asking for the heart of the palace, it is hard to prove that he is true to you. If he wrongs you, this palace will not let him go! Unless you don't care about him, then this palace will be rejected for you." Said faintly.

Anxious in my heart, "Imale, I don't have..."

"Nothing?" Ye Hao looked at her with a funny smile.

"Anniling..." humiliatedly bowed her head. She liked the towers many years ago, but she never imagined her identity. She followed the goddess to Kyoto City. She has decided to forget him. Who knows that he returned to Kyoto? Will come to her, said to take her back.

She didn't regret that she became his own. Anyway, she never thought about marrying other people in her life. However, she accidentally heard the shackles of the tower and said that he had a fiancee, so she was so angry that she returned to the hospital until He refused to see him when he returned to Qingzhou.

When Ye Hao saw this, she knew that she actually wanted to marry the tower.

"That this palace will promise you the generals." Ye Hao said with a smile.

It’s already lunch time after leaving the hospital.

"Nine-day building is still open." Not long after entering the city, Ye Hao saw a familiar plaque at the crossroads of the street. This is what she liked most before. She likes to eat the crystal shrimp dumplings here.

"Mother, you haven't had lunch yet, it's better to go to Jiutian Building." Hongling is the most famous to know Ye Hao's taste, knowing that she definitely wants to eat the nine-day-old shrimp dumplings.

Ye Hao smiled and nodded. "Good."

The carriage stopped at the side of the road, and Hong Ling took a hat from Ye Hao, which helped her get off.

Because I had already passed the lunch, there were not many people in the nine-day building. The red dragonfly let the shopkeeper arrange the room on the second floor.

"Yeah, it seems to be..." In the wing room on the second floor, sitting next to the window was a man wearing a big man. The follower behind him was Luo Cheng.

Lu Hao’s coveted woman looking into the nine-day building, the deep and dark voice flashed a touch of cold, the cold body raised a warm clothes because she saw the woman, she came back, he finally saw her. .

"It seems to be Lu Yan." Luo Cheng saw Lu Yan did not say a word, and whispered a reminder.

"Yeah." Lu Hao's faint nod, he knew it was her, even if she had a skull cap, he still recognized it at a glance.

Luo Cheng feels the silence and sorrow of Lu Yi, and his feelings in his heart are really uncomfortable. The master who once had a temperament can only claim to be a minion in front of others. If he does not fall in love with Lu Hao, this will not happen. It is.

"Lu Yan is out of the palace, do you want to..." Luo Cheng feels that if she can kill her directly, perhaps Lu Yizhi will not be so obsessed.

"You can't kill her, don't break the big thing." Lu Yu's voice is colder. Lu Yan can't just carry two rings around him. As long as their people are close to Lu Hao, they will definitely be discovered. His time has not been completed, he has been killed by Mo Rongzhan.

Luo Cheng looked at the surroundings and did not find anyone else. Did Lu Hao still follow the dark guard?

The ring around her...

"Go check the ring!" Lu Yanzhi said, "It should be called ... Hong Ling."

He used to see Ye Hao’s side. It was Ye Hao’s ring that he brought with him from an early age. When the entire Qin Wangfu was burned, this ring could survive. If there is no guess, she should be very clear. The true identity of you.

If you want to let Lu Hao be the identity of Ye Hao, this ring is the only attack.

The dialogue between the master and the servant is getting lower and lower. On the other hand, Ye Hao has satisfied with the crystal shrimp dumplings that he liked since childhood.

"Hong Ling, I want you to go out of the palace." Ye Hao suddenly whispered to Hong Ling.

The red diamonds and red dragonfly that are eating are both stunned.

Ye Hao looked back at her and said with a smile, "He will soon go to Qingzhou. I wanted you to become a female doctor in the hospital. After she left, I can only rest assured that you only go to the hospital." ”

Hong Ling stood up, "but the girl is around..."

"I have Emei and Xiaoran around me, green buds and red buds can also be used, don't worry." Ye Hao said with a smile, "After the red 缨 married to Shen, he also went to the hospital."

"Mother, slaves want to stay with you." Hong Ling saw Ye Hao because of the love of Mo Rongzhan and lonely, although the emperor regarded the maiden as a treasure, but not everyone in the world can have the luck of the goddess, she I don’t want to marry at all. I would rather stay in the palace. When the little prince or princess grows up, she will send it to her aunt to serve them.

However, the maiden does not seem to think so.

"No, you have been with me for many years, and now I need you to help me outside the palace." Ye Hao did not know what Hongling thought, but she hoped that Hongling could reach more people. And then decide your own life.

Hong Ling thought for a long time in silence. "Slaves are listening to the goddess."

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