When Ye Hao came to the Bai Garden, the hunting ground was only left with Ye Yinan and Ming Xi. They were running horses. Ming Yu was riding a pony and Xue Lin took it slowly and looked very happy.

"Hey, how come?" Ye Xiaonan saw her and immediately sent the horse to let other people look at Mingxi and Mingyu.

"Listen to Xie Hee here to fight with others." Ye Hao looked at Ming Xia on the horse, it looked really not like a fight.

Ye Xiaonan smiled. "What fights, Yan Xiaoliu beat them all."

"Whose child is it?" Ye Hao faintly raised his eyebrows, and certainly can enter this hunting ground will not be ordinary.

"I only know that one of the sons of the five kings' family, the other did not inquire, is the child's troubles." Ye Xiaonan said with a smile, did not put this matter on the body, those little fart children know the identity of Mingxi, Still dare to be arrogant here? I must have been rushing to Bajie Mingxi. "However, Ming Xi, this child, really has a certain emperor's demeanor. No matter how those people yell, he is not changing his face. Yan Xiaoliu is also good, so small. I know that I want to protect Mingxi."

Ye Hao looked up and looked at Yan Xiaoliu, who was riding with Mingxi. Since Yan Xiaoliu knew his own life, he did not show much pains and deep hatred. Instead, he worked harder and harder, and accompanied Mingxi every day. Lecturer Wu, there is no question about the things on the rivers and lakes. Murong Cham seems to have a good evaluation of him. He also intends to let him stay with Ming Xi in the future.

"Big Brother, what do you think of Yan Xiaoliu?" Ye Hao whispered to Ye Yinan.

“What do you mean?” Ye Xiaonan asked. “Yan Xiaoliu’s life experience is complicated. There may be hidden dangers in the future. When he recovers his memory, no one knows what he will do.”

Ye Hao said, "What can be done is naturally to take revenge."

"Which sects on the rivers and lakes now dare to provoke this big devil hiding behind them? Unless the court comes out, it will definitely not be able to suppress." Ye Xiaonan shook his head and sighed. "However, Yan Xiaoliu is a martial arts singer, as long as he continues to keep it. The future achievements will not be worse than his father. Speaking... When I was in China, did my father teach Mingxi to practice martial arts?"

Ye Hao said with a funny voice, "How could it be, how big Mingxi was at that time..."

She suddenly remembered that Murong Zhan had asked this question. "Brother, is there anything in Mingxi?"

"Mingxi has a very strange internal force." Ye Xiaonan taught Mingxi two days, naturally aware of the difference between Mingxi, or Murong Zhan told him that he discovered that Mingxi’s internal strength was even deeper than him. .

Ye Hao’s face changed, internal force? How can there be internal force in Mingxi's body?

Is it the power of the fire phoenix?

"Even if you are not a father, you should meet any high-level person in China. Mingxi now does not know how to use internal force. When he grows up, he will be called his inner strength." Ye Yinan did not. Suspecting the origin of Mingxi's body and force, like Murong Cham, they all felt that it was definitely in China that someone helped Mingxi.

Ye Hao did not speak, she was very clear about how Mingxi’s anomaly came. She couldn’t think of other reasons besides the fire.

"That... can this internal force hurt Mingxi?" Ye Hao asked in a low voice.

Ye Xiaonan laughed. "How can you hurt Mingxi? This will protect him."

After hearing this, Ye Hao was relieved.

"Right, who is the child of the five kings who are here?" Ye Hao thinks that Lu Jinger seems to be the side of the five kings, and that the child is not her son.

"You should be seven or eight years old when you look at your age." Ye Yinan said, "What's wrong?"

After calculating the time, it should be the son of Lu Jinger. "That should be the side squatting. I remember that the five princes were very fond of his side, the girl of Lu family."

Ye Xiaonan raised his eyebrows. "What is the relationship between Lu Jia and Lu San, who are other people?"

"Although it doesn't matter..." Ye Hao faintly frowned. She remembered that she was still in the second room in Kyoto. When she was still at Chengde Mountain Villa, she asked Lu Yizhi to help her check the things of Lu Yi. These years have passed. I don't know if there is any news.

She almost forgot about it, and Liu, who is in Qi State, is now locked up in the cold palace of the Yuan Dynasty. She does not know whether Liu will tell her about the disappearance of her daughter.

Lu Yizhi... should still be alive, just how to live, this is not certain.

Before the sun went down, Ye Hao took the children back to the palace.

Murong Zhan still did not come back in the Qing Palace. Ye Hao asked Hung Hom to go to Lujia Erfang to deliver a message. If Lu Haozhi had returned, he would let him see her in the next two days.

What happened to the hunting ground today is like a cut-off for them. Mingxi has long forgotten it, but it does not mean that others can forget it so easily, especially after knowing the identity of Mingxi.

"Bad boy, you dare to fight with the emperor. You have a few lives. Don't you know who it is? Even if you don't recognize the emperor, then you don't recognize the dark guards around him? I beat you." "The gentlest five-princes on weekdays have received news when they have not returned to the palace. Today, his eldest son is going to drive away the imperial concubine in the hunting ground, and he almost beat the emperor."

"Hey, I didn't play the prince, and his guards also beat me!" Mo Yanbang screamed, he didn't hit Mingxi at all, and Yan Xiaoliu beat him even worse.

"Why didn't you kill you!" Five Kings yelled.

Lu Jinger, who was on the side, was anxious. Her baby son was beaten. Now she is going to be taught. How can she get it? "Wang Ye, Bang Geer has never seen the emperor, he will not recognize it." You will kill him if you fight again."

Wu Wangyi looked at Lu Jinger with a faint look. "Is the royal hunting ground able to go to ordinary people? Even if it is not a prince, it is not a brother who can be rushed by a king's house. I don't know if you are a prince."

When Lu Jinger was squandered with five kings, it was irritating and mad. "Bang Geer must have been provoked, how can he blame him."

"You have smashed him!" The five princes yelled at Lu Jinger, who loved this son, but this time the sinful emperor, let alone the princes, even if it is the king of the palace, then I can't touch the only prince of the country.

"What is the use of snoring at home now, Wang Ye still wants to think about how to bring the princes to the palace tomorrow to ask the emperor for ruthlessness." Wu Wang whispered.

The five princes glanced at her. "Don't you go to the palace?"

"The whole body is going to enter the palace. However, the diverticulum is going to bring the right brother to the Queen."

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