Wu Wangye took his son outside the Qing Palace to ask for it. Yesterday he had already entered the palace once, but the emperor did not see him. He felt that this was definitely the emperor’s blame for his lack of teaching, so today he continues to enter the palace and must ask the emperor. Forgiveness, otherwise he will not ask the world after he asks for a seal.

Mingxi took Yan Xiaoliu out of the main hall, and at a glance he saw the five kings standing under the steps, and the ink country around him.

He has never seen the five princes, but Mozambique has seen it in the past two days. Although the impression is not deep, it can still be recognized.

"Five kings uncle." Ming Xi gave a hand, "The father is busy, let me come to see you."

The five princes looked down at Mingxi. This was the first time he saw the son of Mo Rongzhan. He looked like his father, but... What does this mean, let a little boy come to see him? "Oh, you are Mingxi, Wu Wangshu heard, Bang Geer and you have misunderstood in the hunting ground, you are all cousins, but not outsiders, you can’t be upset because of a little thing, so deliberately bring Bang Geer enters the palace to apologize to you."

Mozambique grew up from Xiaojiaosheng. At home, he was favored by his younger brother. He has already regarded himself as the king of the palace. He was originally a man in Kyoto and no one dared to offend. He suddenly emerged an identity more than him. The honorable emperor not only slammed him into a bag, but also went home to be beaten by his father. Now he has to go to the palace to pay for his sins. How can he feel uncomfortable in his heart, but if he does not come, he must go home again. Was beaten.

He looked at Mingxi with disappointment and buried his head lower.

"No, I didn't put it in my heart." Ming Xi said, he really didn't put it in his heart. People like Mohbang, who would only be vocal, didn't have to look at it.

Mozambique felt the disregard and indifference conveyed from Mingxi's tone. He looked up and looked at Mingxi with anger.

The five princes violently patted his head and said to Mingxi with a smile. "His Royal Highness is really magnanimous. No matter what, Bang Geer is also a brother with you. It is only after we have to get along well. We are a family."

"Oh, this is the stinky boy who beat me, you kill him." Mo Yanbang saw Yan Xiaoliu standing behind Mingxi, thinking that he was a normal man, immediately trembled and wanted to That day was angered by Yan Xiaoliu.

The five princes looked at Yan Xiaoliu, and his identity was measured in his heart. It should be just a small follower of Mingxi. He dared to beat his son. This little nephew saw that he was the uncle of Wang Shu, and should not mind surrendering this. Small followers?

"I told him to compare with you, you lost." Ming Xi's black eyes looked calmly at the ink country.

"Oh, although it is a contest, it is too heavy to start." Five kings said in a soft tone.

The meaning of this words, Ming Xi heard it, this is blaming Yan Xiaoliu, Mo Yanbang played too heavy, I want him to teach Yan Xiaoliu, he showed a smile, "Five King Shu, you do not understand Xiaoliu, this is already a small six-handed, and if he really plays it seriously, Banggeer is not standing here now."

Where did the five princes not hear that it was Mingxi who was defending his entourage, and he smiled a little reluctantly. "How big a child is so powerful is too violent."

Mingxi continued to laugh and the humans and animals were harmless. "The father said that Xiaoliu is a martial arts martial artist, so he personally taught Xiaoliu to practice martial arts."

"..." Five princes round their eyes and look at Ming Xi's innocent smile, what? The emperor personally taught this Yan Xiaoliu martial arts?

"Isn't that a slave?" Mozambique shouted hatefully.

Mingxi looked at Mo's state. "Small six is ​​not a slave, you are not a master."

"Your Highness says that it is not." Five princes smothered his son's mouth. He also hoped that his son would become a companion to Mingxi's side. As a result, it might be easier to ask the world.

"If there is nothing, I have to go back, Wu Wangshu slowly walks." Ming Xi said.

The five princes smiled awkwardly and had to go out with their sons.

Ming Xi returned to the Qing Palace and saw his father’s copy of the copybook he had written in his position. He went over, “Father.”

"Is the five king uncle sent away?" Murong Zhan asked with a smile. "How do you look too happy?"

"I don't like the brothers of Wu Wang's uncle." Ming Xi said simply and plainly, "If he wants to go to the palace to accompany him, the father does not choose him."

Murong Zhan chuckled and looked at the son who was still the same as the little one. "How do you know that Bang Geer wants to go to the palace to accompany him?"

"Five Wang Shu does not really want to go to the palace to plead guilty, just wants to let me punish Yan Xiaoliu." Ming Xi's young face is rare to have an unhappy look. "Before he was outside, he still talked to me with a smile." I am afraid that the brothers will offend me, and I must be asking for it."

In addition to wanting to make Bang Geer his companionship, Ming Xi can't think of Wu Wangshu for any reason to do so.

Mo Rongzhan was amazed at Mingxi’s observation, but more happy. He always knew that Mingxi was very smart, but it seems that every time Mingxi can surprise him, this son will simply put him and Ye Hao’s The advantages are all in one, so that he is not happy when he is a father.

"Well, since the father has promised you, naturally you will let yourself pick and read." Murong Zhan said with a smile, "Don't read the book today, you have watched two hours, and went to Yan Yuliu to find Mingyu. Let's go."

Mingxi thought about it and felt that he could rest today.

When I came to Yongshou Palace, I heard the sound of wolves coming from the palace gate. Mingxi stunned and exchanged a look with Yan Xiaoliu. The two men stepped into the palace gate and saw Ming Yuzheng. In the white wolf, the white wolf, the laughter is as clear as the silver bell.

"This is... wolf?" Yan Xiaoliu was shocked. He even clenched his fist in his hand, fearing that the white wolf would hurt Mingyu.

"Brother, Xiaoliu, you are here, this is Xiaoqi." Mingyu saw them in Mingxi and shouted loudly.

Ye Haozheng looked at the book of the medical clinic in the soft bed on the window. When she saw her son coming back, she waved toward Mingxi. "Come here."

"Mother, how can there be a white wolf here?" Ming Xi came to Ye Hao's side, his eyes still watching the big white wolf in the courtyard with vigilance.

This white wolf is too big...

"That is the white wolf that I used to raise around. I have been in the mountains in the past few years. I have somehow returned to the hunting ground today. Mingyu likes it when I see it. I have played outside. For a long time, Ye Hao said with a smile, Xiaoqi is almost ten years away from her, and it is clear that it can be shocked in the mountains, but always likes to stay with her.

Mingxi looked at the little seven one outside and felt that he would not like it as much as Mingyu.

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