Near the year, the weather was getting colder and colder. Zhao Hao stepped on the snow and made a sound of screaming and screaming. Cheng Hao supported her arm. "There is a soft sedan not sitting, have to walk by yourself, have you suffered?" ”

Zhao Wei gently pushed his hand. "I like to walk."

"Zhao Lan's words, don't have to worry about it." Cheng Hao loosened her arm, warm and thick hand holding her cold little hand. "Whether it is Zhao Lan or the two emperors, they are not a climate, don't worry."

"I didn't worry." Zhao Wei was eager for the warmth in his hands. She did not take out her own hand. She looked up at him. In his deep, dark eyes, she saw a gentle touch of sorrow, and her apex trembled. He was a decisive decisive. The person, when she first approached him, never saw a smile on his face. He had almost no friend in the middle of the DPRK. No one dared to approach him. He was alone and independent. He was a murderous general who was not blind. In the sand field, there is always a murderousness that people dare not look straight. She didn't think that one day he would be so gentle to her.

"With you, I am not worried." Zhao Wei whispered.

Cheng Hao had a smile in his eyes, and he gently gripped her hand. "Well."

"Go to the study room." Zhao Yu's heart beats faster, withdraws his hand, and speeds up the pace to go to the Qing Palace.

Looking at her back and fleeing the same back, Cheng Hao’s mouth twitched slightly. He never tried anything for himself. Only her is the person he wants to grab at all costs. No matter whether Zhao will agree or not, she will only Can be his person.

The backs of the two of them gradually drifted away, but they did not know that there were individuals in the corner behind them who were always watching.

"It turns out that..." The second emperor sneered at the lips. It turned out that Cheng Hao was not because of her niece, but because of her ugly relationship.

If the people of the world know that they are in a mess, how can they be independent in this world?

Thinking of the end of Cheng Hao and Zhao Wei, the second emperor's heart was a bit of pleasure, he must not let go of this pair of dogs and men.

Zhao Wei and Cheng Hao did not know that they had just been seen, they have already come to the royal study.

"I have seen the father." Zhao Wei bowed his eyes and bowed his eyes, and did not look at Zhao Wei.

"Imperial." Zhao Wei fixedly looked at his daughter and looked at Cheng Hao with a cold look. "Anning Hou, why don't you know that you are in the palace today?"

Cheng Hao raised his eyes and looked directly at Zhao’s eyes.

Zhao Wei snorted coldly. "Everyone goes out, and he stays behind."

He had just been suppressed because of Zhao Ning's anger, and now he only wants to talk to the daughter in front of him.

"Yes." Cheng Hao hangs down first. He thinks that their father and daughter should talk about it.

There are only two fathers and daughters left in the royal study room. Zhao Wei looked at the daughter who resembled the first queen. Actually, she did not know how to speak.

"Oh..." Zhao Wei coughed softly. "You should sit down first."

Zhao Yan sat down with no expression. She didn't want to listen to Zhao Wei to say anything here, but who told him that he was both a father and a gentleman. How many people in this world can resist him?

"When your mother married him, he was only fifteen years old." Zhao said with a low voice. "We are young couples. When I am in danger, it is your mother and I will face it with you. Well, it’s that the temper is a bit strong. She doesn’t allow others to be lucky, because this thing has been repeated for a few times...”

At that time, he was already a king of a country. How could he only love her alone? He was fond of and respectful to Cheng Ying, but he was also interested in fresh women. "He was hurt, and he was left behind after the injury healed. I can’t leave a woman every day. I didn’t know that it was caused by a headache. I have too many unspeakable grievances after you and my mother. I was wrong at the beginning, and should not take the ring around her. Her pride."

"Then you didn't fight against you later. I used to think that she was suppressed. Now I want to come. Your mother should be disappointed in the time..." Zhao said, "I am sorry for your mother, sorry for you." ""

Zhao Yan looked at him with a blank expression. When a woman loves a man, she does not want him to touch other women. Only if she doesn't love, she doesn't care.

"Deyi is guilty of sin and death, and a hundred deaths are not enough to plead guilty." Zhao Wei continued to whisper, "Derg is alive, not a slap in the face."

"I know that you are for the second emperor." Zhao Wei laughed mockingly.

Zhao Wei sighed. "You are worried that you will make him a prince. Will he be a queen in the future?"

"Isn't it?" Zhao Wei sneered.

"Hey, there are three emperors now." Zhao Wei patiently explained, "If the second emperor is abolished, do you think the emperor can accommodate the three emperors?"

Zhao Wei looked up at him fiercely. She vaguely felt that she had guessed his mind, but she was uncertain. She knew that he did not like the big prince. He felt that he was too weak. If even the second emperor was abolished, then he was... ...

"I really want you to bring three emperors." Zhao said.

"What?" Zhao looked at Zhao Wei. What does he mean by this?

Zhao Wei said, "Let Cheng Cheng become the teacher of the Three Emperors, let him live in Cheng Jia, I hope you can get close to him."

"If I don't agree?" Zhao Wei asked, she did not intend to forgive Zhao Wei, how would she want to help her.

"Hey, hey, it’s for you." Zhao Wei looked at her. "One day, you and Cheng Hao are impossible to be together. Let you take care of the three emperors. He will naturally plan for you in the future."

Zhao Wei’s face changed slightly. He already knew that she was with Cheng Hao...

"There is only two years left." Zhao Wei said his illness for the first time. "There is not much that you can do."

"What do you say?" Zhao Wei asked one word at a time. She knew that Zhao Wei was sick, but she did not expect it to be so serious. What is the meaning of only two years left? Can he live only for two years?

"You are sick, you can't cure." Zhao said.

Zhao Xin seems to have been dug a hole in his heart, and his pain is numb at once. "Don't you... Duanmu Hugh can't be cured?"

"No." Zhao Wei shook his head gently. "If it is not the Scorpio of the Yuan Dynasty, you may have already given it away. She said that the disease is not cured."

"I don't believe it." Zhao Wei blurted out. She didn't believe that Zhao Wei would die. Although everyone said that he was ill in the past two years, she never thought he would die. In her mind, he is like a never. How can you die when the fallen mountain...

Zhao Wei smiled faintly. "I have already finished talking about it. Would you like to take the three emperors?"

"I..." Zhao Wei wanted to refuse, but he couldn't say it when he reached the mouth.

"Hey, give you time to think about it." Zhao Wei whispered, "Let Cheng Hao come in, and there is something to tell him."

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