Ye Hao came a little late today. Originally, she wanted to go to Baiyuan Garden earlier. In addition to choosing Mingyu for her, she wanted to talk more with the people of Kyoto. After so many years, the familiar circles must be different. .

"There are a lot of people coming today." Jin Shanshan walked around Ye Hao. Today she did not take Ye Muzhen out, she came to help the niece to choose to accompany her.

Ming Yu missed Xiao Mu, and saw that her mother did not bring her cousin, and her mouth was still high.

"Maybe everyone wants to come to enjoy the plum." Ye Hao said with a smile, she did not have so many people posting the next message, the number of people who went to Baihua Garden today made her unexpected.

Jin Shanshan saw several young girls hiding in the side and sneaked in the corners of their mouths. "I am afraid that some people are not drunk."

The aunt and the whispered a few words of conversation, only they heard it, and they were quickly interrupted.

When I heard the Queen's maiden drive, everyone greeted me.

"Welcome to the Empress Dowager, His Royal Highness, Princess Royal Highness." At the forefront, Mrs. Wei, the old lady of Guang Chengbo, and Mrs. Wu, who had been intimate with Mrs. Lu, were all looking at Ye Haochang. Big, now white-haired, the years are not forgiving.

Ye Xiaoming’s touching face has a shallow smile. “Everyone is excused. Today, I just invite everyone to enjoy the plum together, not too cautious.”

Today, she wears a light purple base with a twisted silk embroidery embroidered to lead the long scorpion, and a pink smoked silk flower skirt under the cover. It simply combs a birch, and the hair is lowered and slanted into the jasper, and it is simply simple. Dressed up, but people feel that she is as bright as spring, and everyone is eclipsed.

Almost everyone has heard about the beauty of Lu Hao, but there are not many people who saw it with his own eyes. It was amazing when I saw it today.

It is no wonder that the emperor has remained in love for her for so many years. It is no wonder that Lu Hao will become the devil in every woman's heart in the palace.

Ye Hao was surrounded by the lobby. This is the largest yard in the Bai Garden. It was built only a few years ago, in order to facilitate the banquet here.

"Everyone is seated." Ye Hao said with a smile, let the palace people bring a few old ladies to the Koi.

Ming Xi and Ming Yuxi cleverly stood by Ye Hao and generously accepted everyone's observation.

"Occasionally, the weather is good. I heard that this year's plum blossoms are well-opened. I want to come and enjoy it. I want to see the palace for many days, and I will meet with you less, and take advantage of today's opportunity to let everyone gather." Ye Xiaoxiao said with confidence, and did not mention that it is necessary to choose the companionship.

Mrs. Guang Chengbo, standing behind Mrs. Wei’s wife, said with a smile, “It’s been a long time with the goddess, and the girl’s style is still the same, but we are already dying, how unfair it is.”

This is really a lot of people’s voices. They used to go to the palace to pay for the Queen’s wife. They all know that the Queen’s Mother is beautiful, but it’s been how many years have passed, and there’s still no change, but it’s even more clear. Eye-catching, people dare not look straight.

"No, the natural beauty of the Niangniang is really unique." Someone followed suit.

A group of people who followed her in the back were praising her beauty.

Ye Hao naturally can't say that she can still be maintained and she didn't rely on her Lingquan at the age of fifteen. She smiled lightly. "Don't say that the palace is very old, and the palace is still young."

Her brisk tone made everyone relax, most afraid of the Queen's stern stern, and a little joke could not be opened.

Mrs. Wei’s wife looked at Mingxi and Mingyu next to her. “The goddess, I heard that the emperor and the princess are twins?”

"Yeah, the difference is only two quarters of an hour." Ye Yan said with a smile.

"It is like a man like a emperor, a person like a maiden." Mrs. Wei lamented.

"His Royal Highness is really as exquisite as jade, and certainly will be like the emperor in the future..."

"The princess is really a jade, and it must be as beautiful as the maiden in the future..."

Listening to the crowd, you are flattering and saying that Ye Hao smiles lightly. These words she used to listen to, and they said a set of things, and what they thought was another matter. She Never put it in my heart.

"I heard that the granddaughter of Mrs. Wei's family is like a jade, you are blessed." Mrs. Wei is the mother of Guang Chengbo, Wei family is a family, the family is very strict, their family girl After her marriage, her reputation was excellent. She wanted to see the little girl from Wei.

Mrs. Wei’s wife said with a smile, “The niece praised, and the granddaughters of the minister’s house were naughty.”

Chen’s face behind her was a bit bad.

"I heard that there are two girls who are the same age as Ming Yu?" Ye Hao smiled and asked, she naturally knew that Mrs. Wei’s words were polite. Since she had done this party today, how could she not know first, which one has The age-appropriate girl, how to teach, she has a certain number in her mind.

Mrs. Wei nodded. "Three-headed girl is two years older than the princess. The four-headed girl and the princess are the same age. Today, the ministers brought them together. I am afraid that they will naughty you and let them stay outside."

Ye Hao chuckled. "Let them come in and play with Mingyu. Mingyu is a place to sit. Let her accompany us to enjoy the plum blossoms. It will definitely be no longer awkward."

"After the mother, I don't look at plum, I have seen it." Ming Yu is really worried that she will be taken to Meihualin. She has seen it since the last time.

"I didn't say anything wrong with you." Ye Hao did not take a good look at her forehead.

Ye Hao naturally does not only see two young girls in the Wei family. There are eleven in the age of Ming Yu. They are all from the family that Ye Hao has learned. Some family names are not obvious, but the reputation is very good. She does not care. As long as she can get along well with Ming Yu, she feels good.

Before coming to Baibai Garden, Ye Hao had already said it to Ming Yu. Today, she is going to pick her up. She has to choose her own heart. Whoever gets along with her should remember.

More than a dozen girls came in and came in at home. They all taught at home. Everyone lowered their heads and bowed respectfully to Ye Hao. The voice was tender and crisp. Listen and let People feel comfortable.

"Get up, raise your head and let the palace squat." Ye Hao said with a smile, his clear eyes looked at the two girls standing in front.

The two tallest girls, who are standing at the forefront, are the granddaughters of Mrs. Wei's wife. The little ones are long and lovely, and the bright clothes are more like the peony flowers that she wants to put on. The girl looks more quiet and smart, only a pair of eyes are smart and bright, unlike her sister, she wears a little lighter, not so bright and colorful.

Ye Hao remembered, the three girls seem to be the long-haired daughter of Guang Chengbo. They lost their mothers since childhood. They grew up around Mrs. Wei, and this is the small Cheng Jibo’s room. It is the daughter of Chen.

She took back her eyes and looked at the other little girls. I had a plan in my heart, but the most important thing was that Mingyu chose it myself.

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